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Cross-lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) Johns Hopkins University

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) Johns Hopkins University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) Johns Hopkins University
Classification MATERIAL: QuickSTIR Cross-lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) Kevin Duh Johns Hopkins University Classification

2 Outline Lessons learned: What worked Lessons learned: Negative results
Multi-view Document Representations Score Function Tuning Lessons learned: Negative results Query expansion Dynamic thresholding Future challenges: Reducing False Alarm Exploiting crawled data for CLIR

3 Multi-view Document Representation
Robust handling of potential errors in 1-best transcription/translation

4 N-best Representation (details): Efficiency vs Accuracy
M-best All MxN MQWV Somali Sampled Representation

5 Bag-of-Phrase (BOP) Representation
Extract all possible phrases from Phrase-based MT (PBMT) decoder

6 Experiment settings for the results I am about to report…
ASR: Semi-supervised Kaldi; MT: Moses w/ crawled bitext 5-best lists Language Query Set Document Collection ASR WER PBMT BLEU Somali QUERY1+2 (700 queries) ANALYSIS1+2 (838 documents) 48.4 18.3 Swahili QUERY2+3 (1000 queries) (813 documents) 32.9 28.7 Tagalog (844 documents) 40.3 33.0 MQWV (beta=40)  optimistic, but more stable comparison System similar to official submission in 1S Evaluation: CLIR AQWV - JHU: ; Other Teams: , ,

7 MQWV improvements due to Multi-View Representations

8 MQWV improvements due to Multi-View Representations

9 MQWV improvements due to Multi-View Representations

10 MQWV improvements due to Multi-View Representations

11 Multi-view Representation with many MT Systems (adding CyberTrans)

12 Multi-view Representation with many MT Systems (adding CyberTrans)

13 Multi-view Representation with many MT Systems (adding CyberTrans)

14 Scoring Function Tuning
Re-visit assumptions of classic BM25 IR score Diverse document representations (varying length, output type) require re-tuning: Inverse Document Frequency of query term Frequency of query term in document Document length ratio Document Query: [q1,q2,…] Tunable Hyperparameters

15 Saturation hyperparameter: k1
N-best+BoP have many repetitions, so desire an early saturation

16 Outline Lessons learned: What worked Lessons learned: Negative results
Multi-view Document Representations Score Function Tuning Lessons learned: Negative results Query expansion Dynamic thresholding Future challenges: Reducing False Alarm Exploiting crawled data for CLIR

17 Query Expansion for handling the rich structure of MATERIAL Query Language
Conceptual expansion: 1A:Query4474: Nakuru,travel+ 1B:Query1133: cat, “population control”+ 1B:Query2058: “food warnings”+, shrimp 1B:Query1120: caffeine, EXAMPLE_OF(vegetable) Disambiguation: 1A:Query1619: hawk[hyp:animal] 1B:Query1657: fire[syn:burn], incident

18 Query Expansion for handling the rich structure of MATERIAL Query Language
Nukuru,travel+ travel travelers, trips tourism, tourist activities personal expense, ...

19 Dynamic Thresholding to reduce gap with Oracle QWV
Query1 Doc23 Doc42 Doc02 Doc11 Query2 Doc03 Doc01 Doc02 Doc42 Query3 Doc12 Doc03 Doc04 Doc06 Single Threshold (manually tuned) Query1 Doc23 Doc42 Doc02 Doc11 Query2 Doc03 Doc01 Query3 Doc12 Doc04 Doc06 Dynamic Threshold (predict per query)

20 Dynamic Thresholding to reduce gap with Oracle QWV

21 Outline Lessons learned: What worked Lessons learned: Negative results
Multi-view Document Representations Score Function Tuning Lessons learned: Negative results Query expansion Dynamic thresholding Future challenges: Reducing False Alarm Exploiting crawled data for CLIR

22 Challenging Queries We have a handle on Pmiss thanks to multi-view representation Easily plug-in any and however many MT engines But queries with high PFalseAlarm are difficult Insufficient training data to learn intricacies in the query language

23 Ideal CLIR Architecture (my opinion)
Multi-view Representation PBMT NMT RBMT 2nd stage CLIR Learning-to-Rank Doc06 Doc12 Doc03 Doc04 Reduce PFalseAlarm WebCrawl CLIR data 1st stage CLIR ElasticSearch Doc12 Doc03 Doc04 Doc06 Query Reduce Pmiss

24 Status: WikiCLIR silver training data in 25 languages
Available at: English query Relevant foreign document

25 Can learning-to-rank models optimize MQWV? Probably yes!
High Correlation between MQWV and Mean Average Precision (MAP) on multiple CLIR systems and languages MAP There’s large literature on direct optimization of common IR metrics, e.g. Yue (SIGIR2007) A Support Vector method for optimizing Average Precision MQWV

26 Summary (1/2) Lessons learned: What worked
Multi-view Document Representations Score Function Tuning

27 Summary (2/2) a Lessons learned: Negative results Future challenges:
Query expansion, Dynamic thresholding Future challenges: Reducing False Alarms Exploiting crawled data for CLIR PBMT NMT RBMT 2nd stage CLIR Learning-to-Rank Doc06 Doc12 Doc03 Doc04 Reduce PFalseAlarm WebCrawl CLIR data 1st stage CLIR ElasticSearch Doc12 Doc03 Doc04 Doc06 Query Reduce Pmiss

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