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Business Presentation Midterm Prep October 2015

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1 Business Presentation Midterm Prep October 2015
Remember - for your midterm presentation you will; Introduction Outline (and give examples) of Pros Outline (and give examples) of Cons In the conclusion you should give your opinion (either pro or con) PLUS give some recommendations

2 What do I have to do? Describe the issue….why it is a problem, background information, pictures… Present both sides of the issue…the “for” and “against”, the “good” and “bad”.. In conclusion, present your opinion and recommendations - ...Finish with a strong thought!

3 You can talk about the issue
You can talk about the issue in a general way, or how a certain country/city is dealing with the issue….make sure to give lots of examples

4 You must also give an INTERACTIVE speech.
Think of ways to involve the audience: Quiz?... Raise your hands if you think… ? Ask about a picture(s)…guess what it is, where it is, why important, connection between the pictures… ? Ask the audience to stand up and “experience” something DURING the speech! ? Remember to use: Unit #1 Unit #1 formal language

5 Hook Background info Welcome Self-intro Say what your speech will be about (p.16 #3) Say 3 things you’re going to say! (Today, I’ll 1st tell you…., then I’m going to…)

6 Main Show- (page 18) Signal start of speech Signal start of each point Signal conclusion Final thought

7 This is a perfect speech for:
A shocking fact, an “imagine..”, a picture, or an anecdote as a hook Plenty of pictures/maps/graphs…but USE them! Point to your slide!


9 “As you can see…” “Next slide please…” “When you hear the word...what comes into your mind?”

10 Be interactive…

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