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End-to-End Reconfigurability II (E2RII)

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1 End-to-End Reconfigurability II (E2RII)
Integrated Project of the EC 6th Framework Programme 20” x 28” approximate display area For advice on designing posters, see: E2R II WP2: End-to-End Reconfiguration Management and Control Architecture Objectives Definition and validation of end-to-end reconfiguration management and control system architecture Mapping of system architecture to legacy and emerging network configurations Flexible and optimal split of reconfiguration management and control functionalities between cognitive network elements and reconfigurable end-user equipment Research and development of end-to-end management and control protocols and support mechanisms of cognitive networks and reconfigurable equipment, and materialisation of emerging concepts of autonomic systems as an evolutionary step from reconfigurable towards cognitive communications Activity 2.1: End-to-End Management and Control System Architecture UML Model: Autonomic Decision Making and Reconfiguration Management RMP functional model high-level view Objective: Definition of System Architecture Identification of high-level, end-to-end, reconfiguration management and control functionalities to be offered by cognitive networks and equipment Specification of logical entities to offer the designated reconfiguration functionalities: requirements, associations, dependencies Specification of interactions between these logical entities in a transparent way to the underlying networks, network elements, and end-user equipment Validation model for system architecture evaluation Activity 2.2: Network Architecture and Optimal Split of Functionalities Activity 2.3: Enabling Technologies, Protocols, and Mechanisms for Reconfiguration Management RMP-enhanced 3GPP LTE SAE for Autonomously Reconfigurable UE Objective: Protocols and Support Mechanisms of Cognitive Networks and Reconfigurable Equipment the survey of existing protocols for supporting the reconfiguration process and appropriate enhancements to accommodate emerging capabilities protocols to carry out the reconfiguration process the decomposition of communication protocols into components and their dynamic rebinding the pervasive intelligence of cognitive networks and reconfigurable equipment through autonomic (self-centred) behaviour. Objective: Design of Network Architecture Mapping of system architecture to network configurations Optimal split of reconfiguration management and control functionalities between cognitive network elements and reconfigurable end-user equipment Self-Configuring Protocols: reconfiguration delay for the dynamic replacement of the FTP downloading protocol component Unified Transport Protocol for Mass-Reconfiguration Downloads: transmission overhead due to burstiness Distributed Resource Optimization: overall game table (column: User 1 strategies, line: User 2 strategies) Main Storage Management Mapping to OMA DM - primary/secondary storage and control responsibilities

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