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TDW-13: 8-12th April 2019, Noumea, New Caledonia

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Presentation on theme: "TDW-13: 8-12th April 2019, Noumea, New Caledonia"— Presentation transcript:

1 TDW-13: 8-12th April 2019, Noumea, New Caledonia
Data Sharing Why can’t I access data ? TDW-13: 8-12th April 2019, Noumea, New Caledonia

2 Data Sharing Outline Current data sharing mechanisms
Required data-sharing – for your National Fleet Required data-sharing – for you as a Coastal State Tufman 2 – how data are shared Tufman 2 – situations where you can’t access data ? Questions to consider …

3 Data Access/Sharing    Current data-sharing mechanisms
Several mechanisms for sharing data Understanding complexity in the rules… Data-sharing business rules built into Tufman 2 The same would apply to chartered vessels, and chartering State reporting responsibilities

4 Data Sharing Required data-sharing – for your National Fleet
“Data” represent Logbook, Port Sampling, Unloadings, Observer data Data Provider SHARING of data for your NATIONAL FLEET (flag and charter) FLAG STATE Activities in the WCPFC Area (all EEZs and high seas fished) National fleet data received directly into your offices… COASTAL STATE Licensed to fish in other EEZs (and high seas) Data from each Coastal State where your national fleet is licensed ** PORT STATE Unloading or transhipping in ports of other countries Data from each Port State where your national fleet offloads ** OBSERVER PROGRAMME Observer data collected from another observer programme Data where another observer programme is deployed on a vessel in your national fleet (can be shared through WCPFC ROP data rules) The same would apply to chartered vessels, and chartering State reporting responsibilities

5 SHARING of (licensed) Foreign fleet data to you as a COASTAL STATE
Data Sharing Required data-sharing – for you as a Coastal State “Data” represent Logbook, Port Sampling, Unloadings, Observer data Data Provider SHARING of (licensed) Foreign fleet data to you as a COASTAL STATE FLAG STATE The FLAG STATE should provide logbook data under your license conditions COASTAL STATE Another COASTAL STATE should provide logbook data where fleet(s) are licensed to fish in more than one EEZ ** PORT STATE Another PORT STATE should provide logbook and unloadings data where licensed foreign fleets offload in another country ** OBSERVER PROGRAMME OBSERVER PROGRAMME from another country should provide observer data (can be shared through WCPFC ROP data rules) The same would apply to chartered vessels, and chartering State reporting responsibilities

6 Data Access/Sharing TUFMAN 2 – how data are shared…
TUFMAN 2 uses the data sharing rules agreed under the NTSA, but with practical considerations (not yet unconditional). The main rules that Tufman 2 rely on for sharing other countries’ data to you are … Fishing activity is in your EEZ… (“transits” do not represent fishing activity) Your flagged/chartered vessel… Departure or return port is in your country Countries that have not ratified NTSA data sharing will be restricted under TUFMAN2 and will impact on the sharing to other countries… The same would apply to chartered vessels, and chartering State reporting responsibilities

7 Data Access/Sharing TUFMAN 2 – how data are shared…
Where not covered by NTSA … Some sharing relies on LICENSING DATA UNLOADINGS DATA are shared (linked) to logsheets (a practical consideration) BILATERAL DATA SHARING AGREEMENTS between countries (e.g. Fiji and Vanuatu) [There is a plan to enhance the NTSA to cover the sharing of UNLOADINGS data, for eg.] Other specific sharing rules include … FSM Arrangement  you see data if your National Fleet or in your EEZ US PS Treaty  you see data for your EEZ only Japan, Ecuador,  you see data for your EEZ only The same would apply to chartered vessels, and chartering State reporting responsibilities

8 Data Access/Sharing TUFMAN 2 – situations where you can’t access data.. T2 Data Access Issue Action / Reason I have the paper logsheet, but can’t enter or view the data… Logsheet has errors that need to be resolved by another country… or SLACK msg the country that entered the logbook Ask them the STATUS of data entry If you don't get a response contact SPC… Check that this vessel is LICENSED in Tufman 2 There was NO FISHING ACTIVITY in your EEZ (“transits” do not represent fishing activity) There are no mechanisms for sharing this data (see SPC) If it's your flagged vessel, check the FLAG of the vessel in the Tufman 2 Reference tab If it's your charter vessel, check SPC is aware of the charter Otherwise, check with SPC ! The same would apply to chartered vessels, and chartering State reporting responsibilities

9 Data Access/Sharing TUFMAN 2 – situations where you can’t access data.. T2 Data Access Issue Action There is no data sharing mechanism (e.g. you are aware that a country is not sharing data …) Liaise with country not sharing data Involve SPC/FFA to facilitate… I can’t view unloadings data for my fleet (my vessels based in another country) We hope to have this supported under NTSA In the meantime, consider a bilateral sharing agreement (there are precedents…) The same would apply to chartered vessels, and chartering State reporting responsibilities

10 Data Access/Sharing Questions to consider… Please consider your situation … Are you restricted from access to data in Tufman 2 ? Are these restrictions related to the lack of data sharing or work flow ? TDW is the forum to facilitate discussions between/amongst countries to improve data access !

11 Thank You Any questions?

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