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PRESENTATION OUTLINE DoW Mandate, Vision and Mission Strategic Focus
Situational analysis Organisational & budget programme structure Programme and Sub-Programme Plans Human Resourcing Financial Management 2019/11/17
STRATEGIC FOCUS MANDATE, VISION AND MISSION MANDATE: To champion the advancement of women’s socio-economic empowerment and the promotion of gender equality through mainstreaming, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation VISION: A non-sexist society that removes patriarchal chains realises the political socio-economic empowerment of women and the advancement of gender equality MISSION: Accelerate political socio-economic transformation for women empowerment and the advancement of gender equality
Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women and Gender Equality Economic Participation Education Demographic Trends Social Protection Health Basic Services 2019/11/17
The Constitution defines in detail the vision for the “creation of a united, democratic, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa”. The Constitution guarantees equal and inalienable rights to men and women and provides the mandate for both Government and civil society to uphold the values of equality and remedy the heritage of “gender inequality, discrimination and oppression that continue to shape new and old forms of inequality in our society” (Hicks J, 2010). empowerment, advancement and development of women and the achievement of equality and human rights. Equality refers to: equal enjoyment of rights and access to opportunities and outcomes including resources, by women, men, girls, boys, and people with disabilities. It implies a fair distribution of resources between men and women, the redistribution of power and care responsibilities, and freedom from violence 2019/11/17
EQUALITY South Africa has made significant progress in putting in place a comprehensive and multidimensional legislative and policy framework for advancing human rights, equality and the empowerment of women. There has been a consistent and growing unease with a range of matters regarding the institutionalisation of the transformation agenda for women and the inalienable realisation of their human rights. (Equity) However, as a country, we are still to realise full de facto equality or substantive (true) equality in practice. Focus should on a creation of a woman friendly environment- and a society which is capable of eradicating the many practices that constrain the advancement and empowerment of women. Historically, women have experienced three forms of oppression which are race, class and gender that entrenches patriarchal attitudes and prejudices. South Africa has ratified international, continental, regional and sub-regional commitments aimed at promoting gender equality, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Platform for Action, the SADC protocol on Gender and Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2019/11/17
POVERTY AND INEQUALITY ARE IDENTIFIED AS KEY IN ADDRESSING GENDER EQUALITY: The 2017 Poverty Trends Report -a significant disparity in poverty levels between population groups and sex of individuals. In general, black African females, children (17 years and younger), people from rural areas, and those with no education, are the main victims in the on-going struggle against poverty (Statistics South Africa, 2017) The findings show higher proportion of females (71.7%) living below the Lower Bound Poverty Level compared to males (38.2%). The higher proportion trend for females has been persistent since 2006. There is a strong link between food security nutrition and gender therefore the land issue becomes critical in ensuring a gender approach to food security. Data on individual land ownership indicates that only 34% of individual land owners are female and that males own the largest size of farms and agricultural landholdings. Data indicates that males and females own a total of ha farms and agricultural holdings land in the country, with ha or 71% owned by males; followed by females at ha or 13%. Women and young girls are subjected to persistent patriarchal practices that impacts negatively on their lives including harmful cultural and traditional practices; early and forced marriage; violence against women and girls; and poor or inadequate health reproductive health and rights. 2019/11/17
The DoW has undertaken to facilitate, foster and drive the mainstreaming of women, as well as equality considerations for women into Government’s policies, governance processes and programmes. During the 2019/20 FY the following are key performance areas prioritised: Sanitary Dignity Framework to be submitted to Cabinet for consideration and approval Monitor the implementation of Women`s Financial Inclusion Framework (WFIF) and conduct capacity building workshops on the WFIF and facilitate interventions and economic opportunities for women Collaborate with key strategic partners – DPME on infusing the current monitoring and evaluation framework of Government with indicators responsive to issues of empowerment and equality for women and ensure that before each budget policy speech Produce a National Gender Machinery (NGM) Framework for Cabinet consideration and possible approval and continue coordination of the National Gender Machinery 2019/11/17
During the 2019/20 FY the following are key performance areas prioritised… Establish the National Council on Gender Based Violence National Treasury clear targets will be set to the implementation of gender responsive budgets in the country embedded on the MTSF planning cycle of government Produce a consultation report on the Country Gender Indicator Framework Produce reports on performance monitoring review on women’s empowerment and gender equality PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT… 2019/11/17
The DoW has undertaken to facilitate, foster and drive the mainstreaming of women, as well as equality considerations for women into Government’s policies, governance processes and programmes… During the 2019/20 FY the following are key performance areas prioritised: Social campaigns and community dialogues are critical, especially to raise awareness, lobby and advocate on persisting and emerging issues that continue to keep the women’s sector subjugated, unequal and impoverished. Engendering the Nine Point Plan and the Jobs Fund, and to ensure that women have equal access to the opportunities created through these instruments. International Commitments-commitments made by Government through ratification of international instruments advancing the protection, empowerment and equality of are met. In this regard, the Department has facilitated the adoption and ratification of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development which is an instrument that legally binds the country on meeting the numerous targets contained therein. The Department is also responsible for mainstreaming and coordinating the development and submission of Country Reports on the CEDAW 2019/11/17
The organisational design of the Department is structured into 3 Divisions reporting directly to the Accounting Officer – Management, Financial Management; Corporate Management. 2 Branches reporting directly to the Accounting Officer – Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment; Policy Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management. The budget programme structure for the 2019/20 FY reports on three programmes: 1. Administration; 2. Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment; and 3. Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Risk Management Register and annual risk plan Annual Conduct annual risk assessments and produce annual risk plan Produce risk register and plan for the financial year 2019/20 - Number of quarterly risk mitigation progress report Quarterly 4 quarterly risk mitigation progress report against the target in the risk plan produced 4th quarter risk progress report for 2018/19 produced 1st quarter risk progress report 2019/20 produced 2nd quarter risk progress report 2019/20 produced 3rd quarter risk 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Approved Strategic and Annual Performance Plans Quarterly Produce Strategic Plan (SP) and APP 2019/20 and submit to National Treasury and DPME as prescribed by the relevant government planning frameworks Zero Draft of APP 2020/21 developed for budgeting purposes 1st Draft of APP 2020/21 including reviewed SP as annexure submitted to National Treasury and DPME 2nd Draft of APP 2020/21 inclusive of SP review as annexure submitted to National Treasury and DPME Produce Strategic Plan and APP 2020/21 and submit to National Treasury and DPME as prescribed by the relevant government planning frameworks 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Number of Quarterly performance review reports produced Quarterly 4 Quarterly performance reviews reports submitted to DPME as prescribed by the relevant planning frameworks (1) 4th quarter 2018/19 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury (2) 1st quarter 2019/20 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury (3) 2nd quarter 2019/20 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury (4) 3rd quarter 2019/20 performance review report submitted to DPME as prescribed by the relevant planning frameworks 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Rolling three-year strategic internal audit and annual Internal audit plans. Quarterly One Rolling three-year strategic internal audit plan for 2019/2021 and the annual internal plan for 2019/2020 approved by the Audit and Risk Committee Rolling three-year strategic internal audit plan for 2019/2021 and the annual internal plan for 2019/2020 approved by the Audit and Risk Committee - Number of Internal Audit progress reports against the Annual Internal Audit Coverage Plan produced 5 Internal Audit reports against the Annual Internal Audit coverage plan produced One Internal Audit progress report of the 4th quarter against the Annual Internal Audit coverage plan produced One Annual Internal Audit Progress Report against the Annual Internal Audit Coverage Plan produced. One Internal Audit progress report of the 1st quarter against the Annual Internal Audit coverage plan produced One Internal Audit progress report of the 2nd quarter against the Annual Internal Audit coverage plan produced One Internal Audit progress report of the 3rd quarter against the Annual Internal Audit coverage plan produced 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Number of Quarterly reports on gender communications and information made available on DoW media platforms Quarterly 4 Quarterly reports on gender communications 1 Quarterly report on gender communications 1 Quarterly report on gender communications 1 Quarterly reports on gender communications . 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Financial Management % of invoices paid within 30 days Quarterly 100% payment of all valid invoices within 30 days Percentage expenditure in relation to budget allocated Maintain a less than 2% under spending in expenditure against budget allocation Maintain a less than 2% under spending against quarterly revised projections Maintain a less than 2% under spending against annual budget allocation Percentage of external audit recommendations implemented 95% of external audit recommendations implemented 55% of external audit recommendations implemented 65% of external audit recommendations implemented 75% of external audit recommendations implemented 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Corporate Management Percentage Vacancy Rate Quarterly Maintain a vacancy rate of less than 10% annually <10% Percentage of disciplinary cases finalised internally within 90 days from date disciplinary case being initiated 100% of all disciplinary cases resolved internally within 90 days of the cases being initiated 100% of all disciplinary cases resolved internally within 90 days 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 1: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 1: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Corporate Management % of achievement of ICT systems availability Quarterly Four quarterly progress report on the planned 95% availability of ICT system produced (1) Report on planned 95% availability of ICT system produced (2) Report on planned 95% availability of ICT system produced (3) Report on planned 95% availability of ICT system produced (4) Report on planned 95% availability of ICT system produced Number of progress reports on implementation of DoW Business Systems Implementation Plan Four progress reports on implementation of Business Systems plan produced (1) progress reports on implementation of Business Systems plan produced (2) progress reports on implementation of Business Systems plan produced (3) progress reports on implementation of Business Systems plan produced (4) progress reports on implementation of Business Systems plan produced 2019/11/17
Expenditure Estimates Expenditure Outcome Final Appropriation Medium-term Expenditure estimates 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Administration R`000 Ministry 21 487 21 284 20 240 19 643 16 616 17 667 18 600 Departmental Management 13 998 22 451 16 235 14 567 12 081 14 670 15 605 Corporate Services 28 041 20 458 21 268 24 977 23 509 24 762 26 307 Financial Management 10 002 12 642 13 349 15 987 14 580 15 812 16 763 Office Accommodation 11 374 11 624 11 467 13 248 17 601 18 569 19 590 Total 84 902 88 459 82 559 88 422 84 387 91 480 96 865 Economic Classification Compensation of employees 48 504 49 028 48 117 46 156 52 001 56 008 59 445 Goods and services 33 485 36 049 31 976 37 914 30 386 33 357 35 188 Transfers and subsidies 452 245 109 1 259 11 17 18 Payments for capital assets 2 461 3 078 2 357 2 491 1 989 2 098 2 214 Payments for Financial Assets - 59 602 Total economic classification 80 559 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 2: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Social Empowerment and Participation Revised draft sanitary dignity framework approved by Cabinet Quarterly Sanitary Dignity Framework submitted to Cabinet for consideration and approval SEIAS on the Sanitary Dignity Framework consulted Sanitary dignity Framework submitted to Cabinet for consideration and approval Sanitary dignity Framework released for public comment Nine consultative sessions on the Sanitary Dignity Framework Number of progress reports on national rollout of the Revised Sanitary Dignity implementation Framework in quintiles 1-3 schools produced 4 Progress reports on the national rollout of the Revised Sanitary Dignity Implementation Framework produced (1) Progress report on national rollout of the Revised Sanitary Dignity Implementation Framework in quintiles 1-3 produced (2) Progress report on national rollout of the Revised Sanitary Dignity Implementation Framework in quintiles 1-3 produced (3) Progress report on national rollout of the Revised Sanitary Dignity Implementation Framework in quintiles 1-3 produced (4) Progress report on national rollout of the Revised Sanitary Dignity Implementation Framework in quintiles 1-3 produced 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 2: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Economic Empowerment and Participation Number of reports on the implementation of Women`s Financial Inclusion Framework (WFIF) produced Quarterly Four reports on the implementation of WFIF (3 quarterly reports and 1 Integrated Report on Capacity Building Workshop/implementation of WFIF) produced 1 Report on Capacity Building Workshop within the Economic Sectors Employment Infrastructure Development (ESEID) Clusters - Technical Implementation Forum (TIF) produced 1 Report on Capacity Building Workshop within the Social Protection & Community Development (SPCD) Clusters - Technical Implementation Forum (TIF) produced 1 Report on Capacity Building Workshop within the Governance & Administration (G&A) Clusters - Technical Implementation Forum (TIF) produced Four reports on the implementation of WFIF (3 quarterly reports and 1 Integrated Report on Capacity Building Workshop/implementation of WFIF) produced 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 2: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Economic Empowerment and Participation Number of reports on interventions and economic opportunities for women produced Quarterly Four reports on facilitation of interventions and economic opportunities for women produced Report on facilitation of interventions and economic opportunities in the Manufacturing Sector (Sanitary Dignity Project) Report on facilitation of interventions and economic opportunities in the Manufacturing Sector (Sanitary Dignity Project) 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 2: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Number of programmes in 365 days PoA coordinated Quarterly 3 Programmes on the 365 days POA coordinated 1 Programme on the 365 days on Programme of action coordinated - National Gender Machinery (NGM) Framework approved National Gender Machinery (NGM) Framework approved by the DG for submission to Cabinet for consideration Draft National Gender Machinery (NGM) Framework released for public comment Consultative sessions on the draft National Gender Machinery (NGM) Framework SEIAS consultation on the National Gender Machinery (NGM) Framework National Gender Machinery (NGM) Framework approved by the DG for submission to Cabinet for consideration 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 2: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 2: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Revised IMC-IPOA) for the establishment of National Council on Gender Based Violence Quarterly National Council on Gender Based Violence established Stakeholder consultations on National Council on Gender Based Violence convened Management Plan and monitoring tool on National Council on Gender Based Violence developed Management Plan on National Council on Gender Based Violence implemented. 2019/11/17
Expenditure Estimates Expenditure Outcome Final Appropriation Medium-term Expenditure estimates 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment R`000 Management: STEE 3 278 3 769 3 536 3 963 7 275 7 962 8 112 Social Empowerment and Transformation 11 948 2 845 3 789 7 828 6 300 6 940 7 381 Governance Transformation, Justice and Security 237 1 744 6 511 6 960 6 359 7 011 7 455 Economic Empowerment and Participation - 1 299 2 113 2 995 4 046 4 325 4 652 Commission for Gender Equality 67 689 69 891 78 266 80 735 85 177 89 861 95 144 Total 83 152 79 548 94 215 Economic Classification Compensation of employees 4 672 7 306 9 005 15 907 15 123 16 218 17 353 Goods and services 10 723 2 157 6 944 5 792 8 438 9 578 9 780 Transfers and subsidies 69 957 Payments for capital assets 68 128 47 419 442 467 Total economic classification 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 3: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Research, Policy Analysis and Knowledge Management Number of research reports on women’s empowerment and gender equality produced Quarterly One report on gender policy priorities for produced Concept document developed Inception Report produced Draft Report developed One Report on gender policy priorities for produced Gender Knowledge Hub established Report on the establishment of Gender Knowledge Hub produced TORs developed Quarterly Progress Report developed Report on the establishment of Gender knowledge Hub produced Number of reports on international reporting obligations 2 reports on compliance with international obligations produced - 1 report on compliance with international obligations produced 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 3: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Number of public participation / outreach initiatives on women’s empowerment, including girls and young women Quarterly 10 public participation/ outreach Initiatives on women’s empowerment conducted (including young women) 2 public participation/ outreach initiatives on socio-economic empowerment including young women 3 public participation/ outreach initiatives on socioeconomic empowerment including young women 2 public participation/ outreach initiatives on socioeconomic empowerment including young women 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 3: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Number of community mobilisation initiatives on issues affecting women Quarterly 4 community mobilisation initiatives on issues affecting women conducted 1 community mobilisation initiative on issues affecting women conducted 1 community mobilisation initiatives on issues affecting women conducted Number of reports on Young Women’s Empowerment priorities developed Four quarterly reports on Young Women’s Empowerment priorities developed Report on Young Women`s empowerment priorities developed 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 3: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub programme International Relations Number of reports on DoW International Relations Strategy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Quarterly 1 International Relations Strategy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment produced Concept document developed Draft report on International Relations Strategy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Stakeholder consultation on Draft International Relations Strategy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment undertaken Number of reports on DOW participation in international multilateral forums produced 4 reports on DOW participation in international multilateral forums produced One report on DOW participation in international multilateral forum produced 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 3: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Number of performance monitoring review reports on women’s empowerment and gender equality Annually Two performance monitoring review reports on women’s empowerment and gender equality produced - One performance monitoring review report on women’s empowerment and gender equality Number of evaluation reports on the promotion of women’s empowerment and gender equality approved Annual One draft evaluation report produced TOR developed Inception report developed Draft evaluation report developed One draft Evaluation Report produced 2019/11/17
PROGRAMME 3: APP 2019/20 The table below provides Programme 3: Annual and Quarterly Targets for 2019/20 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2019/20 Quarterly Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines on gender-responsive planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation developed Annual Concept paper on the development of the guidelines developed Draft Guidelines on gender-responsive planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation developed One consultation report on the Country Gender Indicator Framework - Draft consultation report on the Country Gender Indicator Framework Consultation report on the Country Gender Indicator Framework 2019/11/17
Expenditure Estimates Expenditure Outcome Adjusted Appropriation Medium-term Expenditure estimates 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Policy Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management R`000 Management: PSCKM 4 268 5 356 3 934 4 701 5 006 4 733 5 062 Research, Policy Analysis and Knowledge Management 4 255 4 055 5 515 6 654 9 178 7 976 8 493 International Relations - 4 355 12 857 13 176 14 020 Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach 8 634 13 293 14 488 16 910 15 506 16 330 17 311 Monitoring and Evaluation 3 155 4 028 3 996 6 684 8 307 9 873 10 437 Total 20 312 26 732 27 933 39 304 50 854 52 088 55 323 Economic Classification Compensation of employees 10 467 14 287 15 448 22 163 24 311 26 066 27 883 Goods and services 9 574 12 321 12 345 16 437 25 747 25 182 26 553 Transfers and subsidies 29 40 100 200 796 840 887 Payments for capital assets 242 84 504 Total economic classification 2019/11/17
Annexure A outlines refinements that were made in the Strategic Plan The refinements should be read in conjunction with the Strategic Plan as this is not a replacement but an improvement to ensure alignment and compliance. The vision and the mission have been refined. Furthermore, section 5.2 on the organisational environment and Part B on strategic objectives and five year targets are also refined as follows: Vision A non-sexist society that removes patriarchal chains realises the political socio-economic empowerment of women and the advancement of gender equality. Mission Accelerate political socio-economic transformation for women empowerment and the advancement of gender equality. . 2019/11/17
REFINEMENTS TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN 2015/20 Section 5.2 Organisational Environment: Budget Programme Structure Below is the budget programme structure for DoW: Programme Sub-Programmes Administration Ministry Departmental Management Corporate Services Financial Management Office Accommodation Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment Social Empowerment and Transformation Economic Empowerment and Participation Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Commission for Gender Equality Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management Research, Policy Analysis and Knowledge Management Information and Knowledge Management Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Monitoring and Evaluation International Relations 2019/11/17
Part B: Strategic Objectives The strategic objectives and five year targets for all programmes have been refined. The DoW has removed the strategic objective indicator in all programmes. Programme 1 a) Sub-Programme: Departmental Management Communication unit brought under Departmental Management. In the previous years the communication function was in Programme 3 under the Sub-Programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach. 2019/11/17
REFINEMENTS TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN 2015/20 a)Sub-Programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach.
Strategic Objective Strengthen good governance to ensure the department delivers on its mandate Five-Year Target Conduct annual risk assessments and monitor implementation on a quarterly basis Conduct annual risk assessment/review and produce risk management plan, produce quarterly risk implementation reports and annual implementation Approved strategic and annual performance plans produced as per Framework for Strategic Plan and APP 12 Quarterly performance reviews reports submitted to DPME as prescribed by the relevant planning frameworks 12 quarterly MPAT compliance reports produced as per standards Produce a 3 year rolling strategic internal audit plan by June of each year and quarterly audit implementation reports annually 12 Communication Plans and reports of public engagement activities 2019/11/17
b) Sub-Programme: Financial Management Strategic Objective Improved strategic financial management system in the DoW, enabling delivery of its mandate Five-Year Target 100% payment of all valid invoices within 30 days 100% expenditure Unqualified audit opinion c)Sub-Programme:Corporate Management Strategic Objective Effective HR and ICT Management to enable DoW to deliver on its mandate and functions Five-Year Target Maintain DoW vacancy rate of less than 10% Improved management of discipline 95% availability of ICT system at all times Implementation of ICT Business Systems Implementation Plan in three years 2019/11/17
Programme 2: Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment b) Sub-Programme: Social Empowerment and Transformation Strategic Objective Women’s social empowerment and participation promoted Five-Year Target Interventions for women’s social participation and empowerment engendered (in annually identified specific areas) b)Sub-Programme: Economic Empowerment and Participation Strategic Objective Policy and programme implementation for the economic empowerment and participation of women Five-Year Target Interventions to ensure women’s access and full participation in the economy (in annually identified specific areas) 2019/11/17
c) Sub-Programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security d) The sub-programme Governance Transformation, Justice and Security has been refocused and expanded to include three additional targets which are on the 365 day PoA programme, National Gender Machinery and IMC-IPoA VAWC implemented. This is done to assist the department to address the root causes of violence inhibiting the advancement, empowerment and equality of women and girls. Strategic Objective Improved Gender Transformation through measures to advance gender equality and through interventions towards a just and safe society Five-Year Target Interventions for the promotion of women socio-economic empowerment and gender equality and prevention of violence against women and children developed 15 Programmes on the 365 days PoA coordinated 2019/11/17
Programme 3: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management Research and Policy Analysis Changes in the budget programme structure of the DOW were proposed under Programme 3: Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management and were approved on 6 July 2017 by National Treasury as follows: Research and Policy Analysis and Information and Knowledge Management sub-programmes have been merged to form a new sub-programme a) Sub-Programme: Research, Policy Analysis and Knowledge Management Strategic Objective Engendered research to inform policy development and coordination Five-Year Target 3 Research Reports on socio-economic empowerment of women produced 2019/11/17
b) Sub-Programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Strategic Objective Public participation and community mobilisation initiatives to advance women’s empowerment and gender equality Sub-Programme Objective Coordination of stakeholders (domestic, regional and international) that promote women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality Outreach initiatives on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality conducted Five-Year Target 38 public participation outreach initiatives to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality 25 community mobilisation initiatives on socioeconomic issues affecting women conducted Young Women`s Socio-economic empowerment framework developed 2019/11/17
c) Sub-Programme: Sub-programme: International Relations A new sub-programme International Relations has been created. The purpose of the sub-programme is to promote international relations and engagements on women, as well as ensure South Africa’s compliance with international treaties on women. Strategic Objective Strengthening of International Relations on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality Five-Year Target 16 reports on international engagements and commitments on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality produced 2019/11/17
d) Sub-Programme: Sub-Programme: Monitoring and Evaluation In the Strategic Plan the sub-programme Monitoring and Evaluation has two strategic objectives which are; monitor progress made on socio-economic empowerment of women and evaluate impact of government programmes developed to change lives of women in the country and analyse, monitor and evaluate programmes developed by justice cluster to eliminate gender based violence. These strategic objectives were refined into one to ensure more focus and impact. The targets for M&E have also been refined. Strategic Objective Effective monitoring and evaluation of socio-economic empowerment of women Five-Year Target 5 monitoring and evaluation reports on socio-economic empowerment of women produced Four monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the socio-economic empowerment of women developed Gender responsive planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation framework developed 2019/11/17
2021/22 Revised allocation 91,435 98,292 104,681 Budget growth/reduction +6,071 +6,857 +6,389 Funded posts 112 2019/11/17
The approved post establishment has 124 approved posts of which 107 (86,3%) are funded and 17 remain unfunded (13,7%). These positions exclude functions from Youth and Persons with Disabilities respectively Vacancy rate to be determined on the basis of funded vacancies against funded posts: anticipated vacancy rate to remain at less than 10%. In line with the new configuration of the Department, the process of organisational redesign will take place to ensure alignment of the organisational structures and post establishment with the strategic direction that the Department will pursue. The start-up organisational structure will be developed during this period of National Organisation of Government (NMOG) and submitted to Minister of Public Service and Administration before 31 August 2019 2019/11/17
2019 MTEF ALLOCATION Programmes 2018/19 Adjusted Appropriation
2019/20 Original Budget 2019/20 increase/ (decrease) 2020/21 Estimates 2020/21 increase/ (decrease) 2021/22 Estimates increase/ (decrease) R’000 % Administration 79 409 84 387 (6.2%) 91 480 8.4% 96 865 5.9% Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment (0.3%) 6.4% 5.7% Policy Stakeholder, Coordination and Knowledge Management 41 267 50 854 23.2% 52 088 2.4% 55 323 6.2% Total payments and estimates:
2019 MTEF ALLOCATION Economic Classification
2018/19 Adjusted Appropriation 2019/20 Original Budget 2019/20 increase/ (decrease) 2020/21 Estimates 2020/21 increase/ (decrease) 2021/22 Estimates increase/ (decrease) R’000 % Compensation of employees 91 435 7.0% 98 292 7.5% 6.5% Goods and services 60 470 64 571 6.8% 68 117 5.5% 71 861 Transfers and subsidies 80 744 85 188 89 878 94 822 Machinery and equipment 3 042 3 204 5.3% 3 380 3 568 5.6% Total economic classification: 6.2% 5.9%
The allocation of the department increases over the 2019 MTEF. The major area of spending is in compensation of employees (CoE) which constitute 38% of the total budget over the 2019 MTEF period. The CoE allocation is earmarked for funded and vacant funded posts as at 31 March 2018 in the establishment of the department. A significant portion of goods and services budget is allocated to property payments and travel and subsistence. This allocation budget represent 26% of the 2019 MTEF allocation. The allocation of the department include an amount of R270.4 million which is earmarked for transfer to Commission for Gender Equality during the 2019 MTEF. This allocation represent 35% of the total budget of the department. The allocation on payments for capital assets is set aside for procurement of servers, laptops and departmental vehicles. The allocation of the department is not adequate for implementation of the departments’ key priority projects over the 2019 MTEF period. It is recommended that the department request additional funding from National Treasury during the 2020 MTEF budgeting process to address spending pressures linked to implementation of key priority projects for the department. The department will conduct an analysis of existing budget against emerging priorities (human, operational, programmatic interventions). The department will therefore engage National Treasury on how best to resource spending pressures that may arise from the NMOG process.
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