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Exploring the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring Process
1 minute for slide 1 Running time = 1 minutes Slide intent: Open the session. Presenter says: Welcome to the Exploring the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System session of the 2017–2018 CAASPP Institute. (Presenters briefly introduces themselves and talk about their backgrounds.) The goal of today’s session is to dig deeper and explore how the use of the Viewing System along with the Hand Scoring Materials can be used to provide teachers with valuable information about the strengths and areas of improvement of their students. Our time today is going to be focused on digging deeper into the interim assessments and the resources available to support teaching and learning. For anyone who needs more of an introduction to the interim assessments, I encourage you to visit the resources section on the Interim Assessments page of the CDE's Web site. As you engage in this session, bring the lens of planning for implementation of the various aspects of the CAASPP system at your local educational agency (LEA). Immediately after this session, you will have an opportunity to come together with the rest of your LEA team, discuss the thoughts and ideas you each got in your breakout sessions, and make implementation plans. Materials required: None
Learning Goals Participants will
become aware of the wide array of resources available to assist in hand scoring, including training guides, exemplars, and videos; engage in hands-on activities that they can take back to their school or LEA to encourage use of evidence from the hand scoring process to promote the formative assessment process for improved teaching and learning. 2 minutes for slides 2-3 Running time = 3 minutes Slide intent: Introduce participants to the learning goals of this session. Presenter says: In this session, we will be looking at the resources available in the interim assessment hand scoring system. We will explore a performance task and the resources for hand scoring. Additionally, we will discuss how the hand scoring process and resources can be leveraged to support attributes of the formative assessment process, specifically, Interpreting and Acting on evidence. Materials required: None
Success Criteria Participants can
access all materials related to the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System; create an action plan regarding the use of the interim assessment hand scoring process including informing instruction. 2 minutes for slides 2-3 Running time = 3 minutes Slide intent: Introduce participants to the success criteria of this session. Presenter says: We will explore the navigation of the hand scoring system to allow you to access the resources. You will also be provided time to develop an action plan to use the hand scoring process and resources. Materials required: None
Shout out Interim Assessments 101
Creating a Practical Approach to Using Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments 2 minutes for slides 4-5 Running time = 5 minutes Slide intent: Inform participants of the other two interim assessment sessions. Presenter says: Now that we reviewed the focus of this session, you may be thinking that this is not exactly the type of information you were looking for. Please know that there are two other interim assessment sessions taking place concurrently: The Interim Assessments 101 session will cover the basic information about interim assessments at your LEA. The Creating a Practical Approach to Using Interim Assessments session will cover the information you will need in order to create your own approach to implementing and promoting the use of interim assessments at your LEA. If you think that one of those two sessions might meet your needs better than the session you are in right now, please consider switching sessions right now. Our goal is to ensure that this training meets your specific needs. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring Tables
2 minutes for slides 4-5 Running time = 5 minutes Slide intent: Introduce the IABs that are currently available and show participants how to identify which of the assessments require hand-scoring. Presenter says: Before we launch into the discussion of hand scoring, I want to make sure you know about a valuable set of resources that support hand scoring. The CDE has created a series of seven 1-page documents that list all the IABs and ICAs available for each grade. These pages include information on the number of hand scored items in all IABs and ICAs that contain hand scored items. In your binder you will find a document listing all IABs, including number and type of items in each, for grade eight. Because there are multiple IABs available for ELA and mathematics for each testing grade, CDE commissioned the creation of one-page documents that list the available IABs and ICAs for each grade. You may access this information for all grades on the CDE Web site, but for the purposes of this session I provided you with the grade eight list of IABs. You will notice that this document contains information about what’s available, how many items each IAB and ICA contains, and how many items require hand soring. Look at this document for a moment and tell your neighbor how many total items will need to be hand-scored for the mathematics performance task for grade eight (Answer: 2). How many total items will need to be hand-scored for the “Read Informational Texts” IAB? (Answer: 2) This document is an important resource in planning to administer and hand-score the IABs. In fact, this is the first document I would give teachers if you are making a decision this year to implement the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments because this document tells them at a glance what’s available for them to use. Materials required: IAB grade eight At-a-Glance document
Experiencing a Performance Task
1 minute for slide 6 Running time = 6 minutes Slide intent: Transition to the Experiencing the Task section of the session. Presenter says: By a show of hands, how many of you have accessed the viewing system to either examine the Interim Assessments or Performance tasks? (This will help to gauge the needs of the participants and presenters.) The Interim Assessment Viewing System contains all of the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments. It is designed to allow teachers to see the interim assessments and understand the type of questions on the Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) and the Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) and the scope of the content on an interim assessment. Materials required: None
Many Hats As educators we wear many hats.
Throughout this session we will be wearing the hat of a learner and that of a teacher. Let’s spend some time now wearing our learner hat. 1 minute for slide 7 Running time = 7 minutes Slide Intent: Set the stage that during the time in this session participants will be engaging as both professional educators and as a student. Presenter says: Sometimes it is important to step into the role of student. For the next few minutes, as we experience a mathematics task, either online or on paper, consider the learning as a student, not a teacher/educator. For the moment, put yourself in the shoes of a student and try to save the educator lens for later. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Viewing System
4 minutes for slides Running time = 11 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to navigate to the Interim Assessment Viewing System. Presenter says: Let’s spend some time reviewing the Interim Assessment Viewing System and some ways that it can be used to enhance both educator and student learning. We are going to spend some time looking at navigating the CAASPP Interim Assessment Web page on the CAASPP portal. This is the home screen to the CAASPP portal Web page. To access the Interim Assessment Viewing System, you will want to select the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments button. This is the lower right green button. Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat”
Interim Assessment Viewing System (2)
4 minutes for slides Running time = 11 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to navigate to the Interim Assessment Viewing System. Presenter says: Once you are on the Interim Assessment Administration Resources page you will notice that it contains a variety of resources related to the interim assessments. Next we are going to select the green button titled Interim Assessment Viewing System. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Viewing System (3)
4 minutes for slides Running time = 11 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to navigate to the Interim Assessment Viewing System. Presenter says: You will now need to log into the Interim Assessment Viewing System using your TOMS login credentials. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Viewing System (4)
4 minutes for slides Running time = 11 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to navigate to the Interim Assessment Viewing System. Presenter says: Once logged into TOMS, you will be able to select the grade level for the performance task you would like to view. Then select the next button. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Viewing System (5)
4 minutes for slides Running time = 11 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to navigate to the Interim Assessment Viewing System. Presenter says: This will bring up all ICAs and IABs for the grade selected. For this session we will focus on the Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat.” If you are following along online, you can select the performance task for Start Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat.” Otherwise, you will find paper copies of the task on the tables. Next we will work with this performance task as if you were a student. Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat”
Experience a Performance Task
You have 10 minutes to explore and engage in the performance task. Complete at least the first three of the written responses for later reference. Be sure to read all the questions of the performance task. What are the literacy demands? What are the thinking and reasoning demands? 8 minutes for slide 13 Running time = 19 minutes Slide intent: Engage participants in the performance task with questions to consider. Presenter says: Now we will spend 8 minutes and respond to the grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” handout, doing so as though we are students. You will use the hard copy of grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” handout to jot down your responses. We will be referring to it later in the session. If you do have a device and will be completing this performance task on the computer, I recommend that you still make a few notes about your responses on grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” handout. As you are working, be sure to do the following: Read the directions and all of the questions. Complete at least responses 1-3, more if you have the time. You will use your responses later. Please complete this on paper or a document you can reference. You will likely not have the time to complete the entire performance task. Let’s begin. (After 7 minutes bring the group back together.) Turn to your elbow partner for just a moment now and discuss your experience of completing this performance task as a student. (After 1 minute bring the group back together and transition to the next slide.) Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat”
Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up Everyone stand up.
Find a partner from a different table. As soon as you have a partner, put your hands down. Discuss: What are the literacy demands? What are the thinking and reasoning demands? What implications for both teaching and learning come to mind? The person with the longest hair goes first. 8 minutes for slide 14 Running time = 27 minutes Slide intent: Provide participants with time to process the performance task completion experience and share. Presenter says: We are going to put your educator hats back on now and discuss your findings with a new partner. First take a minute to consider the questions listed on this slide: What are the literacy demands of this performance task? What are the thinking and reasoning demands? What implications for both teaching and learning come to mind? (after 1 minute bring the group back together.) Now everyone stand up and raise your hand. You must find a new partner from another table. As soon as you find a partner, put your hand down. You may now find a partner and discuss the questions. The person with the longest hair goes first. (After 5 minutes, bring the participants back together as a whole group and allow for a few whole group share outs of observations or answers to the prompts.) Materials required: None
Hand Scoring Training Guides
1 minute for slide 15 Running time = 28 minutes Slide intent: Transition to discussing training guides. Presenter says: Now that you’ve had a chance to experience the performance task from a student’s perspective, and you’ve given it some thought from an educator’s perspective, let’s talk about some of the resources that are available to support your work with hand scoring. Materials required: None
Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars
3 minutes for slide Running time = 31 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to navigate to the Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars. Presenter says: We just spent some time working with the Interim Assessment Viewing System to access interim assessment hand scored items. Another important resource available as part of the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment system is the hand scoring system that includes training guides and exemplars. By show of hands, how many of you have used the hand scoring system? As we talk about the training guides and exemplars, you are welcome to follow along on your device. If you don’t have a device, pair up with somebody or simply watch the screen as I take you through the screenshots and steps. We will start on the Interim Assessment Administration Resources page. It contains a variety of resources related to the interim assessments. We are going to select the green button titled Hand Scoring Guides and Exemplars. Materials required: None
Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars (2)
3 minutes for slide Running time = 31 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to access the Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars. Presenter says: Next you will use your TOMS login credentials to access the Hand Scoring System. Materials required: None
Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars (3)
3 minutes for slide Running time = 31 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to access the Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars. Presenter says: Once you log in, you will see the Hand Scoring System dashboard. It contains links to important information and various parts of the system. For now, we will focus on the Help button located in the right top corner of the dashboard screen. By selecting this button you will access a wealth of materials that support hand scoring, such as training guides and exemplars. Materials required: None
Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars (4)
3 minutes for slide Running time = 31 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to access the Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars. Presenter says: Once in the Help section of the system, you will see a number of interim assessment hand scoring workshop videos and materials. There are some that are specific to ELA while others are specific to mathematics. Materials required: None
Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars (5)
3 minutes for slide Running time = 31 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to access the Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars. Presenter says: If you scroll down that page, you will reach the section called Interim Assessment Hand Scoring Training Guides and Exemplars. To access the documents for the task we are working with today, you will select grade 5 mathematics. Materials required: None
Training Guides 3 minutes for slide 21 Running time = 34 minutes
Slide intent: Help participants understanding that each performance task has multiple sets of Training Guides and Exemplars, based on how many parts of the performance task have hand-scored items. Presenter: Notice that for this 5th grade example, there are four different training guides. That means that for the performance task, there are 4 separate items that need to be hand scored regarding the “Turtle Habitat.” Take a look at your handout and note where those items are located. What do you notice about them? Let’s choose one of the training guides to explore for a few moments. Select the 19678: Turtle Habitat – Short Answer, Training Guide. Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” Table copy of the Training Guides
Training Guides: Stimuli
3 minutes for slide Running time = 37 minutes Slide intent: Allow participants time and opportunity to become familiar with components of the Training Guides. Presenter says: Each of the training guide has five components. The first one is the Stimuli. These are the resources needed to complete the performance task. Materials required: None
Training Guides: Target Chart
3 minutes for slide Running time = 37 minutes Slide intent: Allow participants time and opportunity to become familiar with components of the Training Guides. Presenter says: The second component is the target chart. This charts references the Smarter Balanced assessment targets that are the focus of the prompt or stem. Materials required: None
Training Guides: Item Stem
3 minutes for slide Running time = 37 minutes Slide intent: Allow participants time and opportunity to become familiar with components of the Training Guides. Presenter says: Next there is the item stem which is the item prompt. In this case you see the step-by-step instructions for completing the item. Materials required: None
Training Guides: Target-Specific Rubric
3 minutes for slide Running time = 37 minutes Slide intent: Allow participants time and opportunity to become familiar with components of the Training Guides. Presenter says: In the training guides, you will also find the target-specific rubrics, which are specific to each stem. The item rubrics lists the possible point values a student may earn by completing the task. In this example, the student may earn two, one or zero points. Point values range from 1 to 3, and in this example we see a that the possible scores are zero, one or two. For the purposes of this session we are working with a mathematics item. Please know that the ELA performance tasks include a variety of item types. The full write, or essay, is one of the item types. The essay has three rubrics used to score the item (e.g., organization/purpose, conventions). Materials required: None
Training Guides: Condition Code Document
3 minutes for slide Running time = 37 minutes Slide intent: Allow participants time and opportunity to become familiar with components of the Training Guides. Presenter says: And the final component of the Training Guides are the Condition Code documents that lists special codes. In this example, B = blank, I = insufficient, L = Off topic Note that mathematics responses are not scored based on spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Materials required: None
Scoring Rubrics Using the prompt you answered completely from the performance task, score your response based on the rubric. How has your exposure and practice with the rubric change how you might respond to the prompt? Share your findings with your table. 8 minutes for slide 27 Running time = 45 minutes Slide intent: Provide participants with an opportunity to engage with the scoring rubrics and begin to consider how these can be used to inform instruction. Presenter says: Now we will go back to our “Turtle Habitat” performance task with our educator hats back on, and we will use the scoring rubrics to score your own response to this performance task. Once you’re done, we’ll take a moment to reflect on that experience and then talk about with our neighbors. Let’s take 5 minutes to score the performance task. (After 5 minutes bring the group back together.) Now that you’ve scored your response, take 1 minute to consider if or how you would change your response now that you have seen the rubric. (After 1 minute bring the group back together.) Now, let’s take 2 minutes to discuss that in your table group. (After 2 minutes bring the group back together and ask several tables to share their findings.) Materials required: None
Hand Scoring Exemplar Packets
1 minute for slide 28 Running time = 46 minutes Slide intent: Transition to discussing exemplars. Presenter says: Now that you’ve had a chance to experience the performance task from a student perspective and score it, let’s turn our attention to the Hand Scoring Exemplars and the role they play in the hand scoring process. Materials required: None
Exemplar Packets Prep Set Check Set Key
8 minutes for slides Running time = 54 minutes Slide intent: Support understanding that each of the performance tasks has multiple sets of Training Guides and Exemplars, based on how many parts of the performance task has hand-scored items. Presenter: The Hand Scoring Exemplars are available in the "Help" Web page in TOMS. As we work through this section, you may follow along on your device or watch the slides as I walk you though the exemplars. Notice that for this 5th grade example, there are four different exemplar sets. That means that for the performance task, there are 4 separate items that have scored student work samples, practice samples to score, and a key for those practice samples regarding the Turtle Habitat. All exemplar packets include the exemplars, a Prep Set, Check Set, and a key. Take a look at your handout and take note where those items are. What do you notice about them? Let’s choose one of the exemplar sets to explore for a few moments. Select the 19678: Turtle Habitat – Short Text, Exemplar. Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” Table copy of the Exemplar Packet
Exemplar Packets: Prep Set
8 minutes for slides Running time = 54 minutes Slide intent: Support understanding that each of the performance tasks has multiple sets of Training Guides and Exemplars, based on how many parts of the performance task has hand-scored items. Presenter: [this visual supports the previous slide] Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” Table copy of the Exemplar Packet
Exemplar Packets: Item Stem
8 minutes for slides Running time = 54 minutes Slide intent: Support understanding that each of the performance tasks has multiple sets of Training Guides and Exemplars, based on how many parts of the performance task has hand-scored items. Presenter: [this visual supports the previous slide] Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” Table copy of the Exemplar Packet
Exemplar Packets: Student Response
8 minutes for slides Running time = 54 minutes Slide intent: Support understanding that each of the performance tasks has multiple sets of Training Guides and Exemplars, based on how many parts of the performance task has hand-scored items. Presenter: [this visual supports the previous slide] Materials required: Grade five math performance task, “Turtle Habitat” Table copy of the Exemplar Packet
Exemplar Packets: Check Set
8 minutes for slides Running time = 54 minutes Slide intent: Provide participants with an opportunity to become familiar with the components of the Exemplars. Presenter says: Another important part of the Exemplar Packets is the Check Set, which is used as an assessment of the calibration. It is a set of student responses that teachers would use to practice assigning scores to based on their review of the training guides and exemplars. Materials required: None
Exemplar Packets: Key 8 minutes for slides Running time = 54 minutes Slide intent: Provide participants with an opportunity to become familiar with the components of the Exemplars. Presenter says: The last important part of the Exemplar Packet is the Key to the scoring of the check set. It also includes scorer comments for calibration/rationale purposes. Materials required: None
Learning From Student Work
Read the four examples and discuss: What would the students scoring a 1 need to do to get a 2? What would the student scoring a zero need to do to get a 1? 7 minutes for slide 35 Running time = 61 minutes Slide intent: Encourage participants to begin to consider next steps after reading the rubric. Presenter says: Learning from the student’s work is one of the goals of the formative assessment process. It is the beginning of interpreting and acting on evidence. Take a couple of minutes now to individually read the Exemplars excerpts handouts located in your binders. (After 2 minutes bring the room back together.) After reading the three examples, discuss with your table: What would the student scoring a one need to do to get a two? What would the student scoring a zero need to do to get a one? (After 5 minutes bring the group back together and transition to the next slide.) Materials required: Exemplars excerpts handout
3-2-1 How could you use these resources with students?
How would you use these resources as a formative assessment tool? How could the hand scoring materials change instructional practices? 4 minutes for slide 36 Running time = 65 minutes Slide intent: Encourage participants to consider and discuss how to use the training guides and exemplars in their classroom practice. Presenter says: We are going to continue to explore the formative assessment process attributes of interpreting and acting on evidence. You will write, discuss, and report out on one of the questions listed. At your tables, count off 1-3 starting with the person that has the longest hair and going clockwise) Now that you each have a number, on your own, take two minutes to ponder and jot down on post-its a response to the question associated with your number. The questions are listed on the slide. (Allow 2 minutes for participants to write a response then bring the group back together.) Now that you have written a response, we are going to regroup by number and report out. Your task will be to discuss your response and record key ideas on chart paper with your number group. Before you start, select a speaker who will report your thoughts to the whole group. You will have 5 minutes to summarizes the key ideas in response to the questions you were considering. The 1s will move to this area, the 2s to this area, and the 3s over here. (Allow less than a minute for groups to form and start the clock for the 5 minute group work. After the total of six minutes, bring the group back together and ask them to report their findings.) Sharing Let’s now take one minute for each group to report key ideas. (Provide each group 1 minute to report.) Materials required: Chart paper (3 pieces) and markers; Post-its
Hand Scoring Resources and Considerations
2 minutes for slides Running time = 67 minutes Slide intent: Transition to discussing additional resources that support hand scoring. Presenter says: Let’s now take a minute to see what other resources are available to support the hand scoring process. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System
Scores for items requiring hand scoring must be entered via the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Hand scoring is a local responsibility. Interim assessment scores will be generated after all hand scored item responses are submitted. Interim assessment results will be available within 20 minutes after hand scores are submitted. 2 minutes for slides Running time = 67 minutes Slide intent: Remind participants about some of the main considerations associated with using the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Presenter says: ICA and IAB items that require hand scoring must be scored in the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. The hand scoring of interim assessment items is the responsibility of the test administrator or interim assessment administrator associated with the Test Session ID. The administrator can reassign the responsibility to another scorer within his or her school. Final score reports will only be generated when all items are hand scored and submitted as “complete.” This is important to remember, it’s not enough to have the responses submitted in the Hand Scoring System, they much also be submitted as “complete.” Items with student responses labeled “Tentatively Scored” or “Not Scored” in the Status column of the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System Response List page have not been formally submitted as complete. Finally, please know that once all the hand scored items are marked as “complete,” the interim assessment results should be available in the Interim Assessment Reporting System within 20 minutes. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (2)
5 minutes for slides Running time = 72 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to navigate to the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Presenter says: Let’s talk for a moment about accessing the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System and the steps a scorer must take to formally submit a score for an item. Here again we will start on the Interim Assessment Administration Resources page. As you recall, it contains a variety of resources related to the interim assessments. We are going to select the green button titled Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (3)
5 minutes for slides Running time = 72 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to access the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Presenter says: Next you or another scorer will use TOMS login credentials to access the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (4)
5 minutes for slides Running time = 72 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to enter scores into the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Presenter says: This will bring you to the Response List page. Note that this is the view seen by an LEA or site CAASPP coordinator. As you can see, the LEA or site coordinator can see all the items that need to be scored for the LEA or site, and who is the teacher or scorer to whom those items have been assigned for scoring. A teacher, when she or he logs in, would only see those responses for students in a session they administered. Here you will select the Score button next to the item response on the Response List page. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (5)
5 minutes for slides Running time = 72 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to enter scores into the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Presenter says: Once you do that, the Score Response page will open, on which the scorer can review the item stem, evaluate the response, and enter a score. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (6)
5 minutes for slides Running time = 72 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to enter scores into the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Presenter says: To enter the score, the scorer will select a value from the drop down menu. Next, the scorer will select the Submit Score button. Once the score is entered, select the Back to the Response List button at the bottom of the Score Response page to return to the Response List screen. Materials required: None
Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (7)
5 minutes for slides Running time = 72 minutes Slide intent: Show participants how to enter scores into the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. Presenter says: Back on the Response List screen, the item just scored on the previous screen would show a Tentatively Scored button in the Score column to the right. In other words, the Score button in the right hand column would read Tentatively Scored. You would then mark the check box next to any Tentatively Scored item on the Response List page to acknowledge that the score is final. As the final step, select the Mark Selected as Complete button to complete the score submission of the item. At this point, the student response with its score leave the hand scoring system and move on to the reporting system. But remember, nothing will display in the reporting system until all items for a particular ICA or IAB are hand scored and submitted. Materials required: None
Additional Resources
3 minutes for slides Running time = 75 minutes Slide intent: Highlight additional resources available to support hand scoring. Presenter says: This was just a brief overview of the mechanics of hand scoring. Please know, that there are many additional resources available to support hand scoring. If you scroll down the Interim Assessment Administration Resources page, you will find a wealth of additional resources, including manuals, instructions, and training videos. I encourage you to review these after the session when you have a chance. Materials required: None
Additional Resources (cont.)
3 minutes for slides Running time = 75 minutes Slide intent: Highlight additional resources available to support hand scoring. Presenter says: [this visual supports the previous slide] Materials required: None
Considerations Need for thorough training
Importance of advanced planning Time Staff Results Focus on informing teaching and learning 3 minutes for slides Running time = 75 minutes Slide intent: Highlight some considerations regarding hand scoring. Presenter says: It is our hope that you have heard or seen something during this presentation that got you excited about hand scoring interim assessment items. Before you go back to your LEAs and engage in hand scoring, we want to spend a moment on some of the considerations surrounding the process of hand scoring interim assessment items. The first one of those is the need for thorough training on the hand scoring process and system. Today you received information that hopefully demystified the process of hand scoring for you just a bit. The next step will be to engage in the hand scoring training, such as the Hand Scoring Clinics hosted by ETS in the fall of every school year. Thorough training is needed for you to be able to experience the entire process of hand scoring, including the use of prep and check sets, as well as the hand scoring system. Another consideration is the importance of advanced planning. In order to successfully execute interim assessments that contain hand-scored items, and to be able to make use of the interim assessment results to enhance teaching and learning, you need to proactively plan for the time, staff, and the use of results. Scheduling professional development time for grade-level teams to hand score test items after the administration of the interim assessments is important. Hand scoring requires advanced planning. It’s also important to know that interim assessment results appear in the reporting system within 20 minutes after hand scored items are completed and submitted in the Hand Scoring System. Staffing needs are also important to plan for. For example, if you’re hoping to engage some of your social science colleagues into the hand scoring process it’s prudent to let them know ahead of time. Engaging non-ELA or mathematics teachers into the hand scoring process allows grade-level teams to work collaboratively in supporting student learning. Once they have completed training and calibration, non-ELA or mathematics teachers may also be able to provides help during the hand scoring of actual interim assessments. And finally planning for the use of results. When you complete and submit hand scored items into the Hand Scoring System, individual student scores will be available. If, on the other hand, you decide not to score all hand scored items or input them into the system, individual student scores will not be produced. More information on results, including the new reports and features for written items will be discussed at this afternoon's general session on the New Interim Assessment Reporting System. When first introducing hand scoring locally, consider starting with IABs that require little hand scoring. There is a 7-page document from CDE that specifies the amount of hand scoring each IA requires. The hand scoring process can serve multiple purposes. The features of the hand scoring system, which offers the kinds of materials and resources you worked with here today, can help LEAs decide how best to use hand scoring the improve instruction and support quality teaching and learning. Materials required: None
Planning and Implementation
2 minutes for slides Running time = 77 minutes Slide intent: Orient participants to the planning tool they will be using with their colleagues during the team implementation time. Presenter says: In your binders, you’ll find an Interim Assessment Implementation Tool. You will be using this tool after the break when you’re back with your team during the team planning time. When you first come together with your team, you will take a moment to record and rank two or three ideas you bring to the table from the three corresponding breakout sessions. Next, you will think about engaging stakeholders, addressing barriers, involving leadership, and finally communication that will support the implementation of your goals and ideas. At the bottom of the page, you will find space for mapping out your activities and thinking about that immediate action you can take toward implementation, what you can do within the next 60 days, 90 days, and further in the future. And finally, you will have an opportunity to commit to a continuous improvement practice by planning when and how often you will revisit this plan and discuss your successes and challenges. Materials Needed: Interim Assessment Implementation Tool
Thank you! 2 minutes for slides 48-49 Running time = 77 minutes
Slide intent: This slide is intended to close the session. Presenter says: Thank you for your active participation in our session on Exploring the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. We hope you have had an opportunity to enhance your understanding of hand scoring of interim assessments. Materials required: None
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