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Aging gracefully with HIV

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1 Aging gracefully with HIV
Maximising care of the ageing HIV population in a rural Sexual Health Clinic Grant Sweeney 1, Elizabeth Leprince 1, Nathan Ryder 1, 2, 3 1- Hunter New England Sexual Health Services, NSW Australia 2- School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW 3-The Kirby Institute, UNSW, Sydney, NSW Background With improvements in HIV diagnosis and management, people living with HIV (PLWH) are now aging similarly to those without HIV. UNAIDs reports that in high income countries 30% of PLWH are aged >50yrs. 1 It is thought that HIV speeds up the aging process, increasing the risk of co-morbidities and resulting in poorer health outcomes, particularly cardiovascular, neurocognitive and bone health. Successful aging has been described as 2: Low risk of disease and disease related disability Maintenance of high mental and physical function Continued enjoyment of life This project was a file audit of our PLWH aged > 50yrs. We were interested in how well we are caring for our patients and in what areas we could improve. Multidisciplinary team The National Association of People with HIV Australia (NAPWHA) suggests a multidisciplinary team provides best patient care 3. We feel our team provides a holistic approach to patient care, improving wellbeing and quality of life, as evidenced by our findings. Our team aims to: Keep patients connected to the service and ensure continuity of care and regular follow-up Encourage patient involvement in their care Promote an environment for open HIV related healthcare discussions Our Clinic Clinic 468 is a Sexual Health Clinic based in Tamworth a regional town in north west NSW, 1 of 3 clinics in Hunter New England Health. Our HIV Team consists of ; HIV CNC GP VMO Sexual Health Physician Aboriginal Health Worker Social Worker HNE Health covers a total area of Sq. Kms. We service roughly half of that area. Some patients have a 600km round trip to be reviewed. Our Patients 32 of 56 patients were >50yrs (57.1%) Characteristics of PLWH > 50yrs n (%) Gender Male Female Other 29 (91) 3 ( 9) ART adherence > 95% 31 (97) HIV monitoring last 12 months 31 (91) Reviewed by both CNC and Doctor in last 12 months 32 (100) Consent to communication with GP 23 (72) Receives a Government Pension 15 (47) What can we improve on Data Entry Ensuring all important information has been transferred from the paper records to the electronic files Updating details each visit Encourage 2 way communication with GPs especially around medical histories and medications Focus on vaccinations and ensure each patient is up to date Ensure the clinic stocks the relevant range of government funded vaccines Screening for osteoporosis Screening for frailty Increase access to HIV advocacy groups, social events Referral to ADAHPS when relevant Potential Future audits; Breakdown of sexual preferences including sexual risk factors Age of diagnosis including nadir References 1-UNAIDS: HIV and Aging: 2- Rowe JW, Kahn RL. Human Aging: Usual and successful. Science 1987;237:143-9 3-NAPWA: HIV and Aging in Australia:

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