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Blackbirds Literacy Geography - Around the World RE Maths PSHE ICT

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1 Blackbirds Literacy Geography - Around the World RE Maths PSHE ICT
Stories of adventure Treasure Island Handa’s Surprise Leaflets Amazon River Blackbirds Geography - Around the World - Learn the names of the 7 continents - Learn the names of the 5 oceans - Learn the capital cities of the United Kingdom - To know what the equator is and where it I on a map. - Locate the hot and cold areas of the world - Locate countries on a world map - Use directional words such as north, east, south and west. - Compare a small area in the United Kingdom to a small non-European country. This term the Blackbirds will be departing on Spaldwick Airlines and travelling around the world in 70 days. RE Christianity Maths Place value Addition and subtraction Money Multiplication and Division PSHE Myself and my relationships ICT How can I be safe online? PE - Multi-Skills - Showing control & balance in basic movements: - Showing spatial awareness & awareness of others in running, chasing & avoiding games ƒ- Making simple decisions about when & where to run - Understanding why it is important to warm up ƒ- Watching others, describing what they see & copying History - Who was Christopher Columbus?

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