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A and B, Illustration (A) and gross dissection, medial view (B) of the corona radiata.C, Directional map, three adjacent parasagittal sections, with corona.

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Presentation on theme: "A and B, Illustration (A) and gross dissection, medial view (B) of the corona radiata.C, Directional map, three adjacent parasagittal sections, with corona."— Presentation transcript:

1 A and B, Illustration (A) and gross dissection, medial view (B) of the corona radiata.C, Directional map, three adjacent parasagittal sections, with corona radiata identifiable in blue (arrows). A and B, Illustration (A) and gross dissection, medial view (B) of the corona radiata.C, Directional map, three adjacent parasagittal sections, with corona radiata identifiable in blue (arrows). Corona radiata fibers interdigitate with laterally directed callosal fibers, resulting in assorted colors in the vicinity of their crossing.D, Tractogram in which different portions of the corona radiata have been parsed by initiating the tractographic algorithm from different starting locations. Brian J. Jellison et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2004;25: ©2004 by American Society of Neuroradiology

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