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California Alternate Assessment for Science Webcast

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Presentation on theme: "California Alternate Assessment for Science Webcast"— Presentation transcript:

1 California Alternate Assessment for Science Webcast
December 12, 2018 Presenter Notes: Hello and welcome to the webcast for the California Alternate Assessment for Science! My name is Dan Stanley, program manager for the California Alternate Assessments. And I am Linda Hooper, Administrator for the Science Office.   Today we will be covering the test administration for this year’s CAA for Science.

2 Learning Objectives Participants will understand:
The purpose of the CAA for Science, and what’s new from last year The preparation steps for the 2018–19 CAA for Science field test Considerations for scheduling the CAA for Science performance tasks Considerations for training test examiners to administer the CAA for Science 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: By the end of this webcast, we hope that you will understand: the purpose of the CAA for Science, and how this assessment has been updated from last year; the steps you should take to prepare for this year’s assessment; Considerations for scheduling the CAA for Science; and Considerations for how to train test examiners to administer this year’s test.

3 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Agenda 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: In this webcast, we will cover: Some background information on the CAA for Science, a new planning resource called the Administration Planning Guide, the step-by-step sequence of how an embedded performance task, or embedded PT, is administered, test security procedures, checklists, reporting and tracking, and the training resources we developed this year. At the end of this session, we will have a question-and-answer period, so please submit questions throughout the webcast.

4 Goals of the CAA for Science
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Before we get into the heart of this presentation, let’s review the goals of the CAA for Science. The goals of the CAA for Science are to: provide meaningful information to both students and educators; support and promote educators’ implementation of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS); embed assessment into instructional practices of the CA NGSS; and offer a developmentally appropriate opportunity for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities to be assessed.

5 The CAA for Science Key Events: How We Got Here
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: There are some key events we can touch on that demonstrate where we have been and where we are today:  First of all, the journey began in 2013 when the State Board of Education, or SBE, adopted the CA NGSS. Then in 2014, the California Department of Education began collaborating with stakeholders to develop the curriculum framework, implementation plans, and the assessment. In 2016, the SBE adopted the high-level test design. And in 2017 and 2018 (wrapping up this year), the CAA for Science completed its first two years of pilot testing. Now, in 2019, the CAA for Science full census field test will be available to administer in January. And in 201920, the CAA for Science operational test will be administered beginning in September 2019 through last day of instruction.

6 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
The 2018–19 CAA for Science (1) 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, let’s go over what’s new for the 2018–19 administration of the CAA for Science. As with the last administration year, there will be three embedded PTs that a student is required to take. Each embedded PT will cover Earth and Space Sciences, Life Sciences, or Physical Sciences. Remember, all three embedded PTs must be attempted in order for the student to count as participated.

7 The 2018–19 CAA for Science (2) 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: The big change this year is that these embedded PTs will now be administered online via the test delivery system, or TDS, the same way test examiners would access the CAAs for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics tests. This means that test examiners will no longer have to use a data entry interface or an answer recording document to record student responses.

8 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
The 2018–19 CAA for Science (3) 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Like the CAAs for ELA and mathematics tests, test examiners will use grade- and version-specific Directions for Administration, or DFAs. These documents help guide test examiners step by step through the testing process. New this year, each embedded PT will have two orienting activities. An orienting activity is nonscorable activity that is designed to engage and familiarize students to science concept they were previously taught. The purpose of an orienting activity is to reengage the student with the content prior to administering the test.   This year, an orienting activity can either be—

9 The 2018–19 CAA for Science (4) 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: A video in the TDS, a hands-on activity administered using materials regularly found in the classroom, or a hands-on activity administered using materials provided in the DFA. The orienting activity may be individualized to best meet the needs of the student.  This will be discussed more in detail later on in the presentation. 

10 What Is the CAA for Science?
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now that was a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time. Don’t worry, we will go over it in more depth to answer some of the questions about each of the different updates. First things first—we will go in depth on…

11 Who Takes the CAA for Science?
Students whose individualized education program (IEP) team designates the use of an alternate assessment. 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Who takes the CAA for Science? The CAA for Science test is designed for students with the most cognitive disabilities. Students whose IEP team designates the use of an alternate assessment are eligible to take this assessment. The CAA for Science is administered in grades five and eight and once in grade ten, eleven, or twelve.

12 High School Eligibility
Students who were in grade ten, eleven, or twelve last year and who took a science assessment have completed their California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) science requirement. Students only have one science assessment opportunity in high school. 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: A note about high school eligibility—students who were in grade ten, eleven, or twelve last year, and who took the CAA for Science last year have completed their California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or CAASPP, science requirement. For example, an eleventh grader who took the test last year cannot be registered to test this year in the Test Operations Management System, or TOMS.  This also means that students who repeat grade twelve for multiple years will not need to retest. CALPADS no longer supports ungraded secondary as a grade which means the rule of five no longer applies.

13 What Is in This Year’s CAA for Science?
Contains three embedded PTs Designed to be embedded into instruction Assesses two science connectors Contains an orienting activity for each connector Contains 10 test questions per embedded PT Allows for individualization 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: As noted before, this year’s CAA for Science will comprise three embedded PTs designed to be incorporated into the instructional calendar. Each embedded PT assesses two science connectors and will have 10 test questions. Each embedded PT will have two orienting activities. Each orienting activity is followed by five test questions. Some orienting activities tasks will contain hands-on exercises to be completed with the student during testing. Individualization is allowed on certain items. The DFA will have more information on what can and cannot be individualized. All three embedded PTs must be attempted in order for the student to count for participation.

14 How Is the CAA for Science Administered?
The test is administered one on one. Items are administered online using the secure browser. The orienting activity may have materials that need to be prepared beforehand. 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: The CAA for Science test is administered one on one. This year, each embedded PT is online and may be accessed via the secure browser. A major feature of the test is the orienting activity—test examiners may need to prepare materials for the activity before testing day. As a reminder, an orienting activity is an activity that engages students to the concept tested in the items that come after it.

15 Considerations for Scheduling the CAA for Science
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: The three embedded performance tasks may be given in any order and at any time from January 8, , to the end to the end of your school’s instructional calendar or July 15, 2018, whichever comes first. Each PT may be accessed online in the test delivery system as soon as January 8—and it’s important to note that the CAA for Science testing window is not like the Smarter Balanced Testing window—any of the three PTs may be given within this time period. After logging into a PT in the TDS, a performance task will expire 45 calendar days after logging a student into the test delivery system. Test site coordinators should work with educator who plans the curriculum for scheduling. To aid in scheduling, we’ve developed an administration planning guide, which we’ll talk about in the next slide.

16 Administration Planning Guide
Shows science connectors assessed for all three embedded PTs  Includes schedule planning table for educators Should be distributed to educators right away 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: To aid in the scheduling of the administration of the embedded PTs, we have developed an administration planning guide for each grade assessed. This will be an especially useful tool to share with your educators, as this guide will have information on the CAA for Science connectors that will be assessed this year, some answers to questions your educators may have about this year’s test, as well as a schedule planning table that will give your educators a framework to start thinking about testing. Please share this guide with your educators and administrators right away. This is available now on the About CAA web page at

17 A Paradigm Shift for Test Site Coordinators
Distribute the Administration Planning Guide to test examiners as early as January. Make sure technology is set up properly for the CAA for Science test administration, as is done for the CAAs for ELA and mathematics. Ensure that there are two internet- connected devices to access the test delivery system (TDS). 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: As with LEA CAASPP coordinators, test site coordinators will need to work with test examiners earlier in the year to schedule the administration of the three embedded PTs. We recommend that test site coordinators distribute the Administration Planning Guide to test examiners as early as January. Something new to consider is that now a school site will need access to the proper technology three times during the year, as the same technology used to access the CAAs for ELA and mathematics test will be needed to access the CAA for Science test. Prior to the administration of each embedded PT, a test examiner must ensure that there are two internet connected devices—one for student testing and the other for the test examiner—to access the TDS. As with all CAASPP tests, the student testing device should have a secure browser installed on it.

18 A Paradigm Shift for Test Examiners
Shortly before administering an embedded PT, download and review the DFA from TOMS to determine if individualization is needed and what materials, if any, need to be prepared for the orienting activities.  2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: A test examiner should collaborate with the test site coordinator early on in the year about when to administer each of the three embedded PTs, in a manner that matches the planned curriculum. A test examiner should review the Administration Planning Guide as early as January. As the test will be online this year, the test examiner should know that the test will be accessed the same way the CAAs for ELA and mathematics test are accessed—using the TDS. We recommend that the test examiner download and review the DFA from TOMS a couple of days before the testing day. A test examiner will need to do this in order to determine if individualization is needed and what materials to prepare for the orienting activities. Some good news—the test examiner will no longer have to record responses via an answer recording document, as the test is now online.

19 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Sequence of Testing 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, let’s go over the step-by-step process of how an embedded PT is administered.

20 Embedded PT Components
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Let’s go over some of the components of an embedded PT. Each embedded PT is accompanied by a DFA, which is a document that guides test examiners step by step through the testing process. Each embedded PT will have two orienting activities. An orienting activity is an activity that is intended to engage the student with the concepts that will be tested. Each activity will be followed by a five-question segment. The first test question of each embedded PT will be a student response check that a test examiner administers to the student. The purpose of the SRC is to confirm that the student has a consistent and observable way of indicating responses to test items and can orient to the task. After all the test questions are administered, a short three-question survey for test examiners will appear on the TDS as the last segment. *NOTE TO DAN: Emphasize survey

21 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Downloading the DFA 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: The DFA is a document that the test examiner should have on hand as testing occurs. Each DFA can be downloaded from TOMS. Each school in California will be assigned either “version 1” or “version 2.” Before testing, test examiners should know which version their school is assigned. Version assignments are posted on the About the CAA web page, and can also be accessed via the URL posted on your screen. This version assignment will apply to all grades within your school. A few days before testing, the test examiner should download the secure DFA from TOMS. These may be accessed via the [Secure Materials] sidebar. Test examiners should review the DFA to determine if there are materials that need to be prepared for the orienting activity or items, and whether or not the test should be individualized according to the needs of the student. Remember, DFAs are secure—whether in electronic or in print format, the DFAs should be kept secure at all times, and securely destroyed after testing. The DFAs should be downloaded one at a time, a few days before that specific embedded PT will be administered. Before testing, ensure you have the right version and grade of the DFA.

22 Sequence of Testing for an Embedded PT
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, let’s go over the step-by-step sequence of testing that occurs for an embedded PT. It’s really important to note that this graphic applies to only one embedded PT—remember, a test examiner will have to repeat this process three times, as there are three total required embedded PTs for a student. First, a few days before testing, the test examiner will download a DFA from TOMS. The test examiner will review the DFA, prepare materials for both orienting activities (if necessary), and log on to the TDS. The first orienting activity is administered according to the instructions in the DFA, after which the first test question is administered to the student. With the first test question, the test examiner will administer the SRC and will either continue or end the test early depending on the results of the check. After the first five test questions are administered, the second orienting activity is administered. After this, the last five test questions are administered.  Once testing is concluded, test examiners will select the [End Test] button in the TDS, after which a survey for the test examiner will be presented on the student testing device. We will go over each of these elements in more detail in the next couple of slides.

23 Summary of the Administration Sequence
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, let’s talk about the admin sequence. This is the sequence of testing for one embedded PT. There are three required embedded PTs for each grade tested.

24 Orienting Activity Modes
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: An orienting activity introduces the concepts covered in the next five test questions. Its purpose is to engage the student in the concept being tested. The first activity is administered after logging on to the TDS. The second activity is administered after the first five test questions. The orienting activity can be a video within the TDS, a hands-on activity using graphics provided in the DFA, or a hands-on activity using objects regularly found in the classroom. (realia) An orienting activity may be individualized according to student needs. The DFA will have specific instructions on what can and cannot be individualized.

25 Student Response Check (SRC)
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Next, let’s go over the SRC. The purpose of the SRC is to confirm that the student has a consistent and observable way of indicating responses to test items and can orient to the task. A test examiner should already know the student’s typical response mode before testing. The SRC is identified by the student’s response to the first test question. If the student does not orient or respond after the first test question, the test examiner would end the test early. There will be an [End Test] button on the first test question. Test examiners are responsible for administering the SRC according to the guidelines provided in the DFA. Teachers know their students the best, will need to make a distinction between a student not providing an observable response due to question specific issue and not orienting to the PT overall. For example, if the student engages with the orienting activity, but does not provide a response to the first question, consider administering more than one question.

26 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Survey 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: After all of the test questions are administered, the test examiner will answer a short, three-question survey. This short, three-question survey will appear on the student testing device after the [End Test] button has been selected. The test examiner will answer this survey, which asks questions about the engagement of the student with the embedded PT. 

27 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Individualization 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: “Individualization” is a term you’ve heard us use a lot throughout this presentation, and it may be familiar to those who administered the test last year. Let’s go over what it is.

28 Principles of Individualization
Individualization is the process of adapting the orienting activity or item to meet individual student needs based on the educator’s knowledge of the student.  The DFA will identify the items that can be individualized and provide examples of how to individualize.  2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Individualization is the process of adapting the orienting activity or item to meet individual student needs based on the educator’s knowledge of the student. In some cases, test examiners may individualize orienting activities and items. Each student has a unique way of orienting to an activity. Students should be presented with test materials in the same way they are presented with instructional materials without changing the construct being assessed. The DFA will have instructions on what can and cannot be individualized. Additional resources are coming soon to further explain the process of individualization.

29 Individualization: Questions to Consider
What will best meet the needs of my student? How do I typically instruct the student in the classroom? 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: The guiding questions that a test examiner should consider when choosing if and how to individualize are: What will best meet the needs of my student? How do I typically instruct the student in the classroom? 

30 Individualization Examples
Exemplar Activity Possible Substitution 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Test examiners can individualize either an orienting activity or some items to best meet the needs of the student. The DFA will have specific instructions of what can and cannot be individualized.  For example, an orienting activity might be a video that shows a cotton ball and a penny, and categorizes each object as either having a hard property or a soft property. The DFA might suggest an individualization in a hands-on activity using realia such as actual cotton balls and a penny to demonstrate different physical properties. The test examiner might decide that, based on his or her knowledge of the student, a physical example would be better for the student, as it may be more accessible.

31 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Test Security 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, let’s cover test security.

32 Test Security Guidelines
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Remember to follow the same security guidelines as used for the other CAASPP assessments. All LEA CAASPP coordinators, test site coordinators, and test examiners must sign the CAASPP Test Security Affidavit. Information about items, including DFA content, should not be shared with anyone who is not directly responsible for test administration. DFAs and print-on-demand materials must be securely handled during the test administration and securely destroyed afterward. For example, digital DFAs should not be ed.

33 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
After Testing 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: After testing, a CAASPP test site coordinator should ensure all DFAs are collected and securely destroyed. Any printed copies should be shredded. Any digital copies should be permanently deleted—meaning you will need to go into the recycling bin to delete them—and these files should not be ed. Different LEAs have used various methods to track DFAs. For example, one test site posted labels to each printed DFA and tracked each DFA that way. 

34 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Checklists 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, we will discuss checklists required for the CAA for Science. 

35 Coordinator Checklists
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Be sure to check out the Online Test Administration Manual for coordinator checklists. Checklists are forthcoming for the LEA CAASPP coordinators, test site coordinators, and test examiners. These checklists will also have timelines as to when a specific task should be completed. 

36 Tracking and Reporting
2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now we will go over reporting and tracking processes.

37 Tracking Completion Statuses
Use the Online Reporting System for tracking student completions for all three embedded PTs. 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: You can use the Online Reporting System for tracking if student has completed, started, or is in progress completions for all three embedded PTs. In April 2019, a report in TOMS will be available that tracks student-level completions. This will allow coordinators to see when a student has completed all three embedded PTs.

38 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Reporting 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: The preliminary indicators for each student will be available in the student downloadable file in the fall. 

39 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Training Resources 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, let’s go over training resources. 

40 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Training Resources (1) 2018–19 Administration Planning Guide (Coming Soon) CAA for Science training performance task (Coming Soon) Test Examiner Tutorial (Coming Soon) Checklists in the Online Test Administration Manual (Coming Soon) Guidance on Assessing Students Using Eye Gazing as a Response Method handout How to Start a Test Session CAA Quick Reference Guide 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Here are some resources that you should start sharing with your staff right away.  The Administration Planning Guide shows the standards assessed and will have a schedule planning table for educators to use. The online CAA for Science training test is highly recommended, as it has the same format as the online operational tests. This test will help familiarize students and teachers with the online operational CAA for Science field test. The Test Examiner Tutorial is a mandatory online module that a test examiner must complete before administering a CAA. It may be helpful if you as an LEA CAASPP coordinator take this test as well. Make sure to check out these other handouts that will be helpful in providing additional guidance.

41 Questions and Answers 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Now, we will open it up for Q and A.  

42 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast
Support The California Technical Assistance Center is available to support all LEA CAASPP coordinators and technology coordinators. Available Monday–Friday from 7 a.m.–5 p.m. Pacific Time Phone: Website: 2018–19 CAA for Science Test Administration Webcast Presenter Notes: Please reach out to The California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) for any support regarding the administration of the CAA for Science.  We hope you have enjoyed this webcast.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.  We wish you the best of luck in administering the CAA for Science.  

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