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Wychbold First and Nursery

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Presentation on theme: "Wychbold First and Nursery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wychbold First and Nursery
Welcome to Year Two!

2 Welcome to Year Two Miss Bromley Mrs Banfield (Tuesday) Miss Grubb

3 Literacy in Year Two…. Literacy session includes phonics New curriculum Cross-curricular writing Reading SPaG

4 Numeracy in Year Two…. Skills and Mastery curriculum (Maths No Problem) Homework

5 How do we assess your child’s attainment?
Continuous assessment S.A.Ts- Statutory Assessment Tests. Reading test- 2 papers Grammar and punctuation test Spelling Mathematics- 2 papers

6 We will make SATS Fun!: (Secret Agent Training Service!)

7 Teacher Assessment -Based on the work the children have done throughout the year -Based on day to day assessment -Based on more formal assessments during the year.

8 Assessing without levels
Government changes in assessment mean that schools are now assessing children’s attainment in a new way. This will now mean that children are assessed to be working broadly below, at or above the expected level for their year group. The assessments are on-going throughout the year.

9 Other Matters We will be having at least one trip each term.
There will also be opportunities for special activity days and themed days that will be undertaken throughout the school. Christmas Concert/ Celebrations.

10 Topics. Great Fire of London Titanic
We do like to be beside the seaside.

11 Timetable A termly newsletter will be sent out each term. Class Dojo
PE kit (black shorts, white t-shirt) Navy Blue or Black jogging bottoms and top, trainers. Fun Fridays Wellies for Forest School Homework will be set on Fridays to be handed in on Wednesdays.

12 General Information Clothing-
Please make sure that every item of clothing that your child brings into school is clearly labelled Water bottle Jewellery- No jewellery should be worn at school. If it is a PE day and your child has pierced ears they should either not wear the studs or bring tape to school to cover the studs. Independence.

13 Talk to us about any concerns For all children to achieve their best!
Our Aim in Year Two Happy children Talk to us about any concerns For all children to achieve their best! Resilience

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