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Published byKristiina Kahma Modified over 5 years ago
Dr. Wini Tarmini, M.Hum. UHAMKA The 4th International Conference (SHIELD) Bandar Lampung 27 August 2019
METAPHOR Metaphor is an important characteristic of human.
Human uses metaphor to explain abstract, new, and difficult concepts. Widening meaning of metaphor can give new meaning which is influenced by personal interpretation forming socio and cultural-based pattern.
HAMKA’s Biography Novel
A literary work has functions, among other, describing some events and psychological description in a society. Event description in the literary work is manifested through communicative language to reach estethical objective (A Teeuw, 1983: 12-15)
Semiotics Semiotics is the study of sign process. It includes the study of signs and signs processes, indication, designation, likeness, analogy, allegorry, metonymy, metaphor, symbolism, signifacation, and communication
Literary Work -Semiotics
LANGUAGE CODE Related to the whole ruling system in language LITERARY CODE Related to the ruling specific things in literary works CULTURAL CODE Related to culture, custom, and norm which become background in literary works
Identification of the problems
Research in metaphor can trace literal and abstract language symbols with widening new meaning that is influenced by socio-cultural background. The concept of widening meaning is influenced by personal interpretation and subjective feeling that form socio-cultural-based pattern. Language signs which include ikonisitas, indeksitas, simbolitas with conceptual and metaphoric meaning describe cultutal background of society.
Research Objective Describing the use of language signs in the form of ikon, indeks, and simbol; Describing the representation of conceptual and metaphoric (abstract) meaning; Describing the social- cultural background of the people contained in the Hamka biography novel.
Significance of the Research
Theoretically, findings of this research is expected to be able to enrich reference in linguistics and to give insights into semiotic and semantic study. Practically, this research is expected to be able to inform readers the language signs in HAMKA’s biography novel, and through language signs, we can know socio-cultural background of a literary works.
METAPHOR Metaphor belongs to implicit comparative ‘majas (figure of speech).’ Without comparative words such as seperti or sebagai between two different things, we can also see comparison. For example, sumber ilmu, kuli di antara bangsa-bangsa, buah hati, mata jarum, anak emas (Djajasudarma, 2009:25) Another opinion shows that the use of majas or kiasan is considered as rhetorical strategy used by orators and writers to beautify their writing or speech. There are some kiasan (figurative) showing rhetorical utterances, namely klimaks, antiklimaks, antithesis, apostrof, eufimisme, hiperbola, simile, metonimi, ironi, onomatopea, oksimoron, paradox, personifikasi, sinekdoke.
Language Signs Peirce (as cited by Danesi, 2010) states that human’s life is characterized by the ‘mixture of signs.’ Humans live with daily communication. In the communication, humans exchange verbal and non-verbal signs. This process creates interpretation of the signs. Peierce states that signs are the representation of concept, thing, and idea referred to as an object. Pierce identifies three mostly used signs, namely ikon, indeks and simbol.
[1] Dalam waktu singkat, berita mangkatnya proklamator
flamboyan itu langsung tersebar ke pelosok-pelosok negeri. (hlm17) [13] Kedua bola mataku langsung membola mendengar perkataan guruku itu. “Benarkah itu, Syaikh?” tanyaku meminta kepastian (hlm42) [1] the word flamboyan can be put into language signs ‘ikosintas persamaan; indeksitas persona ; simbolitas sosial’. [13] the word membola can be put into language signs ‘ikosintas persamaan; indeksitas persona ; simbolitas bahasa tindakan.’
Metaphorical Meaning Metaphorical meaning (abstract) is in the form of rhetorical utterance represented in majas (figure of speech). Out of 18 majas, this research found only 12 majas. Example: Rhetorical utterances (Ujaran Retoris) in Majas Klimaks [19] Syaikh Ibrahim Musa adalah seorang guru yang sangat baik. Tutur katanya sangat lembut. Perilakunya sangat santun. Lebih dari itu, beliau
Rhetorical Utterance (Ujaran Retoris) in ‘Majas Hiperbola’
[27 ]…. words such as anak durhaka, anak tak tahu diuntung, anak lasak, anak tak berguna, dan anak tak tahu balas budi yang keluar dari mulut orang tuaku itu benar-benar membuat hatiku merasa sakit (hlm 128)
Socio-cultural Background
Socio-cultural background showing personal interpretation and subjective feeling which is reflected directly is contained in 4 ‘majas’, namely klimaks, seruan, hiperbola, and litotes. On the other hand, personal interpretation and subjective feeling which is reflected indirectly can be found in 8 ‘majas’ antithesis, apostrof, simile, metonimia, ironi, paradox, personifikasi, dan pertanyaan retoris.
Conclusion Language signs used in HAMKA’s biography novel consisted of ikon, indek, and simbol. In term of meaning aspect, it found conceptual and metaphorical meaning. Metaphorical meaning is reflected in rhetorical utterances. Out of 18 rhetorical utterances, there are 12 rhetorical utterances: klimaks, Antithesis, Apostrof, Seruan, Hiperbola, Litotes, Simile, Metonimi, Ironi, Paradoks, Personifikasi, and Pertanyaan Retoris. Socio-cultural background found in the novel tends to describe personal interpretation and subjective feeling indirectly, which can be found in such ‘majas’ as antithesis, apostrof, simile, metonimia, ironi, paradox, personifikasi, and pertanyaan retoris.
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