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SAMAP Change Requests On behalf of Rafal LICHWALA

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1 SAMAP Change Requests On behalf of Rafal LICHWALA
(Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center ) ARM Stockholm, June 12th 2007

2 SAMAP 1/2 Where the procedures you already have fulfill these criteria : For the time being SAM Admin's Page fulfills only the last point of the Change Request criteria i.e. there is clear contact point for questions, feedback etc. which is published in footer on each instance of SAM Admin's Page as "SAMAP Support" mail address. This mail address will be also published on the SAMAP's wiki page soon. CIC Portal ARM

3 SAMAP 2/2 Any areas where you need to implement something to meet the criteria: All the others CRs criteria will be implemented as follows:    1.  Single point of entry to the process - it will be implemented as a separate web page for sending SAMAP CR's - web page will be well described and published on the SAMAP wiki page;    2. Standard form/template so that it is clear for the requestor what information they must provide - it will be implemented as well described HTML form collecting all required data;    3. Publicly viewable list of unprioritized (new) and prioritized requests, i.e. a "wish list" and "schedule of work" - it will be implemented as a separate web page for viewing and searching CRs basing on their priority All the required implementations should be done till the 31st of July. CIC Portal ARM

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