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Unit 11.2 Fossil Fuels IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong.

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1 Unit 11.2 Fossil Fuels IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong

2 Energy Resources Anything from which we can obtain energy. Energy Resources IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong

3 Questions 1. Which fossil fuel is used to the most as an energy resource? OIL 2. Many people use oil to heat their homes. Draw a diagram to show this energy change. Chemical energy  heat energy

4 Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels include coal, oil and natural gas. Coal formed from the remains for plants that died millions of years ago. Oil and gas formed from the remains of sea creatures. IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong

5 Fossil Fuels IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong

6 Fossil Fuels COAL Petroleum Natural Gas IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong

7 Generating Electricity Most electricity generated in power stations which burn fossil fuels, especially coal and gas A local coal fired power station IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong

8 Summary Fossil fuels are stores of chemical energy. Fossils fuels are burnt to release their energy. Most of our electricity is generated in fossil fuel power stations. IGCSE Y9 SCIENCE Prepared by Ms Wong

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