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Primary, Secondary, AP, Special Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Primary, Secondary, AP, Special Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary, Secondary, AP, Special Schools
High Needs Funding Primary, Secondary, AP, Special Schools

2 Schools’ Funding National Funding Formula (DfE - ESFA) Schools Block
High Needs Early Years Central Services Grant All funding blocks cash limited and ring fenced Schools Block - High Needs top-slice max 0.5% (20–21 = £2.35m)

3 Who gets what? Schools block (maintained and academies)
Basic pupil need (AWPU) Notional SEN budget (9% of AWPU and 12.7% deprivation funding) Meet the needs of pupils with low cost, high incidence SEN Contribute towards the costs of provision for pupils with high needs (up to £6,000) High Needs Block Funding for pupils with EHC Plans (annually reviewed) Mainstream schools Special Schools Alternate Provision ‘Out of County’ specialist providers

4 Mainstream Schools Based on Statutory Assessment (EHC)
5 funding levels £0, £1,500, £3,000, £4,500, £6,000 Locally identified High Needs below EHC Top-up finding via application by school to High Needs Panel £500 to £6,000

5 Special Schools and designated units
All students with EHC plans (moving from Matrix to RAS from September 2019) Base allocation £10,000 (£6,000 + £4,000) Top-up rates – Matrix/RAS (£1,490 - £21,959)

6 Challenges (local and national)
Cash limits vs increasing demands Complexity of needs – wrong provision, wrong location Specialist ‘out of county’ providers (vey high costs) High Needs Panel – gateway process but administrative burden SEN Tribunals – independent arbiter Exclusions (AP costs ~ £20k pa) (numbers rising in primary and secondary) Travel costs Provision (Northamptonshire Sufficiency Report 2019) Off-rolling

7 Governors’ role SEND Governor Safeguarding
Recognising, managing and mitigating risks Securing suitable provision – meeting children’s needs Staffing – recruitment, training and retention – teaching and non-teaching Curriculum – meeting individual need Performance – assessment and reporting Finance – monitoring allocation and efficiency Managing parental expectations – Northamptonshire local offer - what is the school’s offer? Legal minefield – litigious parents/carers – reputational risk

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