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Australia Government & Economy

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1 Australia Government & Economy

2 Economy Has a high literacy rate (99%) Has a high standard of living
Has a high gross domestic product (total goods and services.) Is a mix economy (more market than command)

3 Government Parliamentary Democracy (People vote for parliament members) Prime Minister is elected by Parliament. Queen Elizabeth II is Head of State.

4 Aboriginal People and European Settlement
SS6H4: Explain the impact of English colonization on current Aboriginal basic rights, health, literacy, and language.

5 Original Owners of Uluru and keeping traditions alive
The Anangu people are the traditional owners of Uluru and the surrounding lands. They believe it's their job to protect this sacred place. When European explorers saw Uluru around 150 years ago, they claimed ownership of it and renamed it Ayers Rock. Click here to watch about the Anangu. Click here to watch how traditions are kept alive.

6 Who are the Aborigines? The Aborigines had a nomadic hunter-gatherer way of life. Creators of boomerangs, digeridoos, as well as a primitive form of rock art.

7 European contact Captain James Cook of England in1770 claimed the continent for the British Crown. Superior weaponry and spreading of disease, like smallpox decimated the Aboriginal population.

8 Why Australia? After the American Independence, Britain had to send their prisoners somewhere. Britain began to send them to New South Wales. Australia remained a prison colony until 1868.

9 Smallpox Smallpox came from Europe to Australia.
Smallpox was a new disease which Aborigines had no protection from. It is estimated that over half of the indigenous people of Australia died due to smallpox.

10 Aboriginal Assimilation
Separated children from their families to teach them British customs and the English language. Pushed the religion of Christianity. Families were told to stop spreading Aboriginal language and customs.

11 Quality of life for current aborigines
Aboriginal life expectancy is, on average, ten years lower than for non-Aborigines. They suffer higher levels of crime, health problems, literacy rate, and educational under-achievement. It is getting better, but it is still a struggle which is why Australia has a national Sorry Day.

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