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NT101C-03: Survey of the New Testament

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1 NT101C-03: Survey of the New Testament
“If you continuously compete with others, you become bitter, but if you continuously compete with yourself, you become better!” NT101C-03: Survey of the New Testament Chapter 22 / Part 1 Hebrews and James: Maintaining Full Commitment to Christ

2 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest
Theme of HEBREWS: The author of Hebrews portrays Jesus Christ distinctively as a priest who, having offered none other than himself as the completely sufficient sacrifice for sins, now ministers in the heavenly sanctuary. The purpose of this portrayal, which emphasizes the superiority of Christ over every aspect and hero of the Old Testament religion, is to ensure that the recipients of the letter do not apostatize from Christianity back to Judaism. 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest

3 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest
Three Train of Thoughts in Hebrews: Hear unmistakably and clearly the eschatological Word of God in Jesus Christ who is the superior one (than angels, Moses, prophets) [ ]. Draw nigh to the Great High Priest of the heavenly sanctuary and hold fast to the confession of faith in Jesus Christ (who shares human weakness, obedience of suffering, guarantor of better order and eternal valid redemption) [ ]. 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest

4 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest
Stick diligently to Jesus Christ who will never leave you nor forsake you at any time and in any way and is also the author and the finisher of Christian faith (wait with steadfast patience/endurance, remember the cloud of witnesses, dare not to reject God’s revelation in his Son) [ ]. **Conclusion: There is a noteworthy use of conventional epistolary ending (personal matters, cordial greetings, benediction pronouncement) [ ]. 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest

5 Main Theme: “Superiority of Christ All in All"
1. Christ is superior over the prophets and the angels (mediators of the Torah), chs Exhortation 2:1-4 2. Christ is superior over Moses and Joshua (founders of the nation), chs Exhortation 3:7-4:16 3. Christ is superior over Aaron and the Levitical Priesthood (ministers of the Temple), chs Exhortation 5:11-6:20 4. Christ serves in a superior Sanctuary (Covenant-Sanctuary-Sacrifice), chs Exhortation 10:19-39 5. Faith is hope/assurance--a better result (witnessing martyrs), chs Exhortation 12:1-39 (13:17) 6. Final exhortations, ch. 13 (May have been added with a letter type of closing, but it seems that the argument continues as an integral part of the letter.) 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest

6 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest
Distinctive Highlights of Hebrews: Unique format which starts like a discourse, progresses like a homily, closes like an epistle Most polished, almost classical Greek style Christological variation of names and titles Overloaded with much allusions from the OT specially typological interpretation and very rich insight on Hebrew history and worship Only NT book that talks about Jesus as priest Jesus is “better” (13X) more than anything “Faith” in chapter 11 is the foremost in NT Warning on the very big danger of spiritual apostasy more than any other NT writing 22 – Hebrews: Jesus as Priest

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