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CARE International au Niger

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1 CARE International au Niger
FINAL EVALUATION PROMEESS II Highlights of results on women's participation in decision-making Introduction and statistics on MMDs in Niger Syntheses of outcome indicators on decision-making Findings and recommendations Par: KIMBA Nourou, Expert SEAMI PROMEESSII Skype: nourou.kimba Tel: Final evaluation available at the CARE evaluations e-library at

2 MMD/VSLA structures in Niger
Groupes MMD MMD Networks Federations MMD 2015 2005 1991 34 federations 354 Networks Rapid expansion both horizontally (number of groups) and vertically (structuring) showing the structural transformations achieved to meet social and political (and not just financial) needs and aspirations 20000 groups & women members

3   N° Indicators: Women's participation in decision-making is strengthened Niger 2015 Baseline Niger 2018 Endline 1 % of women who are members of a decision-making body and able to influence decisions 55%  91% 2 % of women who reported significant participation in decision-making 33% 37% 3 Women's perception of social inclusion in the community (scale 1-5) 3,4 3,56 4 Changes in policies/legislation/public practice promoting women's civil and political rights weak   medium 5 % of women who use SRHR services in the last 12 months, based on their own decision 17%  22%

4 Findings Almost all of these women (91% on average) are members of MMD groups On average 52% of women believe they propose ideas, and argue to defend their ideas at meetings of community structures. More than 90% of these are MMD women. Almost 40% of women believe they have a strong influence on the decisions made within the community structures in which they participate. The male community leaders interviewed recognize that VSLA women bring added value to community dialogue. Women's degree of influence in decision-making varies according to the types of community structure and they seem to have more influence in socio-professional organizations and infrastructure management and less in village and communal councils.

5 Recommendations Reinforce the focus on the political representation of MMDs through Women's Training, Communication and Awareness, so as not to give up when they are elected: "I am not here in my name, but on behalf of a network, of hundreds of women". Strengthen the commitment of men and youth. Open up the field of research to the university setting in order to allow for broader knowledge and recognition.


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