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These are the page margins.

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2 These are the page margins.
Please do your best to keep all content within these lines

3 Title: 55pt Franklin Gothic Book
Heading 1: 28pt Franklin Gothic Demi Body: 20+pt Franklin Gothic Book Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean feugiat neque augue, nec tempor lectus luctus non. Nullam hendrerit est eu quam auctor molestie. Donec id finibus lacus, a pulvinar dolor. Nunc tempus tortor neque, consequat condimentum augue commodo sit amet. Curabitur tincidunt erat sit amet erat sollicitudin rutrum vel sit amet elit. Duis iaculis cursus tellus. Nulla vulputate malesuada massa, eget semper nisl mollis eu.





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