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Elements, Compounds, Mixtures

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Presentation on theme: "Elements, Compounds, Mixtures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements, Compounds, Mixtures

2 atom The smallest part into which an element can be divided and still maintain its properties

3 Any substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance
element Any substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance

4 compound A substance that is formed by the combination of elements using fixed amounts

5 The smallest physical unit of a substance that can exist independently
molecule The smallest physical unit of a substance that can exist independently

6 When two or more substances are not joined chemically
mixture When two or more substances are not joined chemically

7 Know the formula for water
H2O Know the formula for water

8 A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances
solution A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances

9 Ways to Separate Mixtures
1. Sifting-Using a sifter to separate two items. One item is bigger than the other.

10 Ways to Separate Mixtures
2. Magnetism-using a magnet to separate a magnetic object and a non-magnetic object

11 Ways to Separate Mixtures
3. evaporation-boiling the liquid off of a substance

12 Ways to Separate Mixtures
4. filtration- using a filter to separate a mixture. One object is usually larger than the other

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