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Thursday, April 5 Find your team color and team position (#)

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, April 5 Find your team color and team position (#)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, April 5 Find your team color and team position (#)
Jeopardy Review for tomorrow’s test Turn in your ‘Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna GR’ questions sheet from Tuesday Turn in your ‘Independence in the Americas Nystroms Atlas Worksheet’ from last Wednesday Ch Test Study Guides available Ch Test on Friday, April 6 Objective(s): “I can . . . identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in  world  history from 1750 to 1914: the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and its impact on  the  development of modern economic systems, European imperialism, and the Enlightenment’s  impact on  political revolutions (1E) compare the causes, characteristics, and consequences of the American and  French revolutions,  emphasizing the role of the Enlightenment, the Glorious  Revolution, and religion (9A)

2 3rd Period Pink Orange Yellow Blue Purple 1 Adrian Justin Bradley Jose
Jessica 2 Autumn Molly Aria Kelly Chloe 3 Imani Epi Lillie Olivia Markus 4 Xavier Dominique Aja Colby Delayna 5 Kathleen Trevor Maria Kara Anthonee 6 Alejandro Zakary Jeremiah Desiree Zy 7 Alex Lance Jackie

3 4th Period Pink Orange Yellow Blue Purple 1 Chance Emily B Anthony
Coryn Kennedy 2 Christian Garrett Chaela Brandon Elijah 3 Caleb Madison Tai Cameron Jacob 4 Guillermo Ryley Jackie Savanna Adam 5 Kyle T Emily S Kyle S Ravyn Aaron 6 Amethyst Kirsten 7

4 5th Period Pink Orange Yellow Blue Purple 1 Mikayla Rashad Taylor Jack
Tristan 2 Dylan Breyden Maritza Kennadi Francey 3 Audrey Steven E Cole Daryl Skyi 4 Samuel Dani Samarah Felicity Riley J 5 Kyla Mickey Joshua Steven M Alvin 6 Andrew Canon Riley R Gabriel William 7 Aaron Kailey Ryleigh

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