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Marriage, Communication, Lying & Cheating

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1 Marriage, Communication, Lying & Cheating
Unit 5 Marriage, Communication, Lying & Cheating

2 5 Types of Marriages Total: 10 years or more
Both partners have high self-esteem and contribute equally to the relationship Vital: Healthy marriage of less than 10 years Conflict Habituated: A relationship characterized by fighting Passive Congenial: A relationship in which the 2 people stay together for convenience Devitalized: Was once strong but is no longer so

3 Marriage Statistics 50% of all marriages stay together and 50% do not
The order of marriage success is 1,3,2 The three most common reasons for divorce: children, sexual issues (affairs), money

4 Domestic Violence 60% of all couples experience some form of domestic abuse. DV is 50% female to male and 50% male to female. 95% of DV serious damage is male to female. Women are more likely to be injured or killed by a boyfriend, husband or ex than anyone else in life. Cycle of Violence: Honeymoon, Tension, Abuse, Regret

5 Negative Communication Styles
Placator: makes the person feel better at all costs, even above their own self-worth – can’t deal with confrontation Blamer: puts responsibility on other person Distractor: cannot stay focused on conversation at hand Moralizer: brings religion into every conversation Sarcasm: puts others down by ridiculing Know-It-All: shows off knowledge to make others feel inferior

6 Healthy Communication
Leveler: open, honest communication, sharing real feelings and not hiding from partner Healthy communication is the #1 factor in keeping relationships strong and couples staying together.

7 3 Stages of Morality Pre-conventional (5-10): avoidance of consequence and gaining of rewards Conventional (11-15): follows the law and peers Post-conventional (16-up): follows one’s own morals and benefits society

8 Lying & Cheating Children first learn to lie at age 2 – % of these children lie well, but can’t hide emotion. By age 5, 95% of children lie well but still can’t hide emotion. By age 8, 99% of children lie well and can hide emotion. 100% of children who cheated on a test lied about it. 40% of young adults lied on a resume to get a job. 40% of students cheat on a regular basis. 60% of students cheat when a prize is offered. Men lie for personal gain whereas woman lie to help people feel better.

9 Why Students Cheat Pressure to succeed Fear of failure
Lack of morality Lack of thought of consequence Desire for immediate gratification

10 Two Types of Liars compulsive liar: lies and knows he/she is lying
pathological liar: lies and believes his/her own lies Both types of liars fall under the category of pre-conventional morality.

11 Parenting Styles Authoritarian (Autocratic): dictator, “Do as I say,” inflexible; likely to raise angrier, rebellious, or over-controlled children Permissive (Laissez-Faire): allows kids to get away with everything; allows kids to walk all over them - kids are more often out of control Authoritative (Democratic): best of parenting styles - has firm but fair ways about them

12 Lying Essay Discuss the importance of good character, genuineness and honesty. Include how and why lying can get people into trouble as well as any relevant statistics on lying. Finally, include how lying and/or honesty can factor into good family relationships, good marriages, and good parenting.

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