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2 RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY “Saul pursues David”: David sought God in danger. He did not depend on his past victory. Jonathan was true to David as God’s choice even to the endangering of his life. He did not support evil though it was his father involved. We should stay on God’s side. David was betrayed by his own kinsmen but he trusted God, acted wisely and God delivered him. God will always make a way out of every difficult situation for His children at the right time. He is never late!!!

MEMORY VERSE: …… “And he said unto his men, The LORD forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the LORD’S anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD” (1 Samuel 24:6). TEXT: 1 Samuel 24:1-22; 26:1-25

4 INTRODUCTION Believers have the responsibility to show God’s love to all people, whether the individual is willing to accept it or not. Keilah’s action of betrayal to David is similar to what our Lord Jesus suffered in the hands of the Jews. Despite His love for them, they still rejected Him. Having enjoyed God’s undeserved love, mercies and deliverance, David manifest the same virtue in this study by sparing Saul’s life. QUESTION 1: Mention some of Saul’s attempts to take David’s life – 1 Samuel 24:1-3; 26:1-3

The cruel massacre of the priests and the inhabitants of Nob by Saul made people afraid; they were willing to give Saul information about David’s movement. David’s life should serve as a challenge to today’s believers. We see in him the New Testament exhortation to believers to forgive their enemies and pray for them. QUESTION 2: List the ungodly traits of Saul that should not be seen among believers – I John 3:15; I Peter 2:1,2; Romans 1:29 QUESTION 3: Highlight some dissimilarities between David and Saul – 1 Samuel 24:19; Luke 23:34; Romans 12:21

6 DAVID REPROVES AND COUNSELS SAUL 1 Samuel 24:8-15; 26:13-20
From the Scriptures, Saul’s decision to kill David was baseless. David reasoned with Saul deeply and spoke passionately to his conscience. This should lead him to repentance. Saul went after David with three thousand soldiers, yet they could not overrun him and his men. This is a challenge to believers not to fear Satan or his agents (Psalm 46:1; Isaiah 54:17). QUESTION 4: What can we learn from David’s encounter with Saul in the wilderness? – 1 Samuel 24:11; Romans 12:17-21

7 THE TRUIMPH OF GOOD OVER EVIL 1 Samuel 24:16-22; 26:21-25
David’s speech had a profound effect on Saul. Saul realised he would have been dead but for David’s kindness. Saul eventually saw that his efforts to kill David were foolish. When it became apparent that God was with David, Saul was forced to abandon his pursuit. QUESTION 5: State the difference between genuine and false repentance – Acts 20:21; Romans 10:9,10 QUESTION 6: List the scriptural requirements for eternity with God – Romans 12:17-21; 2:7

8 CONCLUSION Believers have the responsibility to love their neighbours as themselves. David’s choice to forgive Saul, who went out to kill him, should serve as an example to us. We should forgive our enemies and pray for them (Matthew 5: 44-46). Like David passionately counselled Saul, so should we preach the gospel of Christ passionately to unbelievers. And although Saul approached David with thousands, with God, David was more than a conqueror. No evil will overcome us if we remain in Christ’s love (Romans 8:37).

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