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Arts and the Creation of Mind

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1 Arts and the Creation of Mind
Based on book by Elliot W. Eisner

2 What do we mean by “experience”?
“Experience” is not just a function of what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch The signals our senses send us are often ambiguous, demanding interpretation Therefore, the memories that we think of as our “experiences” have been shaped by the meaning we made of the input we received

3 Forming Representations of Our Experiences
Eisner saw the mind’s essential function as forming representations of experience These representations have two functions: 1) furthering the individual’s understanding; 2) communicating the meaning we formed from the input we have received to others

4 Storing Images & Ideas The results of our thinking are evanescent
Thoughts can be difficult to hold onto if not stabilized via inscription in lasting materials That is why we quickly write down phone numbers or mark directions on a map First the arts, then writing, were created by our distant ancestors to serve as vehicles that could be used for such preservation

5 Vital Role of Imagination
Imagination enables us to visualize a future situation with which we may have to cope This ability provides us with the opportunity for mental rehearsal We can play out the consequences of various actions in our imagination This way, we avoid taking the risks inherent in exploring these alternatives in real life

6 Empathy & Reflection Imagination gives us the capacity to step into the shoes of others & experience vicariously what we have not experienced directly Through writing and art, we can also preserve our ideas, so that we can build on them later By revisiting an idea with fresh eyes, we can more carefully inspect, revise & extend it Instead of jumping to judgment, we are able to fruitfully explore areas of uncertainty

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