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The Economics of Environmental Quality

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1 The Economics of Environmental Quality
Lecture 5

2 Decide upon the acceptable level of environmental quality
Answer these questions How do firms and people behave in market eco Why are residuals emitted? How should benefits and costs of environmental policy be distributed among society Understanding the scientific basis of environmental policy (Level of information)

3 Pollution control – A General Model
Reducing emissions results in a trade-off Improve environmental quality Take up the resources that could have been used somewhere else Example of the paper mill located upstream Pollution Damages All the negative impacts Paper mill’s environmental damages? Air pollution damages? Nonhuman ecosystem damages?

4 Damage Function: Shows the relationship between quantity of residual and damage that residual causes Emission damage function Relationship between quantity of waste emitted and the resulting damage Ambient damage function Relationship between concentration of particular pollutants in the ambient environment and the resulting damages Our primary model will make use of marginal damage function

5 The first and last figures illustrate existence of threshold.
Damages $ Damages $ Emissions (tons/year) Emissions (tons/year) Damages $ Damages $ Ambient concentration (ppm) Ambient concentration (ppm) The first and last figures illustrate existence of threshold.

6 Closer look at the damage function
MD2 Highly populated area MD2 could be at a different time period and hence, different natural environment Damages $ 28 MD1 a 12 b e2 e1 Emissions (tons/year) Assume: Pollutant is non-cumulative, occurring all at one time period

7 Abatement Costs Costs of reducing residual emissions or lowering ambient concentrations Greater the abatement, greater is the cost Such costs vary among different pollutants and different industries and firms Possible factors? Abatement could refer to any way of reducing emissions: closing the site, technology use, input switching, waste treatment, etc Relationship between abatement costs and emissions?

8 Marginal Abatement Cost Functions
$ $ $ Emissions Emissions Emissions Factors underlying the abatement costs curves Managerial skills Level of technology Minimum costs of achieving reduction in emissions

9 Abatement costs functions: A closer look
$ MAC2 Assume: Resources are being used in cost effective manner MAC1 c1 c2 a b e e Due to better pollution control technology Effluent tons/year

10 Aggregate MAC Function
$/week $/week $/week MAC1 MAC2 5 16 20 5 12 20 10 28 40 Emissions (tons/week) Emissions (tons/week) Aggregate Emissions (tons/week) Equimarginal Principle Lowest aggregate marginal abatement costs

11 The efficient level of Emissions
Revisit trade off inherent in the pollution control phenomenon  ? Efficient level: these two costs exactly offset each other Marginal damage costs = Marginal abatement costs $ MD MAC The position of e* could vary according to the specific pollution problem in the real world a b e* Emissions (tons/year)

12 Changes in efficient level of emissions
$ $ MD MD MAC MAC e* e* Emissions (tons/year) Emissions (tons/year) E* is a desirable target for public policy E* is what ought to be, hence an idea of normative economics Did the social costs change due to reduction in e*?

13 Enforcement Costs $ The added costs of enforcement that it takes to get emissions reduction by a unit, increase as emissions decrease It is more costly to enforce further cutbacks! MD MAC + E MAC e*2 e*1 Emissions (tons/year)

14 Emissions (tons/week)
Equimarginal Principle applied to emission reduction Suppose current emission levels are 24 tons/week Target: Aggregate 12 tons/week Equiproportionate cutbacks TAC = ? Equimarginal principle has TAC = ? MAC = $1000/week Emissions (tons/week) Source A Source B 12 11 1 2 10 4 9 3 5 8 7 14 6 20 25 31 38 24 58 94 70 160

15 Long run sustainability
Sustainability is an issue because? While achieving economic efficiency, are we still considering future generations? Levels of efficiency (e*) change over time When calculating MAC and MD functions, incorporate all the short and long run costs to achieve the most efficient level of emissions Levy upper limits on the use of resources But some form of human judgment about future impact of any environmental policy is inevitable!

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