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DSS Vs. non-dss cases: a gal’s perspective

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Presentation on theme: "DSS Vs. non-dss cases: a gal’s perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 DSS Vs. non-dss cases: a gal’s perspective

2 About Me Born in Greensboro, North Carolina, on January 20, 1970, Lewis received his B.S. Degree from the University of Florida, 1993, and his  J.D. from the University of Dayton, Ohio in Professional Background: Admitted to practice Law in North Carolina 1997. Admitted to practice in Federal Court for the Middle and Eastern Districts of North Carolina in 1999. Professional Associations: North Carolina State Bar Association Contact Information 119 N. Fir Ave Siler City, NC 27344 (919)

3 Road map Non-DSS Cases DSS Cases How the case starts for the GAL
Appointment Activities prior to appointment After appointment Home visit Meetings with DSS case worker Meetings with DSS attorney Review of medical records Meetings with Respondent’s attorney Motions and Subpoenas , etc Final Hearing CVD SP Time Involved Conclusions Non-DSS Cases How the case starts for the GAL Appointment After GAL is appointed Final Hearing SP Time Involved Conclusions

4 How a case starts for Gal – dss case
Notice of Hearing filed by Petitioner Court date selected GAL Appointed

5 How a DSS Case starts for gal cont.
Petition filed with Notice of Hearing Petition sets forth facts of the case.

6 How a DSS case starts for gal cont.
Same procedure for Special Proceeding Cases Notice of Hearing filed with Petition

7 After appointment procedures
Home visit Meetings with DSS case worker Meetings with DSS attorney Review of medical records Meetings with Respondent’s attorney Motions and Subpoenas, etc. Court Report Prepared

Motions to freeze assets

9 Necessary motions filed and heard cont.
Interpleader Motion

10 Necessary motions filed and heard cont.
Continuance motion to postpone hearing

11 Necessary motions filed and heard cont.
Dispositive motions filed and heard

12 Subpoenas Subpoenas issued for necessary witnesses for final hearing

13 Final hearing Medical Records Submitted Witnesses testify
Report Submitted Final Adjudication

14 Time involved for gal Fee Application submitted to Administrative Office of Courts Fee is based on time spent

15 Time involved for gal cont.

16 How do non-dss cases start for gal
Notice of Hearing filed by Petitioner Court date selected GAL Appointed

17 How a non-dss case starts for gal cont.
Petition filed with Notice of Hearing Petition sets forth facts of the case

18 After appointment procedures
Home visits Review medical records Usually no meetings with other attorneys Usually no motions Less time involved

19 After appointment procedures
Court Report Prepared

20 Medical Records Presented
Final hearing Medical Records Presented Family Testifies Report Submitted Final Adjudication

21 Time involved for gal (B. Price)
Fee Application submitted to Administrative Office of Courts Fee is based on time spent

22 DSS intakes 119 APS reports in 2018 and 48 of those were screened in

23 Facts and Conclusions DSS Cases take roughly four times the amount of hours as the typical Non-DSS case for GAL. DSS Cases also require time spent by DSS workers, and DSS attorney. DSS Cases typically use more court time and involve hearings in District Court and with the Clerk in Special Proceedings. Chatham County has an aging population and the number of Adult Protective Cases is increasing.

24 Facts and conclusions cont.

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