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NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament

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1 NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament
“The greatest freedom a student has is the freedom to teach him/herself.” NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament Chapter 21 / Part II 1 & 2 Thessalonians and The Pastoral Epistles: A Legacy of Faithfulness

2 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Overarching Theme of the Pastoral Epistles: “Sound Doctrine and Godly Persistence Emanate Together” *Subsidiary Purposes. In addition to the administrative instructions Paul summons Titus to come to him in Nicopolis on the west coast of Greece. And in 2 Timothy, Paul, reminiscing over his past career and expecting his execution soon, asks Timothy to come to him in Rome before winter (1:17; 4:6-9, 21). Paul fears that otherwise he may never see Timothy again, for navigation ceases during winter and the execution might occur in the meantime. 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul The Question of Authenticity Fragmentary Theory Pauline Authorship Content, Vocabulary and Style

3 The Apostle Paul’s First Letter to Timothy
Key verse to grasp 1 Timothy: “As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine...” 1 Tim 1:3 RSV *Hymenaeus & Alexander (1 Tim 1:20) - heretics 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul 1 Timothy was written in mid-60’s, ca. 65/66, after the events reported in Acts. It seems that Paul was released from prison and went to Spain. Then, he returned to Aegean Region. And from Macedonia he wrote his first letter to Timothy. *Public Prayer & Needed Limit (1 Tim 2) - women *Bishops & Deacons (1 Tim 3) - qualifications

4 Paul’s Purpose in Writing His 1st Letter to Timothy
To encourage Timothy himself concerning his ministerial work and personal life as a Christian in the midst of difficulties To advise Timothy to preserve the truth and integrity of the gospel and its consecrated and ethical norms from the perversion introduce by the heretics To provide Timothy directions about different issues and challenges among the Christian communities in Ephesus 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul

5 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Content of 1 Timothy Opening: Sender, Recipient, Blessing (1:1-2) Policies Contrary to Sound Doctrine (1:3-11) Pattern of God’s Grace in Paul’s Life (1:12-17) Priority of Prayer for All People (1:18-2:8) Propriety for Women in the Church (2:9-15) Prerequisites for Offices in Authority (3:1-15) Piety Upheld Against Asceticism (3:16-4:10) Pastoral Duties and Godly Mindset (4:11-6:21) Closing: “Grace be with you” (6:21c) 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul

6 The Apostle Paul’s Letter to Titus 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Theme of Titus: “Healthy Christian doctrine and wholesome noble toils go together” Notable Points: Addresses the character traits and the spiritual qualifications for the appointment and credentials of bishops Exhorts to teaching sound doctrine and deal with the heretical teachers Delineates the proper role of older wo/men and younger wo/men as well as slaves Encourages good conduct that actually flowing out of the regeneration of the Spirit 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul

7 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Paul, who was in Nicopolis on the west coast of Greece, wrote to Titus who was pastoring in the island of Crete in mid-60’s, ca. 65/66. Key verse to appreciate Titus: “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” Tit 1:5 NIV 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul Exegetical Consideration: In actuality, the historical setting of Timothy in Ephesus and Titus in Crete are similar, the false teachers are supposedly elders of the Church and they are using women, particularly deceiving the younger widows to spread their heretical teachings.

8 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Paul’s Purpose in Writing to Titus To basically direct Titus to put in order what Paul was unable to do while in Crete which involved the placement of elders in the Churches To essentially exhort Titus to support the Churches for their maturity in faith, with an awareness of truth and the practice of pious life-style To ask Titus to deal with the heresy of the false teachers and keep them silent To summon Titus to come to Paul after Artemas or Tychicus replaced him in Crete 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul

9 The Apostle Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy
Theme of 2nd Timothy: “Steadfast endurance in the midst of suffering for Christ” Paul’s writing of his second letter to Timothy was during his second Roman imprisonment in ca. 67/68 before he was beheaded under Nero. 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul Main Concerns of 2 Timothy includes: Recollections of God’s call upon the lives of Timothy and Paul Reminder of the divine inspiration of all Scripture which is profitable for believers Readiness of the apostle Paul to be executed as a martyr because of his Christian faith

10 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Paul’s Purpose in Writing His 2nd Letter to Timothy To inspire timid Timothy who was facing severe hardship To warn Timothy of the likelihood of impending persecution To alert Timothy about the teachers of influential heresy To admonish Timothy to defend the true gospel of Christian faith To exhort Timothy to preach the Word and fulfill his commission 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul

11 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Special Features: It captures the very last written words of Paul before he was beheaded. It articulates one of the most evident claims of the divine inspiration of Scriptures. (3:16-17) It formulates the idea, using several appeals, of steadily clinging to the gospel and firmly holding to the faith. It puts succinct catchphrases: “fan into flame,” “do not be ashamed,” “pass on the message,” “endure hardship,” “preach the Word,” etc. It leaves the farewell of Paul as a moving witness of Christian audacity and hope. 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul

12 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul
Content of Second Timothy I. Opening Salutation (1:1-2) II. Pastoral Paradigm (1:3-3:17) A. Past Precedents: Remembering and Guarding (1:3-18) B. Present Problems: Personal Life and Public Rapport (2:1-26) C. Future Prospects: Dangers of Apostasy and Defense of Faith (3:1-17) III. Last Injunction (4:1-8) IV. Concluding Greetings (4:9-22) 21 – The Pastoral Letters of Paul

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