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Chapter 2 The First Americans Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 The First Americans Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 The First Americans Vocabulary

2 Artifact Object made by humans and used by archaeologists to learn about past human culture

3 Archaeology Study of evidence left by early people in order to find out about past cultures

4 Glacier Thick sheets of ice that covered the world over 10,000 years ago

5 Land-Bridge Theory Scientific explanation for the arrival of the earliest Americans who traveled over the Beringian “land bridge”

6 Irrigation A method to water crops by channeling water from rivers or streams

7 Surplus Extra goods---more than is needed

8 Adobe Sun-dried brick used to build homes called Pueblos 

9 Culture Unique way of life that are shaped by a variety of factors overtime, how a group of people live

10 Culture Area Region in which people share a similar way of life

11 Native American Descendents of the first people to reach the Americas thousands of years ago

12 Tribe A group of people that share common customs, languages or rituals

13 Clans Groups of families that were related to one another, Iroquois lived in clans

14 Civilization An advanced culture in which people have developed cities, science, and industries

15 Sachem A tribal chief that was elected by women of the clan

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