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Word Dissection Lesson #4

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1 Word Dissection Lesson #4

2 Make a flashcard for each word part.
On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __ On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life

3 the/theo= Theology = study of god Monotheism = belief in one God god
Examples: Theology = study of god Monotheism = belief in one God the/theo= god Theism = belief in God

4 mis__= Misadvise = to badly advise Misbehave – badly behave
Examples: Misadvise = to badly advise Misbehave – badly behave mis__= bad (badly/wrong/ wrongly) Misspell = wrongly spell

5 phon/phono/ phone/phony=
Examples: Phonology = the study of sound Phonics = having to do with sound phon/phono/ phone/phony= sound (tone) Phonometer = Measuring sound

6 astr/astro= Astrology = the study of stars/space
Examples: Astrology = the study of stars/space Astrologist = specialist about stars and/or space astr/astro= Star (space) Astrotheology = study of stars & god

7 techn/ techno= Technology = study of a skill
Examples: Technology = study of a skill Polytechnic = having to do with many skills techn/ techno= skill (craft) Zootechnics= having to do with skill with animals

8 en = In (completely/ to) Encircle = to completely circle
Examples: Encircle = to completely circle Enclose = to completely close in Enslave = to completely slave (or put in slavery) en = In (completely/ to) Encage = to cage in

9 em = In ( completely/to) Emblaze = completely ablaze
Examples: Emblaze = completely ablaze Empower = to give complete power em = In ( completely/to)

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