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Global Consumerism You're just a number... You're just a number... .ow

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Presentation on theme: "Global Consumerism You're just a number... You're just a number... .ow"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Consumerism You're just a number... You're just a number... .ow
That’s how corporations see you! That’s how corporations see you!

2 The Good News You're not alone...

3 Fortune 500 Companies Top 1% control over ½ of the worlds resources.

4 What are Consumers to a Corporation?
- Consumers are patterns of predictive behavior. - Consumers are aggregated sets of financial and personal data. - Consumers are target markets of disposable income. - Consumers are affinity groups of like behavior. - Consumers are defined according to demographic, psychographic, behavioral choices & patterns. - Consumers are influenced, conditioned, shaped, according by global marketing and advertising efforts.

5 Consumer Composition Demographics Psychographics Behavioral History
(gender, ethnicity, age, income, marital status, religion, education, home, car ownerhip) Psychographics (personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles) Behavioral History (product purchases, online options, click patterns, retail foot traffic, software recognition)

6 Demographic Data Psychographic Data Behavioral Data

7 Overlapping Data Demographics Psychographics Target Behavioral History

8 Consumer Tracking for Profit
In-store Security Cameras Facial Recognition Software Foot Traffic Patterns Shelf Tracking Patterns Online Click Tracking Product Packaging The Future: fully integrated GPS “real time” tracking by cell phone.

9 The Future is Here

10 Global Consumption Projections
12 percent of the world’s population lives in North America and Western Europe and accounts for 60 percent of private consumption spending, but a third of humanity who live in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa account for only 3.2 percent. ··WorldWatch Institute · In 1950, the global population was 2.6 billion people. We had 53 million cars – which works out to be one car for every 50 persons. When Earth’s population hit 6 billion people, there were 500 million cars – more than one car for every dozen inhabitants. ··Sierra Club · If the Chinese consume resources in 2031 at a level that Americans do now, grain consumption per person there would climb from around 600 pounds today to around 2000 pounds needed to sustain a typical western diet. This would equate to 1,352 million tons of grain, equal to two thirds of all the grain harvested in the world in ··OneWorld · In 1960, Americans consumed 144 pounds of meat and poultry per person on average. In 1999, that shot up to 190 pounds. ··CME Group · The world’s annual consumption of plastic materials has increased from around 5 million tons in the 1950s to over 100 million tons today. ··WasteOnline · The food we eat now typically travels about 1,500 miles from farm to our dinner plate (also known as food miles). The distance increased by 25 percent between 1980 and ··Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture · To grow a pound of wheat requires around 130 gallons of water. For meat, depending on the type – multiply that by ten-fold. ··Water Footprint

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