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Social studies vocabulary

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1 Social studies vocabulary
Four Regions of Texas

2 Longitude – a measure of distance on Earth east or west of the Prime meridian

3 Latitude – a measure of distance on earth north or south of the equator

4 Map scale – the relationship between the distance shown on a map and the real distance on earth

5 Compass rose – a small drawing on a map that shows direction

6 Global grid (grid system) – the crisscrossing lines of latitude and longitutde found on a map or globe

7 Continent – one of earth’s 7 great bodies of land: Africa, anarctica, asia, austrailia, Europe, north America, and south america

8 Prime meridian – an imaginary line that lies between the eastern and western hemispheres

9 Cardinal directions – north, south, east, west

10 Intermediate directions – northeast (ne), southeast (se), southwest (sw), northwest (nw)

11 Inset map – shows a larger view of a smaller area shown on the main map

12 Hemisphere – half a sphere; one of the 4 hemispheres of earth: northern, southern, eastern, and western

13 Symbol – anything that stands for something else

14 Map key (legend) – an explanation of what the symbols on a map represent

15 Equator – an imaginary line that lies halfway between the north pole and the south pole, at 0 degrees latitude

16 Cartographer – a person who creates maps

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