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(d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application

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Presentation on theme: "(d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application"— Presentation transcript:

1 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Concept Packages and Meeting Purpose – to introduce HUD to a conceptual version of the development with enough support to warrant an encouragement to submit a Preapplication How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

2 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Concept Packages and Meeting What does HUD want to see in a Concept request? Substance Focus on experience directly related to the property type they are proposing. Be as specific as possible Identifying and mitigating potential issues and long lead items Environmental Market Asset Management Mortgage Credit Other How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

3 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Concept Packages and Meeting Best Practices Be Concise Anticipate HUD’s questions and answer them Be consistent No surprises Bottom line, if you think it might be an issue, bring it up and discuss the mitigant What do you do when you receive an Encouragement or Discouragement from HUD? How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

4 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Preapplication Purpose Prove out demand Establish underwriting rents and expenses Establish land value Get HEROS approved or establish what needs to be done to get HEROS approved Show development team experience Work through issues identified at Concept How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

5 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Preapplication Properly answering narrative questions Provide facts Sometimes, summarize and point to section of narrative and/or submission package where HUD can find details Don’t be redundantly redundant Say why you agree with the Market Analyst’s and Appraiser’s conclusions. Let HUD know you looked at the market, the comps. Discuss similarities/differences in expenses Provide lender calculation of IOD and compare to MAP Guide requirements Don’t use comment boxes to explain everything about the deal Make sure Phase I provides explanation of what needs to be done with issues, and confirm what steps are being/have been taken (It is critical to get ahead of SHPO and THPO and other issues) If it is a larger deal ($50MM or above?), consider providing ballpark net worth and liquidity of ownership Justifying land value higher than price paid less than 3 years prior to submission Clearly identify any waivers/special conditions How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

6 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Preapplication Best Practices Underwrite the deal – It is the Lender’s job to provide proper support to get HUD to issue an Invitation When do you do the site visit and “taste the dirt?” Make sure you provide all the documentation required. The checklist does not contain every exhibit required How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

7 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Preapplication HUD’s Review Process Internal Partners (EMAD, FHEO, ECO, DBLS, AM) Technical Specialists involvement How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

8 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Preapplication What to do if you get a rejection letter Don’t take it personal, it happens to the best of us Take a deep breath, call HUD and discuss to see if you can get some additional insight If you choose to appeal, don’t automatically provide a rebuttal to their reasons for rejection, figure out if you can do other/additional things to get HUD comfortable How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

9 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Purpose – To fully underwriter the borrowers, review plans, specs, costs, etc Properly answering narrative questions - Same as Preapplication, plus Update information from the preapp that needs updating Be specific about changes from the preapp and why it is different Provide lender calculation of IOD and compare it to the MAP Guide required minimums Don’t use comment boxes to explain everything about the deal Clearly identify any waivers/special conditions Do proper due diligence on Mortgage Credit How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

10 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Best Practices Underwrite the deal – It is the Lender’s job to provide proper support to get HUD to issue a Firm Commitment Again, provide an explanation of changes between Preapplication and Firm Properly and concisely answer HUD’s preapp conditions Thoroughly check e-Tool and make sure it is complete, answer flags, make sure all specialty documents and reports are uploaded Lender (Loan Committee) QCP the Application, including R4R schedule, repairs, etc. Don’t leave anything unsaid How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

11 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
HUD’s Review Full Mortgage Credit review OGC early issues that will need to be resolved Internal Partners (EMAD, FHEO, ECO, DBLS, AM) Technical Specialists involvement How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

12 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
What to do if you get a rejection letter – Same as Preapplication How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

13 (d)(4) Basics Training – Part II Concept through Firm Application
Questions? How do you know if you have an I-O-I? - Essentially, if the BWR and/or a key financial or operational participant of the BWR (such as a partner or manager) is also a key financial or operational participant in the GC or ARCH, you may have an I-O-I and will need to do some additional research.

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