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1st Q, wk #5 Reg. Classes Sept. 9-13, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "1st Q, wk #5 Reg. Classes Sept. 9-13, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 1st Q, wk #5 Reg. Classes Sept. 9-13, 2019

2 Bellringer, 9/9, Reg: Use the picture on the screen to find a subject (person, place, or thing) and a verb (action) to write a 2-word sentence about it. Ex. (you can’t use this one): Man questions. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

3 Review/Intervention on the Salem Witch Trials
See slides from Pwrpnt., Wk #3-4

4 Reg. English I Activity, 9/9
Watch Act I of Crucible Assessment questions: (1) Describe Abigail in three words (2) What is the relationship between her and Rev. Paris, Betty, and Tituba? (3) Who else is sick like Betty?

5 Bellringer, 9/10, Reg. Add to the two-word sentence you wrote yesterday by adding two adjectives (describing words) to the subject and add a word or phrase to the verb that tells how, when, or why. Ex. (you can’t use this one) The tall man questions intently.

6 Reg. Bellringer follow-up, 9/10
Underline the subject with one line and the predicate with two lines: The tall man questions intently.

7 Activity, 9/10 Review of Bellringers and catch up on movie and questions Pictures

8 Bellringer, 9/11 (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th)
Add a phrase to further describe the subject of your sentence (that tells what kind, how many, or which one) and add a phrase or clause that further describes the verb (action) of your sentence (that tells when, where, why, how it is being done) (If you need to, you can also add an object of the verb) Ex. (can’t use this one): The tall man on the right questions the girl intently before she can leave.

9 Bellringer, 9/12 (2nd, 3rd) Add a phrase to further describe the subject of your sentence (that tells what kind, how many, or which one) and add a phrase or clause that further describes the verb (action) of your sentence (that tells when, where, why, how it is being done) (If you need to, you can also add an object of the verb) Ex. (can’t use this one): The tall man on the right questions the girl intently before she can leave.

10 Activity, 9/11 (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th) Continue watching Act I
On back of bellringer paper, write: (1) What secret is the girls keeping from their parents? (2) What secret is John and Abigail keeping? (3) Why are they afraid to tell their secrets?

11 Activity, 9/12 (2nd, 3rd) Continue watching Act I
On back of bellringer paper, write: (1) What secret is the girls keeping from their parents? (2) What secret is John and Abigail keeping? (3) Why are they afraid to tell their secrets?

12 Bellringer, 9/12 (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th)
Write a sentence that contains: A person, place, or thing from Act I Two words or phrases that describe that noun One action done by that noun Two describing words or phrases describing the action Ex: Pretty, young Abigail skillfully deceived many with her confessions.

13 Bellringer, 9/13 Write one or more complete sentences that states : three character traits of Abigail in Act I OR three character traits of Parris in Act I.

14 9/13 Activity: Group worksheet on characters in Act I
For each character (Abigail on one side, Parris on the other side) you have four boxes. Read the lines in each box and write: what character trait you see in those lines (ex.: smart, hopeful, deceitful, caring, depressed, etc.). Then you quote the line(s) that show that trait. Then you explain how those lines prove that trait. Make sure that you have four different traits for each character when you finish.

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