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Overview of the Research for Patient Benefit Programme

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1 Overview of the Research for Patient Benefit Programme
Dr Ianina Conte, Senior Programme Manager RDS East Midlands Meeting – 30 May 2019

2 Outline The RfPB programme Scope and aims Funding limits
Early career researchers Application process and timeline

3 NIHR Research Programmes
Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Research for Patient Benefit Invention for Innovation Health Technology Assessment Adoption Programme Grants for Applied Research Public Health Research Health Sciences and Delivery Research Invention Evaluation

4 The RfPB Programme What we fund? Research projects On what areas?
Wide range of areas concerned with the day-to- day practice in health services and social care Supports qualitative and quantitative research with a clear trajectory to patient/user benefit Response mode, researcher-led programme

5 RfPB spend

6 RfPB Scope RfPB will fund: RfPB will not fund:
Studies which evaluate the provision and use of NHS services Evaluations of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions Formal evaluations of innovations and developments Feasibility studies and research requiring follow on awards from other funders Development and refinement of new interventions, scales or outcome measures Needs assessments, evidence synthesis, systematic reviews, methods development, and exploratory studies RfPB will not fund: Laboratory-based research or basic science research, including animal work Infrastructure, such as setting up or maintaining research units Applications which are solely service developments, unless they have wider generalisability Applications which are solely audits or surveys (although these elements may be part of an integrated research study) Applications which are primarily concerned with setting priorities for future directions of research

7 RfPB funding limits The funding for individual projects is up to £350,000 for up to 36 months. However, our tiered funding strategy aims to balance the likelihood of a proposal achieving patient benefit against its cost  Tier 1 £350k Proposals with a clear and close trajectory to patient benefit (e.g. randomised controlled trials) Tier 2 £250k Soft ceiling for feasibility studies (in exceptional circumstances a well argued application could cost more) Tier 3 £150k Higher risk proposals which have a longer trajectory to patient benefit See: Guidance on funding limits

8 RfPB funding limits Examples of type of research which would fall into Tier 3: Observational studies using clinical databases, e.g. to provide estimates of an effect size useful in the design of a clinical trial Developing and refining interventions Developing new scales or outcome measures Exploratory studies, e.g. using qualitative methods to provide insights into an intractable problem Secondary data analyses (including developing predictive models and needs assessments) Additional follow up of patients in a completed clinical trial Post-market surveillance for unknown side-effects of a drug Systematic reviews where the number of relevant studies is likely to be limited See: RfPB review of tier 3 funding

9 The Story of RfPB See: Story of RfPB

10 Early Career Researchers
Early Career Researchers are encouraged to apply The team as a whole is assessed Relatively inexperienced lead applicant with sufficiently experienced and resourced co-applicants is fine RfPB is a good option for researchers looking for their first grant

11 Application Process and Timeline

12 RfPB regional approach
RfPB is a national programme but funds research on a regional level 8 Regional Advisory Committees Programme Director: Professor Sue Ziebland East Midlands Chair: Professor Neil Coulson Programme Manager: Ms Elizabeth Pocklington East Midlands portfolio: 77 funded projects Totalling £15.5m Success rate: 16%

13 Application Process 3 funding competitions a year 2 stage process
Stage 1 (formative assessment): Complete main sections of SAF for Committee to triage weak applications and offer advice/support to all applicants Stage 2 (summative assessment): If invited, revise and complete rest of SAF We receive ~120 applications per round and the success rate is ~22% (peer reviewed applications) We have funded >900 projects so far (totalling nearly £226m)

14 Application Process – C39
Stage 1 application 24 July 19 PM Scrutiny Sept 2019 27 Nov 19 Dec - Jan Jan 2020 S1 Panel assessment Stage 2 application External Peer review S2 Panel assessment Stage 1 initial outcomes will be sent within a week of the S1 meeting. Feedback to follow. March 2020 Decision & feedback

15 Themed Calls – C39 Frailty Chronic pain
Proposals are invited for health and social care research that slows or prevents further declines in health or supports/promotes healthy ageing, independence, and wellbeing Research should take into account the wider health and social care needs of the individual and their family or other carers Chronic pain Proposals are invited that address the management of chronic pain A wide range of different interventions may be used in the management of chronic pain, including pharmacological, psychological, physical, surgical and other forms of therapy. See: NIHR themed call webpage

16 Standard Application Form
Stage 1 Form, Section 4: Research Team Joint Lead Applicant *NEW* Where appropriate and justified it is acceptable for the application to be led by joint Lead Applicants. Early career researchers leading applications to RfPB are encouraged to apply as Lead Applicant, with a more senior colleague fulfilling the role of mentor and Joint Lead Applicant Provide clear justification for how the Joint Lead Applicant will provide mentorship and guidance for the early career researcher Note: For the purposes of contracting, Joint Lead Applicants are treated as co- applicants

17 Feasibility Studies: Follow on Funding
Working with PIs as feasibility studies approach the end to determine if the study is feasible New funding process to fast track feasible studies to RfPB Stage 2 for the full trial Working closely with other programmes to shorten time between end of feasibility study and start of follow on research/trial

18 Useful Resources RfPB Webpage Applicant guidance
Guidance for Applicants Supporting Information for Applicants Stage 1 template application form Finance guidance Other RfPB guidance Guidance on funding limits RfPB review of tier 3 funding Guidance on feasibility studies Guidance on further evaluations of established interventions Frequently asked questions Research Contract template Contacts: Research Design Service RfPB Programme:

19 Any questions?

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