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Public and Patient Information INTERVENTIONS PRIMARY DRIVER

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1 Public and Patient Information INTERVENTIONS PRIMARY DRIVER
SECONDARY DRIVERS INTERVENTIONS Enable the healthcare system to provide high quality information for their workforce to deliver to individuals. Public and Patient Information With partners including HEE, NHS England, Public Health England and NHS Digital, work to improve the health literacy awareness and skills of the healthcare workforce Work with partners to improve the health literacy of individuals. Develop parterships for promotion of digital and information literacies in alignment with health literacy. Enable frontline healthcare staff to have the relevant skills and confidence to find, assess and signpost trusted health and wellbeing information. Promote health literacy awareness and skills for the Library and Knowledge Services workforce, including through partnerships with NHS Digital, CILIP, Community Health and Learning Foundation and Making Every Contact Count. To enable individuals to use the right information to improve health and wellbeing, for self-care and shared decision-making. Formalise working relationships with national partners including Libraries Connected and Reading Agency. Build partnerships with information providers and agencies to enable individuals to use evidence based health and wellbeing information. Increase access to evidence based health and wellbeing resources. Advocate the use of evidence in the development of health and wellbeing resources. Foster and develop local networks of health information providers to share guidance, experience and resources. Enable Library and Knowledge Services staff to advocate for evidence based health information and increase their confidence and capability to find, signpost and evaluate health and wellbeing information. Identify gaps and priorities to influence content development and delivery of training suitable for healthcare workforce and wider community organisations including public libraries. June 2019 Promote, update and maintain guidance, and resources for healthcare library and knowledge staff on health and wellbeing resources.

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