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Solar Eclipes By: ceni 6B.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Eclipes By: ceni 6B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Eclipes By: ceni 6B

2 WHAT IS SOLAR ECLIPES? Solar eclipes is one of the natural phenomena. Solar eclipes is when the moon blocked the sun. It start the sun is blocked by the moon of the earth.

3 Types of solar eclipes Total solar eclipes: a total solar eclipes occure when the moon completely blockes the sun’s shaddow. Annular eclipes: a annular eclipes occur when the sun is not completely blocked by the moon so it makes the sun to have a small space of the moons shadow. Hybrid eclipes: hybrid eclipes is in the middle of an annular and total eclipes. So there is some of the light from the sun when we see the sun in earth so it is mostly coverd by the moon. Partial eclipes: a partiaal eclipes is only a tiny moon shadow that covers the sun.

4 images Partial eclipes Hybrit eclipes Annular eclipes Total solar eclips

5 What cause the solar eclipes?
This is cause because of the moon revolution . Solar eclipes begin when the moon passes between the sun and earth. When it was in a line between the sun and the earth the shadow of the sun it is covered by the moon so we see that the sun has truned black.

6 How does the solar eclipse happened?
Solar eclipes happend in a full moon. This happend when the shaddow of the moon go direcly to umbra so it is in the same line as the earth and the sun .It also happend when the moon is right in the middle between the Earth and the sun. When the moon was between Earth and the sun it blockes the sun ,so in earth we will see that our sun has turn black because of the moon’s shadow. It also happend when the moon’s shadow reaches di earth.

7 Effect of solar eclipse
In earth it will cause to be more darker because of the moon blocking the sun. It can damage our eye and also can effect blindness. It can effect the wind direction and also it can change from slow to high or high to slow. When the solar eclipes happend all will turn dark so it looks like it is already night so the animal will think that it is time to sleep but it is actually not so it can confuse the animal. When the solar eclipes happend it give plants that is dry to have a cool moment.


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