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NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament

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1 NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament
“Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm!” NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament Chapter 8 “Man from Galilee: The Life of Jesus Christ” (pp )

2 Jesus’ Crucifixion - Salvation History
It has not been doubted that the historical Jesus taught in parables and died by crucifixion. Jesus’ Crucifixion - Salvation History

3 Dates: AD 27-30 or 30-33 during the reign of Caesar Tiberius was the public ministry of Jesus
Obscurity – John’s preparation of the way of the Christ; then baptism, temptation, preaching-teaching, and miracles-exorcisms of Jesus Popularity – Jesus followed by big crowds, more words of preaching-teaching, and more deeds of miracles-exorcisms (privacy not always doable) 8 – Man from Galilee Rejection – Peter’s confession of Jesus as Christ, Jesus’ prediction of his passion and resurrection, transfiguration, Lazarus raised, triumphal entry, last supper, death, resurrection, appearances

4 Jesus Taught in Parables
Great Teacher Prodigal Son Lost Sheep 8 – Man from Galilee Rich Man and Lazarus The Sower Good Samaritan

5 Parables in terms of comparison:  “The kingdom of God is like…”
Teaching Parables in terms of comparison:  “The kingdom of God is like…” Jesus designated himself as “the Son of Man” rather than directly calling himself as the Christ or the Messiah. 8 – Man from Galilee Jesus addressed God as his “Abba” Father and taught his followers that God is their Heavenly Father. Emphasized loving God and one’s neighbor and the golden rule.

6 Jesus’ Miracles were signs confronting people to respond.
The feeding of 5,000 is the only miracle of Jesus recorded in the Four Gospels.

7 Predicted/explained his death and resurrection.
Instituted the last supper and water baptism Are the miracles (supernatural deeds) of Jesus marginal or mainline in his life and ministry? 8 – Man from Galilee Miracles and exorcisms according to Lk 7:18-23 and Mt 11:2-6 represent the presence of the kingdom of God in Jesus’ life and ministry. Resurrection is explained away by stolen corpse, hallucinating experience, myth of dying and raising gods, etc.  women as 1st witnesses

8 The resurrection of Jesus from the dead happened early Sunday morning and he showed himself to his disciples various times during 40 days of his postresurrection appearances. The limitations of the scientific tools cannot prove or deny the resurrection of Jesus from the dead!

9 Mystery of the Kingdom of God
Showcased God’s kingdom, now realized in his ministry, but yet to be completed in his return. Teaching Parables The Kingdom Realized Eschatology – God’s Kingdom comes through the person and the deeds of Jesus Consistent Eschatology – God’s Kingdom arrives in the future, specifically in the near future 8 – Man from Galilee Mystery of the Kingdom of God Inaugurated Eschatology – God’s reign was brought in by Jesus’ preaching and believers receive future blessings in advance Overlapping of the Ages “this age” and “the age to come” Eschatological Tension “now/already” but “not yet”

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