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Rome Hackathon results March 2019

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1 Rome Hackathon results 6-7-8 March 2019

2 LOS Pipeline

3 Rome Hackathon results and issues
Running trial of ESSNET LOD pipeline on several themes: Unemployment Rate - Persons aged years by Region (IT,BG,IE,FR) The French and Italian tourism data (IT, FR) General considerations and questions on how to represent «statistical metadata» and other metadata Need of an higher level of standardization 3

4 Rome Hackathon results and issues
Mapping Session The JUMA was used for mapping ILO and Tourism data A number of questions/comments arose about JUMA, the mapping process: Can you import an OWL ontology into JUMA? Necessity of performing controls based on vocabulary definitions or format patterns The JUMA error reporting needs improvement Use or build blank templates can help design effort 4

5 Rome Hackathon results and issues
Objective: Deploying and accessing data in a federated and visual way Deploying datasets on online data store Exercising access queries Design and Execution of federated query Visualization of results Results: capability enhancement Dataset Deploying and linking was performed and evaluated Access queries tested : SPARQL capability enhancement 5

6 Federated Query select (sum (?val) as ?total) ?nace ?year ?reg where { { ?oss < < . ?oss < ?nace . # ?oss < ?iso . ?oss < ?val . ?oss < ?year . ?oss < ?reg. ?oss < < . #FILTER (?iso = < } union SERVICE < { ?ossi < < . ?ossi < ?nace . #?oss < ?iso . ?ossi < ?val . ?ossi < ?year . ?ossi < ?reg. ?ossi < < . } GROUP BY ?nace ?year ?reg Accessing Italian and French figures on Number of Arrivals per NACE code

7 Other interventions: Rome University
Rome University proposed to exploit the recent paradigm of Ontology-Based Data Management (OBDM) as a formal basis for an effective approach, publishing open data that are part of a general data management strategy high-quality semantically annotated 7

8 Other interventions: Rome University
Once defined an OBDM specification over our data source: Open data are not an “addition” with respect to the data management strategy, but just a service over the ontology We can devise a SPARQL endpoint that the user can use on demand to construct its own open data For each dataset to be published: the ontology describing the domain of interest a dataset expressed in RDF over the alphabet of the ontology the query over the ontology used for extracting the dataset the explanations and provenance information associated to the element of the dataset 8

9 Other interventions: Rome University
Rome University believes that Ontology-Based Data Management provides an excellent formal basis for a new, well-founded methodology for open data management 9

10 Other interventions: AGID ONTOPIA
AGID (Agency for Digital Italy) presented ONTOPIA 10 10

11 ONTOPIA Ontological stack
11 11

12 Data & Analytics Framework (National (Big) Data platform)
Other projects of PA (e.g., ArCo, NoiPA) and private companies AGID: ONTOPIA current reuse

13 ISPRA Environment Agency

14 ISPRA Environment Agency
13 Air Quality and Gas Emission databases - not merged, - potentially semantically documented - potentially reusable and neutral with respect to the tools necessary for their reuse (including commercial),   - many of them produced and processed directly by ISPRA (including real-time data) 60 Biodiversity Conservation databases 25 Natural Hazards and Land Consumption databases 154 Databases 12 Marine and Coastal databases 24 EU/international project databases 20 Other Environmental databases

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