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Understanding Standards: An Overview of Course Assessment

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2 Understanding Standards: An Overview of Course Assessment
Geography Higher An Overview of Course Assessment RGB colours for text Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102

3 What this Presentation Covers
To provide teachers and lecturers with an overview of revised Higher Geography course assessment for session 2018 – 19. the overall structure of the revised course assessment what is unchanged and what has changed an overview of each component general guidance on preparing candidates for assessment

4 Overall Structure of the revised course assessment
Question Paper marks Physical Environments 50 marks Human Environments 50 marks Question Paper marks Global Issues marks Application of Geographical Skills 20 marks Assignment marks TOTAL marks

5 An overview of what is unchanged
There are no changes to the assignment, and only minor changes to the course overall.

6 Mandatory Skills and Knowledge and Understanding
The four sections remain the same Physical Environments Human Environments Global Issues Application of Geographical Skills

7 Mandatory Skills and Knowledge and Understanding
Mapping skills: interpretation and analysis using maps, including Ordnance Survey maps, in association with photographs, field sketches, cross sections/transects

8 Mandatory Skills and Knowledge and Understanding
Research skills including fieldwork skills: gathering processing interpreting evaluating

9 Mandatory Skills and Knowledge and Understanding
Using numerical and graphical information which may be presented in the following ways: statistical graphical tabular

10 Physical Environments
Course Content Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Biosphere Candidates must answer all questions.

11 Human Environments Course content Population Urban Geography
Rural Geography Candidates answer all questions

12 Global Issues Course Content River Basin Management
Development and Health Global Climate Change Energy Candidates answer two from these four options

13 Application of Geographical Skills
Mapping Skills related to Ordnance Survey Maps Candidates must answer this question.

14 An overview of what has changed
Geography Higher Question Papers There are two papers 160 marks – 73% of the marks for the course Paper 1: 1 hour and 50 minutes Paper 2: 1 hour and 10 minutes The Question Papers will sample a wider range of the course

15 An overview of what has changed
Physical Environments Formation of erosional and depositional features in river landscapes has been reintroduced to hydrosphere Erosional and depositional features have been specified in lithosphere Rural land use conflicts and their management has been removed from lithosphere

16 An overview of what has changed
Human Environments Rural land use conflicts and their management related to either a glaciated or a coastal landscape has been relocated to the rural section One case study required instead of two

17 An overview of what has changed
Global Issues Trade, Aid and Geopolitics has been removed

18 Preparing Candidates for the Question Papers
Learning and teaching of the course content has changed as previously outlined There are two question papers There is more scope to assess both content and skills The command word ‘describe’ will be reintroduced The scaling of the marks in the question papers allows candidates to gain marks for each relevant point. Relevant developed points may gain more than one mark

19 Preparing Candidates for the Question Papers - Scaling
Paper 1 has 100 marks – this is scaled to 50 marks to be worth 46% of the marks for the course Paper 2 has 60 marks – this is scaled to 30 marks to be worth 27% of the marks for the course The assignment has 30 marks – this is not scaled and is worth 27% of the marks for the course

20 Assignment – What is unchanged
The Assignment has not changed and so the work carried out and produced by the candidates remains the same. The conditions for the production of evidence stage have not changed, but have been further clarified for teachers and lecturers.

21 Assignment – What is unchanged
Identifying a geographical topic or issue Carrying out research, which should include fieldwork where appropriate Knowledge of the suitability of the methods and/or reliability of the sources used Processing and using a range of information gathered

22 Assignment – What is unchanged
Drawing on detailed knowledge and understanding of the topic or issue Analysing information from a range of sources Reaching a conclusion supported by a range of evidence on a geographical topic or issue Communicating information

23 Assignment Marks Geography Higher Assignment
30 marks – 27% of the marks for the course Researching Stage is designed to be capable of completion over a notional period of 8 hours Production of Evidence Stage must be completed in 1 hour and 30 minutes and in one sitting

24 Assignment Stages - Researching
Candidates have an open choice of topic or issue They research the topic/issue and organise and process their findings to address it, using the specified resources (Processed Information) collected during their research to support them in the production of evidence The researching stage is conducted under some supervision and control

25 Assignment Stages - Researching
Teachers and lecturers must ensure that the work is the candidates own by: interim progress meetings with candidates questioning candidate’s record of activity/progress teacher/lecturer observation Group work is acceptable but there must be clear evidence that each candidate has met the evidence requirements

26 Production of Evidence
Assignment Stages – Production of Evidence The production of evidence is conducted under a high degree of supervision and should be carried out: independently by the candidate within 1 hour and 30 minutes in one sitting using only the two single sided A4 or one single sided A3 Processed Information sheet/s in time to meet the SQA submission date when the candidate is ready with no access to the internet or any other files

27 Production of Evidence
Assignment Stages – Production of Evidence During the period of assessment, candidates must: be in direct sight of the teacher/lecturer not communicate with each other have access only to the Processed Information not receive any assistance from the teacher/lecturer

28 Assignment – Reasonable Assistance
Researching Stage Directing candidates to the instructions for candidates Clarifying instructions/requirements of the task Advising candidates on the choice of issue/topic Advising about possible sources of information Arranging visits, including fieldwork, to gather evidence Interim progress checks

29 Assignment – Reasonable Assistance
Production of Evidence stage advising candidates of the nature and volume of specified resources (Processed Information) to support the production of evidence

30 Assignment – Reasonable Assistance
At any stage, reasonable assistance does not include: providing the topic/issue directing candidates to specific resources providing model answers providing detailed feedback on drafts, including marking

31 Assignment – Evidence to be gathered for SQA
Processed Information (two single sided A4 or one single sided A3 sheet/s) Candidate evidence produced under a high degree of supervision

32 Assignment – What has changed
‘Communicating Information’ has decreased to 2 marks (from 4 marks) ‘Use of and reference to Processed Information’ has increased to 6 marks (from 4 marks) Further information is available in the Course Assessment Task document.

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Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102 Arial 20 font black Line spacing 4.8pt before single line spacing

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