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CES 101: Making the Connections for Reentry Housing

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1 CES 101: Making the Connections for Reentry Housing
Los Angeles Regional Reentry Partnership Housing Committee Meeting July 18, 2019

2 Agenda Commonly Used Terminology within Coordinated Entry System (CES)
Programs within Homelessness Services & CES  Prevention, Access & Services Interim Housing  Permanent Housing How to Access Resources Sofia

3 Defining Homelessness
HUD Categories of People Experiencing Homelessness Category 1: Literal Homelessness Individuals and families who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence (includes a subset for an individual who resided in an emergency shelter or a place not meant for human habitation and who is exiting an institution where he or she temporarily resided) Category 2: At-Risk of Homelessness Individuals and families who will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence Category 3: Homeless Under Other Federal Statutes Unaccompanied youth and families with children and youth who are defined as homeless under other federal statutes who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition Category 4: Fleeing Domestic Violence Individuals and families who are fleeing, or are attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions that relate to violence against the individual or a family member. Sofia

4 CES Terminology What is the Coordinated Entry System?
What are the phases of the Coordinated Entry System? What housing resources and services are connected to the Coordinated Entry System? Sofia

5 Coordinated Entry System
System that facilitates the coordination and management of resources that allows users to make data-informed decisions to efficiently and effectively connect people to interventions that will rapidly end their homelessness. Prioritizes the highest need, most vulnerable persons in the community.

6 Coordinated Entry System

7 Access & Problem-Solving
Entry point or process to enter the Coordinated Entry System  A function of CES with the goal of initiating or continuing contact with prospective CES participants Problem-Solving A strength-based, problem-solving conversation   Seeks to identify potential resources that can temporarily or permanently rapidly resolve a person's housing crisis

8 Assessment Assessment
Stage within CES when information is gathered to understand and document participants’ housing related needs, history and preferences A standardized set of questions and tools to identify and document any barriers to resolving homelessness and characteristics that might make them more vulnerable while homeless Progressive process

9 Prioritization & Matching
A set of policies, procedures and tools that help manage the inventory of community housing resources and services, ensuring that those persons with the greatest need and vulnerability receive priority or accelerated access to the supports they need to resolve their housing crisis. Matching The referral process for offering housing and supportive services resources to persons who have been prioritized by CES

10 Coordinated Entry System

11 Access & Services Sofia

12 Homelessness Prevention
Provides individuals who are at imminent risk of homelessness with financial assistance and housing stabilization services necessary to maintain their current housing OR find new housing to avoid becoming homeless and entering crisis housing Assistance may include:  Short-term financial assistance Housing related support services Legal assistance Discharge planning (from institutions)

13 Legal Services PHEP (Lawyers Preventing and Ending Homelessness Project) Services include: Eviction Prevention Landlord dispute resolution Service animal certification Reasonable accommodations requests Benefits advocacy Criminal record clearing and/or expungement Credit resolution advocacy

14 Outreach & Outreach Coordination
Street-based services Progressive engagement Focus on linkages to interim housing, supportive services, and permanent housing / CES Across LA County, outreach teams work in coordination and collaboration with regional focus areas and care coordination meetings

15 Safe Parking Program Provides families or individuals who dwell in their vehicles with a safe and legal place to park and sleep at night and ensure participant linkage and access to supportive services and other resources via CES Includes access to sanitation On-site security Program can include supportive services

16 Access Centers & Access Points
Provides clarified "front door" to CES; helps other partners make clear referrals Distinct functions of Access Centers and Access Points: Initial Access Tool Initial Assessment  Emergency Services Referrals Warm Handoffs to other Systems HMIS data entry Case management* Supportive Service Referrals*

17 Problem-Solving Strengths based intervention that occurs during CES Access and throughout homelessness program services Strategy that prevents continued homelessness or reduces the length of homelessness by helping people to preserve their current housing situation, examine available or potentially available resources, or make immediate alternative arrangements without having to enter shelter or a higher level of service.  Interventions may include staying with friends, returning to their community of origin if deemed safe, or providing mediation to reunite with family. 

18 Interim Housing & Services

19 24-Hour Bed Availability Residential Supervision
Crisis Housing Short-term, 24-hour emergency shelter for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness  Crisis Housing provides participants with a safe and stable place to reside while being quickly assessed and connected to a broad range of housing resources.  24-Hour Bed Availability Housing Navigation Case Management Crisis Intervention Security Meals Restrooms & Showers Residential Supervision

20 Bridge Housing Interim housing that serves as a “bridge” from homelessness to permanent housing. Designed to provide participants with some stability, so they can easily maintain contact with external housing providers to facilitate safe and supportive housing placement. Eligibility: Ages 18 years and older Homeless – HUD Category 1 or 4 Activities of Daily Living – Independent CES Prioritization Order

21 Bridge Housing for Persons Exiting Institutions
Safe, reserved, low-barrier and supportive 24-hour interim housing Serving Youth exiting institutions (jail, prison, foster care, medical, behavioral health, and substance abuse treatment facilities). Eligibility: Age 18 years and older Must have exited an institution (hospital, jail/prison, substance abuse facility, foster care, etc.) within the last 60 days  Homeless prior to being in institution Activities of Daily Living – Independent

22 Enhanced Bridge Housing for Women
Bridge Housing for women with a trauma-informed, strength-based framework Programs operate with a licensed clinical staff and a case management ratio of 1 case manager for every 25 participants Eligibility: Identify as a woman Age 18 years and older Homeless- HUD Category 1 or 4 Activities of Daily Living – Independent CES Prioritization Order

23 Enhanced Bridge Housing for Older Adults
Bridge Housing for older adults with a trauma-informed, strength-based framework Programs operate with a licensed clinical staff and a case management ratio of 1 case manager for every 25 participants Eligibility: Age 55 years and older Homeless- HUD Category 1 or 4 Activities of Daily Living – Independent CES Prioritization Order

24 A Bridge Home Outreach team coordination
Programs operate with a licensed clinical staff and a case management ratio of 1 case manager for every 25 participants Eligibility: Over 18 years old Homeless- HUD Category 1 or 4 Activities of Daily Living – Independent Reside within the identified catchment area*

25 Transitional Housing for Youth
Safe and supportive 24-hour residence for a period of up to 36 months for youth (between the ages of 18 to 24). Site-based or scattered-site programs that include supportive services: life skills development, workforce readiness, mental and behavioral health, and educational and vocational services Transitional Housing Models & Eligibility: Transitional Housing for Youth (ages 18-24, HUD Categories 1, 2, 4) Independent Living Program for Youth (ages 18-21, HUD Categories 1, 2, 4 or exiting foster care without stable housing secured)

26 Permanent Housing Sofia

27 Rapid Re-Housing Connects persons experiencing homelessness to permanent housing through a tailored package of assistance that may include the use of time- limited financial assistance and targeted supportive services. Core components: Housing identification Rent and move-in assistance Case management and supportive services Eligibility: Homeless- HUD Category 1 or 4 Income threshold – At or below 50% AMI

28 Housing Location & Housing Navigation
LeaseUp Program, operated by PATH, develops relationships with landlords and records available units in an online application Application can be accessed by CES providers LeaseUp helps facilitate the leasing process and provides risk mitigation services to landlords Housing Navigation Case management services and supports with focus on assisting participants with removing barriers to securing housing, locating housing, and moving into housing

29 Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent housing with long-term leasing or rental assistance paired with supportive services  Assists persons with a disability, or families with a prequalifying household member with a disability, achieve housing stability Eligibility varies by housing resource type

30 Housing Choice Vouchers
Examples of Housing Choice Vouchers: Section 8 VASH (Veterans) Family Unification Program (FUP) Eligibility varies by housing resource type

31 How to Access Resources

32 Accessing CES

33 Questions?

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