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Mobile QC Process.

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1 Mobile QC Process

2 Introduction Mobile process has been simplified for early release to facilitate QC Photo and Inspection Form upload across all Principals Webtracker and processes: All QC uploads to initially be brought in to Principal’s Webtracker Anyone with a Webtracker login can use their own login to the QC Mobile App For those without logins, we have a created a “QC” standard login for use – or can set up a QC login for you - employees can use theirs, - subcontractor owners can use theirs, - a standard one can be made available to all (password resets will need to be managed by your team) QC Mobile App has the standard “required photo list” and standard form available Multiband has been provided access – you can provide a list of activities, or they can search for any work orders with photos url:

3 Log in using your login to the Principal Webtracker
Once logged in, you will see this screen with default access to the “photo upload section” (see page 4)… click on the icon to enter the QC forms section (advance to page 13)

4 To take and upload photos
Presented with “sites” screen – to add new site, click on the + sign

5 Enter “Site” Information Hit the check mark when complete
Enter the activity number (type or cut and paste) – it is the only mandatory field, and will allow for the auto attachment to the work order Hit the check mark when complete Provided with a “photo” sites list – can “create” one at a time or create multiple sites

6 Start Photo Capture Process
Scrollable list of suggested photos to take “Clicking” on a site brings up the photo list for that site

7 Editing Text and Taking the Photo
Section gets highlighted To start taking photos – select the photo to take Click the “edit” button to “activate” for photo taking

8 Editing Text and Taking the Photo (cont.)
You can then edit, the title, text and/or “take a photo” Choose to take photo, or add a photo from your library. When taking the photo, you will be given an option to “Save” or “Discard”

9 Confirm and Upload Photo will be displayed with text – when finished editing – click on the check mark A green progress bar will indicate photo upload – when complete, continue to next photo item

10 Continuing With Other Photos
To continue taking photos – select the photo to take Click the “edit” button to “activate” for photo taking

11 Adding a Photo That Is Not in the Default List
An empty photo box appears – add text or photo Create a new title, add descriptive text, and photo In the photo item list – hit the + sign

12 QC Photos Appear Immediately in Webtracker

13 To access and input QC Form data
Select QC Forms from the drop down list

14 Starting the QC Form Process
The date selection screen is presented – choose the appropriate date Presented with the default screen – click on the “calendar” to enter the day you want to reference – the day the QC was completed

15 Entering and attaching information to a work order
Any completed forms will be presented Enter the activity number and hit the check mark to continue To add a new form to complete a QC form – click on the “+” button

16 Entering activity numbers – correct activity required
Enter the correct activity number and hit the check mark to continue If the activity number does not exist, or is incorrect, you will receive a warning, and be unable to continue

17 Entering inspection information in the form
The QC form will be displayed – with prepopulated activity information Click on each rating box to enter rating

18 Finalizing and updating Scores and ratings are updated real time
When complete – hit the check mark – the form is updated directly within the work order in Webtracker Scores and ratings are updated real time

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