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“Jealous God, Cheating Hearts”

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Presentation on theme: "“Jealous God, Cheating Hearts”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Jealous God, Cheating Hearts”
Today’s Scripture: Luke 14:7-11 Morning Message: “Jealous God, Cheating Hearts” Exodus 19:16-20:11

2 Exodus 19: :11 Jealous God Cheating Hearts

3 God is Dangerous - Exodus 19:16-25
16 When morning dawned on the third day, there was thunder, lightning, and a thick cloud on the mountain, and a very loud blast of a horn. All the people in the camp shook with fear. 17 Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they took their place at the foot of the mountain.  18 Mount Sinai was all in smoke because the Lord had come down on it with lightning. The smoke went up like the smoke of a hot furnace, while the whole mountain shook violently. 19 The blasts of the horn grew louder and louder. Moses would speak, and God would answer him with thunder. 

4 God is Dangerous - Exodus 19:16-25
 20 The Lord came down on Mount Sinai to the top of the mountain. The Lord called Moses to come up to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up.  21 The Lord said to Moses, “Go down and warn the people not to break through to try to see the Lord, or many of them will fall dead. 22 Even the priests who come near to the Lord must keep themselves holy, or the Lord will break loose against them.”

5 God is Dangerous - Exodus 19:16-25
 23 Moses said to the Lord, “The people aren’t allowed to come up on Mount Sinai because you warned us and said, ‘Set up a fence around the mountain to keep it holy.’” 24 The Lord said to him, “Go down, and bring Aaron back up with you. But the priests and the people must not break through and come up to the Lord. Otherwise, the Lord will break loose against them.” 25 So Moses went down to the people and told them. CEB

6 How can weak people be friends with
All-powerful God?

7 God is jealous and we cheat on God.


9 Get ready for God!

10 How can we ever be friends
God is awesome! We are so small! How can we ever be friends with God?

11 Step One: God rescues us and sets us free.
Step Two: God teaches us how to live as free people.

12 Step One: God rescues us and sets us free. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out Egypt, out of the house of slavery. Exodus 20:1 CEB

13 Many people stop at Step One, “Getting saved” Without learning how to live like free people.

14 Step Two: God teaches us how to live as free people.

15 God teaches us how to live as free people.
Step Two: God teaches us how to live as free people. Stop putting other masters in God’s face. Stop trying to manage God with religion. Keep their promises. Stop work to remember and honor God.

16 Don’t put other masters or rulers or gods in God’s face.
You must have no other gods before me. Don’t put other masters or rulers or gods in God’s face.

17 My Busy Life

18 2 Do not make an idol for yourself - no form whatsoever

19 2 Do not make an idol for yourself - no form whatsoever
Stop trying to manage God with religion.

20 Free people want to find out how to live for God.
Free people pray in order to listen to what God has to say.

21 3 Do not use the LORD your God’s name as if it were of no significance
Keep your promises.

22 4 Remember the Sabbath day and treat it as holy.
God has the right to interrupt our business. Stop work to remember and honor God.

23 How can weak people be friends with All-powerful God?
First of all Jesus rescues us from slavery to guilt and death. Then God teaches us how to live like a free people.

24 How can weak people be friends with All-powerful God?
First of all Jesus rescues us from slavery to guilt and death. Then God teaches us how to live like a free people. Don’t put other masters in God’s face. Stop managing God with religion. Keep our promises. Stop work to remember and honor God.

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