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Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Friday 17 May 2019

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1 Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Friday 17 May 2019

2 Guess the ‘baby’ Competition!
32 staff to find. Most correct guesses wins a prize. One picture here to get you started! Who is number 32? We won't need a DNA test for this one! All funds to school show. £1 a sheet from the school office.

3 S3 Peer Supporters are in S2 PSE this week looking for young people to support our new S1s.
Make sure you fill in an application form and hand it to Ms Preston by 23rd May if you want to take on this leadership role. Ms Preston

4 Thank you to all of the pupils who took part in our school review last week.
The team described our pupils as ‘exceptional’! Thank you for representing the school so well. House points are on their way! #DeterminedHappySuccessful Ms Preston

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