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Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Basics

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Basics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Basics
Summer 2019 Tiny URL is to a copy of presentation. Participants may want to download again toward the end of the summer to obtain the most up-to-date copy of this presentation. This will eventually be posted to the supplemental resources on the DLM website.

2 Purpose Navigate and use DLM instructional and assessment supports:
DLM website Kite Educator portal Kite Student portal Building instruction based on Essential Elements (EEs)

3 Success Criteria Participants are more familiar with the DLM website and resources. Participants will gain experience in the step-by-step processes of the DLM system. Participants will be able to select Essential Elements (EEs) and build instruction around the EE selection.

4 Agenda Integrated Model (IM) Redesign Arkansas DLM Website First Steps
Instructionally Embedded Model (IE) Arkansas DLM Website Manuals/Blueprints Resources Professional Development First Steps Security Agreement DLM online ADE paper (DTC) DLM Moodle Training Introduce the term “Instructionally Embedded Model” and emphasize that this is a new model - that DLM is changing models. Note: on the DLM website, under the States tab, AR and the other IE states will be listed under the “Instructionally -Embedded Model” heading instead of Integrated Model.

5 Agenda Educator Portal Building Instruction Student Portal
First Contact Survey Instructional Plans/TIPS Building Instruction Student Portal Practice/released items Miscellaneous

6 Testing Grade Levels / Subjects
English Language Arts (required both windows) Grades Math (required both windows) Science (required spring window only)

7 Testing Window Comm. Memo LS-20-010

8 The following slides were taken from the Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium training slide deck. There are changes coming to the DLM system, and we would like to review with you what we think are modifications that greatly improve the testing system. These changes come about after a year’s work with a committee of teachers from around the consortium.


10 Basics of Updated DLM Alternate Assessment
Two long windows, spanning the entire school year where the teacher selects Essential Elements for instruction, creates instructional plans, decides the complexity level of the assessment. Both windows are functionally identical in approach and philosophy to the current Instructionally Embedded window that occur during the fall and winter months.





15 DLM Common Terms IE Model - Instructionally Embedded Model
EE - Essential Elements (standards) Linkage Level - Performance Level Blueprint Coverage - Minimum number/type of EEs to test per window TIP - Testlet Information Page Planner - Instruction and Assessment Planner DTC - District Test Coordinator TA - Test Administrator (teacher) FCS - First Contact Survey PNP - Personal Needs and Preferences Kite Educator Portal Kite Student Portal PII - Personally Identifiable Information

16 Arkansas DLM Website
States Professional Development Testing Dates ADE Contact Information Manuals and Blueprints Tab Essential Elements REVIEW WEBSITE WITH BLUEPRINT & MONITORING REPORT ACTIVITY: TOPICS TO COVER: Blue ribbon at top of page States - go to Arkansas under Instructionally Embedded Model Professional Development Testing Dates (window will be revised for ) ADE Contact Information: Ann, Deb, Robin Manuals & Blueprints tab

17 Arkansas DLM Website Resources for Educators and District Staff
Helplets Resources for ELA, math & science List of Materials Supplemental Resources Parent brochure Summer Training PPT Test Updates Review tabs: Topics to cover: Under Resources & District Staff tab Helplet for Educator Resource Educator Resource Page for ELA & Math & Science List of Materials Test Updates - Teachers can subscribe for test updates and notices. Service Desk Number and Log in for Educator Portal at BOTTOM of page TEACHER ACTIVITY: Subscribe for Test Updates

18 Teacher Recruitment This is where educators can go to sign up to be considered for committees that DLM will have throughout the year. Committee work can center around item writing and development. Some work is virtual and some will include travel to Kansas City.

19 What comes first? FIRST - the DTC has duties to perform.

20 District Test Coordinators (DTC) Duties
DTC adds new Users, edits/removes others DTC registers students eSchool coding DTC rosters students to teachers The state uploaded all the District Test Coordinators to Kite Educator Portal on August 1. After that, DTCs were to add teachers as users. The state uploaded students on 9/3. After students are uploaded then DTCs can roster the students to the teachers.

21 First Steps for Test Administrators
Getting Started in Educator Portal Helplet Set up account in Educator Portal (after DTC adds new users) Existing users will receive a notification within Educator Portal to renew security agreement. Security Agreement (two) Online - Educator Portal User Guide Pg. 16 ADE - DTC provides around time of summative Proceed to required Moodle Training (opens Aug. 5) Play the EP Helplet. It covers each step to activate the TA’s Educator Portal Account, signing the security agreement AND Data Security - PII. After the District Test Coordinator adds users, new users will receive an from Click the link in the , complete information required and click ACTIVATE. After signing in to educator portal, go to My Profile and select the SECURITY AGREEMENT tab. Select “I have read...and agree to…” The other choice of do not agree is the default, so remember to select the other. Type your name and click SAVE. Returning users will get a notice to renew their security agreement. You can proceed to the required Moodle Training.

22 Moodle Training Required Training for ALL TEST ADMINISTRATORS
Moodle Training for opened August 5. Guide to DLM Required Test Administrator Training Instructions for logging into site pg. 6 New Test Administrators (4 modules) Returning Test Administrators (1 module) DTC must add Teacher into system before accessing Moodle training NOTES: New test administrators must successfully complete four modules with a passing score on each module’s post-test before teachers can test students. Modules are available one at a time in sequential order. Trainees must pass the post-test at 80% or higher in order to access the next module. Total training time for new test administrators is estimated at approximately two and a half hours. Returning test administrators is self-directed. Returning teachers must successfully complete one module (4 quizzes included) with a passing score of 80%. The returning test administrator required training takes approximately one hour to complete. If the quiz at the end of returning module is not passed with a score of 80% or more, the teacher must take all 4 modules, like new teachers.

23 Recap Quizlet How is DLM changing in the Fall?
Will the “Summative” window include 5, 5 & 9 testlets? Who must add teachers into the DLM system and roster students? How will teachers know when they have been added to the DLM system? After being added to the system, what is the first thing to do? How many times will DLM teachers sign a security agreement? Is Moodle training required? How many training modules must NEW teachers pass? How many training modules must RETURNING teachers pass? Discuss with participants.

24 First Contact Survey Determines the linkage level of the testlets
Will cause slight delay in delivery of testlet Do a First Contact Survey for ALL students in your portal ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED TRAINING - you can complete the FCS for each student on your roster. FCS must be completed on ALL students. The FCS is a survey of learner characteristics that go beyond demographics. This survey covers a variety of topics including communication, academic skills, and attention. The FCS is important…. The responses submitted will direct the system as to the appropriate linkage level for students and testlets will be delivered at that LL. *Until the FCS has been completed and submitted, your students can not receive a testlet.

25 Kite Educator Portal Complete the First Contact Survey (FCS)
Educator Portal User Guide for step-by-step instructions p. 42 FCS follows student from year to year but must be reviewed, updated, and submitted each year even if no changes are made. If the FCS is not submitted, the student will not receive any testlets. Full list of questions that will be asked can be found in the Test Administration Manual Core questions (*) are required. Complete the Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) Educator Portal User Guide p. 30 Accessibility Manual shows supports available Supports do not have to be listed on IEP As stated previously, the First Contact Survey must be completed before teachers can create instructional plans and test students. Next, TA can complete the PNP: Accessibility supports are marked in the PNP. The PNP can be completed or revised at any time prior to testing, but does take 24 hours to deliver. There is also a one Day wait time after 1st contact survey is submitted. Then testlets are available to be delivered. We have provided links to the manuals (Educator Portal User Guide, Test Administration Manual and Accessibility manual) for your convenience. Accessibility Manual shows the supports available in the system.

26 Kite Educator Portal Check student rosters Create instructional plans
Pending status Confirm testlets Retrieve TIPS Student progress reports Student history Blueprint coverage reports Most of the work a test administrator does happens within the Kite Educator Portal. You will……see slide.

27 TEACHER ACTIVITY Create Instructional Plans Review Essential Elements
Blueprints Student Progress Monitoring Form TEACHER ACTIVITY: ACTIVITY: Pass out progress report forms for grade levels. Allow teachers 10 minutes to plan all requirements to meet blueprint coverage.

28 Example of the paper monitoring form found under Resources for Educators and District Staff tab > Educator Resource Page for English Language Arts and Mathematics > Essential Elements Selection Records > ELA Selection Records (docx) Ask about WRITING EEs - notice that all writing EEs are tested using only one testlet.

29 Educator Portal Instruction and Assessment Planner (The Planner)
Replaced the Instructional Tools Interface Educator Resource Videos NOTE: With update, the ITI will be called “Instruction and Assessment Planner”. Follow the link and choose “Using the Instruction and Assessment Planner” for the helplet. Ready to Teach: Now that teacher has created their instructional plans, Ann will demonstrate building instruction around their plans...and using the EEs & the TIP.

30 Linkage Levels Math/ELA Science Initial Precursor (IP) Initial
Distal Precursor (DP) Precursor Proximal Precursor (PP) Target Target (T) Successor (S)

31 Finding Science Essential Elements
Arkansas Page Resources for Educators and District Staff Educator Resource Page For Science Essential Elements for Science (pdf)

32 Building Instruction based on Essential Elements (EEs)
Try to select EEs that cross content and span grade bands. Begin by selecting an EE. Let’s start with Science! EE.MS-ESS-1 Target Level: Use an Earth-Sun-Moon model to show that Earth's orbit around the Sun corresponds to a calendar year and the orbit of the Moon around Earth corresponds to a month. Precursor Level: Use a model to show that Earth's Moon moves around Earth, and Earth and its Moon move around the Sun. Initial Level: Recognize models of the Earth, Moon, and Sun system. Show EEs for science and how to get there

33 EEs Gen Ed Standard Linkage Level Performance
Connections to the 3 dimensions Of science and to the other content areas Show how to find these EEs on the website.

34 Retrieve TIP TIPs are secure.
TIPs at lower linkage levels may include pictures. TIPS are located under the test management tab in Educator portal along with test tickets.

35 Select Resources and Teach
Tar Heel Readers - “Moon Facts” by Mrs. Marshall - math activity Merge Cube - Install the Galactic Explorer App Inflatable Globe (33 inch) and smaller sphere to represent moon Model of the solar system (check with science teachers) Remember that the TIP may suggest a Tar Heel Reader. Use that during instruction so that the student is familiar with the text before testing.

36 Make Connections Used models Recognized patterns
Include visual information Demonstrated a simple ratio relationship Science is not really taught in isolation. Often science includes reading and math standards that could be taught and later tested.

37 Now it’s your turn Pick a Science EE for one of your students from the blueprint. Now find that EE in the Essential Elements for Science Document Select the linkage level for that student (check performance descriptions on EE page) Select resources Teach - write down some activities that might fit your EE and connections to ELA and Math Test - write down some possible items that might appear on the testlet. Pass out template. Allow 20 minutes for activity.

38 Have participants table share ideas, then a group share if time permits.

39 Only one thing left to do - Test
Make sure your instructional plans are in “CONFIRMED” status, not “Pending”

40 Kite Student Portal Where students work
Schools must have Kite app downloaded into student device Students must have password Practice activities available Released testlets available Student password / login information is found in the Instruction and Assessment Planner (Educator Portal, Manage Tests)

41 Kite Student Portal Practice Activities & Released Testlets
Practice activities - designed to familiarize users with the way testlets look Access through Student Portal in the Practice section Released testlets - similar to the real DLM testlets in content and format Publicly available Can be used as practice or as examples The Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) Alternate Assessment System provides educators and students with the opportunity to prepare for assessments by using practice activities and released testlets.


43 Student Portal This comes straight from the Guide for practice activities and released testlets.



46 Educator Portal User Guide
Helpful Reports Educator Portal User Guide Progress Monitoring BLUEPRINT COVERAGE REPORT: This monitoring report is found within the system and updates automatically. In the Table of Contents of the Educator Portal User Guide find, “View a Blueprint Coverage Report” (pg 77). PROGRESS MONITORING (PAPER): This is same form used earlier in this presentation. It will be helpful for you if you create a timeline for yourself to make sure you have spaced the instruction throughout the year. IMPORTANT!! Complete blueprint TWICE next year once in fall and once in spring.

47 Example of Blueprint Coverage
Page of Educator Portal User’s Guide

48 Helpful Tool for IEP Development
Individual Education Programs Linked to the DLM Essential Elements Professional Development Modules - Alphabetical Order

49 Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Send no more than two pieces of student information in an Student’s name Student’s State ID number Do not include in Social Security Number Phone Number Date of Birth Home Address More Data Privacy Information available on ADE Website Reminder: Protect your student’s personally identifiable information …...In most instances, the 10 digit state ID number is all that is necessary to use. The ADE has provided a training module found at this link… is aprox minutes.

50 Testing Grade Levels / Subjects
English Language Arts (required both windows) Grades Math (required both windows) Science (required spring window only) Talk about differences from last year and remind that science is not required until Spring window.

51 Testing Window Comm. Memo LS-19-052

52 Look for the PD flyer in your packets.

53 Success Criteria Participants are more familiar with the DLM website and resources. Participants will gain experience in the step-by-step processes of the DLM system. Participants will be able to select Essential Elements (EEs) and build instruction around the EE selection.

54 Reach Out! 501-682-5303


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