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Società Italiana di Chirurgia Vascolare ed Endovascolare

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1 Società Italiana di Chirurgia Vascolare ed Endovascolare
SICVE Società Italiana di Chirurgia Vascolare ed Endovascolare SICVE has its own Registry with surgical care activities ( patients in 2016) of its affiliated centres (75 in 2015). This Registry can be seen on the website and it aims  is ink all the italian vascular and endovascular centres.  SICVE is on Internet with its official website It has an own Blog and it’s also present on Facebook and Twitter.  SICVE was founded in Rome on January 24th, 1997 by six Founding Members: Fabrizio Benedetti-Valentini, Giovanni Brotzu, Giancarlo Bracale, Alberto Marcialis, Carlo Spartera e Massimo D’Addato. The first SICVE Congress took place in Rome from the 21th to the 22th November 1998. The National Congress is organized once a year and it is the main italian meeting to discuss the state of the art of surgical treatment for vascular  diseases. More than 1100 Doctors attended the last editions, comparing researches, studies and case reports. Our aim is to assess the  best up to date care for vascular patients.  Since 2010 SICVE launched several national and international initiatives to promote the relevance of the Italian Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. We are proud of the official partecipation of the Society to the main international events as Charing Cross in London, Veith Symposium in New York, CICE in Brasil. The National Congress is characterized by the presence of several International Societies (ESVS, ISVS, SCVE, SEACV, Vascular Society of Southern Africa) and National ones (ISO, SIAPAV, SIAARTI, CIF, SISAV).  At the moment, there are more than 1000 italian vascular and endovascular Surgeons sharing  SICVE partnership.   SICVE promotes studies, reasearches and supports congressual activities. There are important exchanges with international Scientific Societies: the European Society (ESVS), the American Society (SVS), the French Society (SCVE), the Spanish Society (SEACV) and with several Italian Scientific Societies. There also are important collaborations with Institutions (Ministry of Healthcare, Federation of Scientific Medical Societies, AGENAS, Regions) and with Patients Associations (Federanziani, Cittadinanza Attiva, Alice, Marfan).  SICVE has an official Journal::The Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, edited by Minerva Medica. SICVE Guidelines were published recently in in collaboration with other Scientific Societies such as ISO – Italian Stroke Organization , Italian Society of Vascular Pathology, SIAARTI – Italian Society of Anesthesiologists , SISAV – Italian Society for Vascular Malformations, SIRM – Italian Society of Radiology Every year SICVE funds scolarships for young Members to support a training period in foreign centers. The Presidents The Secretaries Year F. Benedetti Valentini C. Setacci Year G. Coppi G.Paroni Year G.R. Pistolese C. Pratesi Year D. Palombo R. Pacchioni Year G. Bracale B. Gossetti Year M.Puttini F .Peinetti Year C. Setacci A. Argenteri Year F. Peinetti V. Dorrucci Year R.Chiesa P. Castelli Year N. Mangialardi P. Castelli Year A. Stella G. Lanza Year F. Nessi G. Lanza Year C. Pratesi G. Lanza Year S. Camparini XVIII SICVE National Congress Florence, 21th – 23th October 2019

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