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Published byHillary McDonald Modified over 5 years ago
Analytics as a Service (for service assurance with closed loop actions) Functional requirement Enhancements to DCAE & PNDA Requirement/architecture owner: Srinivasa Addepalli Source: Edge Automation WG Thanks to Ramki, Raghu, Margaret, Chaker, Vijay, Jack, Tom, Donald and Frank for their mindshare, feedback and/or contributions Disclaimer: It is WIP and some details will change as we develop more understanding on integration aspects with DCAE and PNDA
Requirements Network Analytics Closer to the data source
Bring up analytics frameworks in multiple cloud regions. Bring up analytics applications on the right location based on VNF/NFVI requirements Support for various kinds of analytics Traditional Analytics ML/DL analytics – Training and Inferencing Support for various types of analytics Analytics on infrastructure level statistics : NFVI, VIM, K8S etc… Analytics on VNF level statistics Support for Shared analytics services (Analytics services shared across multiple NFVIs, Multiple VNFs or Multiple VNF instances) Dedicated analytics services (Per VNF instance) Dynamic configuration (Day0 + Day 2) in case of shared analytics services Static configuration (Day0) in case of dedicated or batch analytics services Modularity Analytics system should be as generic as possible (One should be able to just use this without rest of ONAP). That is, ONAP Glue and ONAP action processors to be independent. Analytics system and applications are considered as workloads as far as ONAP SDC/SO/OOF/Multi-Cloud are concerned.
Assumptions for Dublin
Kubernetes support in Cloud regions (Future) support others in future. What to be supported is TBD. PNDA as a base (Alignment with DCAE – DCAE already decided to use PNDA framework) Spark framework even for inference (Future) make the inference as a Micro Service for easier deployment. (Future) make the inference as set of executable to be deployed even within application/NF workload or in the compute node (in case of single node edge deployment). Instantiates the entire analytics framework in remote cloud regions. (Future) work with partial deployment that already exists (For example, support existing HDFS deployment by only instantiating the other components) Instantiates in new name space (not on existing namespace) in remote cloud regions (Future) will consider deploying in the existing namespace (We believe it is mostly testing and fixing any gaps) Dynamic configuration updates to analytics applications will be using Consul in Dublin. Other mechanisms for further study. Testing with third party analytics frameworks/apps is stretch – Depending on the framework vendors.
Service Assurance – E2E stack with ONAP Components
ONAP Glue (with DCAE and CLAMP) Configuration & Deployment App Dispatcher (using K8S) Model Dispatcher E2E configurator, Mapper (Day0 config and Day2 config) Packaging and installation Spark app image Distribution Model Distribution Data sources & mechanisms Collection layer : Data Collection, transformation & Distribution Closed loop actions Spark Apps App1 App2 App3 ONAP - LCM Collectd ONAP Action processor NFVI Ticket system VIM Node exporter Protocol termination, AVRO encodinig & Kafka output SDN Cntrl Other process entities Alarms cAdvisor Spark/PNDA framework Workloads SNMP Network Fabric Spark ML frameworks Local LCM actions Kafka OpenTSDB Syslog HDFS Zookeeper VES Consul for Dynamic App Config and discovery. App & Model Deployment Manager (from PNDA) Analytics framework Collection agents Distribution Analytics Actions
Service Assurance – E2E stack (Config & Deployment with third party analytics systems)
Configuration & Deployment Packaging and installation Analytics App Distribution App Dispatcher (using K8S) Model Distribution Model Dispatcher E2E configurator, Mapper (Day0 config and Day2 config) ONAP Glue (with DCAE and CLAMP) Data sources & mechanisms Closed loop actions 3rd Party Analytics Systems ONAP - LCM Collectd ONAP Action processor NFVI App1 App2 App3 Ticket system VIM Node exporter SDN Cntrl Other process entities Alarms cAdvisor Workloads SNMP Framework Network Fabric Local LCM actions Syslog VES Collection agents Actions
Inferencing/transform Apps
E2E flow Training (Estimator – Spark term) Training action (Batch) Continuous NFVI Collection: Extract and Storing Apps Training Apps Models VNFs Collect Distribute models Net Apache Spark App HDFS, OpenTSDB NFVI streaming Collection: Extract and stream Inferencing/transform Apps GUI VNFs Collect Result Ticket Generation Net Apache Spark Closed loop App Models ONAP-central Inferencing (Transformer – Spark term)
Reduce above steps by automating this with DCAE/CLAMP
Workflow phases Preparation of CSARs Analytics framework CSARs (Standard & Inference) Set of analytics application CSARs. Onboarding of CSARs Onboard each CSAR to SDC as a different service Upload analytics application image (non-MS based) using new service created. Upload ML/DL models using new service created as part of this effort. Instantiation of analytics framework (using VID/CLI) User to figure out the cloud regions. Instantiate analytics framework in each of the cloud-regions one- by-one. User to note down the service instance ID. Create analytics application Day0 configuration profiles for various analytics apps(Using CLI/GUI provided by Multi-Cloud K8S plugin) Create analytics application Day 2 configuration profiles for various VNFs (using new service created as part of this effort) Instantiation of analytics application User to figure out which apps to be brought up on various cloud regions. Instantiate the app one by one for each of the cloud regions – Using analytics framework service instance ID, Day0 profile reference. Instantiation of VNF : Before instantiating VNF, upload Day2 configuration profile to the right analytics application (additional step) Reduce above steps by automating this with DCAE/CLAMP
Analytics as a Service(An example)
Instantiate inferencing framework on a cloud region Instantiate Standard Analytics framework (input – Cloud region) Onboard ONAP-Analtyics framework packages Using PNDA & Open source, create packages & helm charts Two packages Standard package consisting of Apache Spark, HDFS, OpenTSDB, Kafka And ML packages including MLLib, spark-scikit-learn, spark-tensorflow Inference package consisting of Kafka, Apache Spark Notes: Not shown, but standard package can be instantiated in ONAP-central and edges too ONAP-Central Instantiate standard analytics instance Instantiate inference analytics instance Cloud-region Cloud-region Standard Analytics framework Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region Inference Analytics framework Use existing facilities of ONAP (SDC and SO) - No changes in ONAP
Standard Analytics engine
Onboarding of Analytics App and Uploading/Distributing spark app images & Models As a operator figure out the analytics applications that need to be brought up for various use cases Create CSAR with helm charts (Analytics Application BP) Example: Say NFVI analytics require one collection service, two spark applications and one action processing service. It would have three helm charts. Onboard CSAR to ONAP SDC Spark applications and ML Models are not a micro service and hence dockerhub (public/private) can’t be used. Add “App & Model management and Distribution service in ONAP which is used to upload spark app images and models ’ - new service in ONAP Upload Spark app images, Distribute to various cloud regions Upload ML Models and distribute to various cloud regions Onboard Analytics App BP ONAP-Central Upload spark app and model Upload app Cloud-region Cloud-region Standard Analytics engine Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region Inference engine
Configuration Profiles (for Day0)
Operator configures various configuration profiles for analytics applications. Operator instantiates analytics application in a cloud region with one of the configuration profiles. ONAP brings up services as per the app CSAR. Upload analytics App configurations (Multiple profiles are possible) ONAP-Central Instantiate Analytics App with one of config profiles Cloud-region Cloud-region Standard Analytics engine Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region No change in ONAP Uses existing facilities Inference engine
VNF Specific configuration – Part of Day2 configuration
Instantiate VNF and also pass reference VNF specific configuration for Analytics – Multiple manual steps – First send the Day 2 configuration to analytics application, once successful, instantiate VNF) Prepare VNF specific configuration on per analytics app While instantiating VNF, add reference to analytics configuration specific to that VNF ONAP will push the configuration to the consul of analytics framework. Since analytics applications monitoring changes (via notifications) on consul, it gets the configuration ONAP-Central Config push to Consul, right before VNF gets instantiated Cloud-region Cloud-region Standard Analytics engine Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region Cloud Region Inference engine
Automation of Manual steps (Integrate with DCAE & CLAM)
Creation of BP and uploading BP to SDC. Auto upload of images and models to remote analytics frameworks. Auto detecting VNF and configuring analytics services automatically.
Impacted projects PNDA (Enhancement to PNDA) – Initiated conversations with PNDA team DCAE – New modules and Services (Started conversations with DCAE team) Non-Micros service based (example: spark application) Application Management (internally utilizes the PNDA deployment manager) ML/DL Model Management and Dispatching to right cloud-regions. DCAE Integration (DCAE team believes that this is not trivial, may need to happen over two or three releases. Hence manual methods will be used in R4) E2E automation Multi-Cloud/K8S: May require enhancements in Multi-Cloud K8S plugin as framework and apps are instantiated via existing ONAP mechanisms (Starting with using Multi-Cloud directly using its API and then test with SDC/SO as and when K8S-based-Cloud-region-team integrates with rest of ONAP).
Current state of Analytics in ONAP – R3
DCAE is Analytics framework. TCA is one of the analytics applications Current use case Collects statistics from VNFs using VES DCAE runs statistics using TCA. TCA generates alarms Policy listens for alarms Generate LCM actions on APPC APPC in turn work with MC to take action (Heal / Scale-out /Scale-in/Migrate ) APPC Policy (Drools) DCAE APP Statistics Site1 Site n VNF VNF VNF VNF VNF VNF NFVI NFVI
R4 – Integration with PNDA
APPC DCAE is moving from CDAP to PNDA PNDA uses Apache Spark. Spark is most popular data analytics framework. Apache Spark has many features (Need to be ensured that version selected can support following). Support for MLLib Support for tensorflow Support for SciKit-Learn Support for Kafka Support for datasets Support for HDFS/S3/Normal file system. Apache Spark has many third party analytics applications Policy (Drools) DCAE Deployment Client/GUI Kafka Deployment Manager Apps (e.g TCA) Apache Spark HDFS Kafka APP Statistics Site1 Site n VNF VNF VNF VNF VNF VNF NFVI NFVI
Current status of PNDA integration with DCAE
Very early stages Work that was done so far A bridge & bootstrap container that brings up PNDA as VMs using Openstack. OOM brings up the PNDA bootstrap and Mirror containers. PNDA bridge containers assume that Openstack is installed. PNDA bridge container bring up HDFS, KAFKA, OpenTSDB, Apache Spark in VMs using HEAT templates On collection layer Usage of VES Agents in VNFs VES transport to Kafka VES model to AVRO model (Not very clear on the status) No integration with DCAE and CLAMP framework yet.
What we want to achieve Dockerization & Helm based analytics framework
Help in any integration needed between CLAMP/DCAE and PNDA Machine Learning support in analytics framework Distribution of Analytics applications
Dockerization & Helm based deployment
Why? Uniformity across ONAP (Be deployed using OOM) Avoid HEAT based deployment - Current PNDA integration (based on gerrit), seems to be deploying mirror container using OOM and then mirror container brings up various analytics services using HEAT. A way to realize “Analytics as a Service” (Ability to bring up analytics framework anywhere – near edges such as regional sites or at the cloud regions. How? Identify all software packages that constitute analytics framework (PNDA has nice list) & micro-services. Apache Spark, HDFS, OpenTSDB, Kafka broker etc… DockerFiles to create container images (See whether existing container images in dockerHub are good enough, if not create docker images) Create helm charts (Adapt helm charts that are available in public – Ensure that parameterization is done to provide flexibility of deploying multiple instances. Training and Inferencing packages
NFV Technical Requirements – Service Assurance
service assurance, failover and recovery are high on the list as industry transitions to NFV/SDN Use cases Fault Correlation and Root cause analysis Performance management Anticipation of service failure & Auto trouble ticket management Anticipation of SLA failure & QOS management Traffic prediction Some use cases require ML. ML based analytics require various metrics, logs. Maintain historical data for training (Big data framework) ML based Analytics applications
Collection & Schema Support for both Pull and push from/to scrape targets Collection from - Node-exporter, cAdvisor CollectD logStash VES Encoding - Conversion to AVRO schema Export to next level application - Via Kafka
Analytics Applications – Training/inference/normal
Support analytics applications that are created elsewhere for Apache Spark Input Kafka HDFS data OpenTSDB data Model Output
On-boarding Analtyics-App images/models/configurations
Collection Applications Analytics Applications Analytics Environment (common across multiple applications) Authentication credentials (for Kerberos) Connectivity information Tunable parameters App Configurations (Multiple) Collection apps Output Kafka topic (for streaming) Scrape targets Metrics to be collected/parsed Storage related information (for storing apps) Analytics Apps App specific configuration Kafka topics to listen to Kafka to use for sending events Run time (Need to be taken care) - In some cases (inferencing cases), Scrape targets are only known at run time.
Offloading Analytics (One of ONAP-Edge workloads)
Analytics App Repo & Mapping with VNF & Service management APPC Analytics instance registration management Policy/CLAMP Distributed Deployment Manager Model Management Conversion API ONAP-Edge workload (Analytics) ONAP-Edge workload (Analytics) Third party analytics framework PNDA+ PNDA+ Kafka Kafka Deployment Manager Deployment Manager Apps Apps Training at the regional sites and inference at the edges. Both at the edges Both at the regional sites Apache Spark Apache Spark HDFS Kafka HDFS Kafka Collection & transformation Collection & transformation Edge1 Edge2 Edge n Edge1 Edge2 Edge m
May need to develop Kafka proxy
Activities Activity Description ML framework libraries in PNDA distribution Ensure that PNDA packaging includes Machine learning libraries such as MLLib, spark sci-kit learn integration and spark-tensorflow integration packages. PNDA packaging as Helm charts To allow deployment of PNDA anywhere (using OOM in case of ONAP-central) and as set of containers in case of regional sites or edge sites. Packaging for training and inference (inference packaging should have minimal components to allow deploying at the edges) – Functional decomposition Collection mechanisms Logs/events collection(logstash), metrics/stats (Collectd, Node-exporter, cAdvisor etc…) Distribution of models, analytics applications To various instances – near edges/edges. New enhancements in DCAE framework To allow distribution of models, applications, application environment, application configuration. A&AI changes To register analytics instances Closed loop actions at service level (conversions) Edge analytics instances sending the alerts/insights and getting them converted to rest of ONAP for closed loop actions at the service level. Distributed deployment On per VNF/Service instance basis, run the right applications, provide mapping of events from collectors to analytics applications and also providing configuration of applications/ May need to develop Kafka proxy
R4 Proposal Analytics-as-a-Service Distributed Deployment Manager
Deploy analytics applications and collection applications using API. Configuration using analytics and collection applications. Mapping of VNFs and telemetry to collection and analytics applications. Dynamic support (once the applications are running). Prove with simple analytics service at the edge (Modify ZTT – Zero Touch Telemetry?) Stretch Model onboarding Model deployment Network analytics models
TODO/Questions Need to understand DCAE to PNDA integration AND suggest changes Docker containers and helm charts. Sequence diagrams between ONAP-central, Analytics workload Features of new components ML/DL use cases – Public models. Collection mechanisms Transformation open source projects (Cisco JOY? Open source project) Auto-Creation of models. Inferencing framework suitable for edges (Should be lean) APIs between ONAP-Central & Analytics framework workloads (ONAP based or third party)
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