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Planning and Delivery of HND Programmes

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2 Planning and Delivery of HND Programmes
Welcome to this programme in which we look at the planning and delivery of HND programmes. The information contained in this powerpoint will be useful for planning the first time delivery of an HND course, but it is equally important to carry out the steps before delivery of your existing courses starts each academic year. .

3 What procedure to go through when setting up a course.
Introduction What procedure to go through when setting up a course. What key factors to identify which will make for smooth running of programmes What resources you will need In this programme, we will look at the steps to take when you are setting up a course. The steps taken when setting up a course are the same steps which should be followed before each delivery of Year 1 and Year 2 of the programme. We will also look at the key factors to identify which will make for the smooth running of programmes. It is important to remember that changes can occur from year to year which could have an impact on the delivery of your programmes and by going through the process each and every time of delivery, you will ensure that these changes can be taken into account. We will also look at the resources you will need to ensure successful delivery of the programmes. Resources planning is an integral part of the planning process, and again, by including this in the process you will ensure that resources are taken into account before each delivery.

4 Course Tutor Guides The first document to review is the Course Tutor Guide Course Tutor Guides include suggested order of delivery of units Units must be delivered in Year 1 and Year 2 order Course Tutor Guides include integration opportunities Course Tutor Guides should be used in planning stage The first document to review for each course you are delivering is the Course Tutor Guide. These can be found on the China website and should be downloaded every year if you are continuing to deliver. Course Tutor Guides are amended from time to time and it is important that you are using the most up to date information. The course tutor guides have a suggested order of delivery and suggested timetables. Whilst it is not a requirement that you follow the timetables suggested, it is recommended that you deliver the units in the order in which the course tutor guide suggests. This is because the content of some units leads into the content of others and to deliver in a different order may confuse your students. The course tutor guides include suggestions for integration opportunities. Integration is where you consider the content of similar units and integrate the learning and teaching and sometimes the assessment. These opportunities may not suit your Centre at the moment, but it is something to bear in mind for the future. The course tutor guide should be used in the planning stage as they are the “blueprint” for the framework you are delivering and contain information which you will very useful if planning the programmes.

5 Planning Create a Master Folder for each unit.
Contents of Master Folder: Unit Specification Teaching Schedule for Unit Assessments Solutions Re-assessments Internal Verification records Standardisation records Teaching materials One of the first things to do when planning a course is to create a master folder for each unit in the framework. The master folder can be held in a hard copy, or increasingly as an electronic copy. Master folders should be made available to all lecturers teaching on the programme so it is important that they are held centrally. Responsibility for the creation and maintenance of a unit master folder should be assigned to a lecturer teaching the unit. It is suggested that the master folder contains the following information: Unit Specification Teaching Schedule for Unit Assessments Solutions Re-assessments Internal Verification records Standardisation records Teaching materials Creation and maintenance of the master folder in this format will ensure that effective planning is done for the individual unit and ultimately the programme. Once the master folder has been created, it is important that it is updated regularly so that it always reflects current learning and teaching and assessment. Each of the contents of the master folder will be looked at individually during this presentation.

6 Create a Development Plan covering
People Learning resources Assessment resources Other support documentation You cannot undertake Nos 2+3 successfully until you have completed one No 1. No 4 is important but should not be your sole focus When you are planning to deliver a course for the first time, you should create a development plan for the course. A development plan would also be useful for the continuing delivery of an existing programme – to ensure that effective planning has taken place on a year to year basis. The development plan should include the following: People Learning resources Assessment resources Other support documentation People are the most important part of the resource planning cycle – if you do not have the right people in place, then learning resources and assessment resources will probably not be available. The right people should be put in place first and the learning resources and assessment resources should follow naturally from there. Once the people, learning resources and assessment resources are in place, the support documentation can be put in place. The support documentation should be a natural result of having the people, learning resources and assessment resources in place and should not be a burden or additional workload.

7 Staff Each centre will have a team who can deliver the Units in the framework. The staff will be responsible for developing teaching materials and writing assessment instruments as well as the actual delivery and internal verification of the programme. They should be selected based on the relevance of their experience for each Unit. It is important in the planning stage to identify staff who will be delivering individual units. Each Centre will have a team who can deliver the units in the framework. Staff are responsible for developing teaching materials and writing alternative assessment instruments as well as the actual delivery and internal verification of the programme. Staff should be selected for delivering the unit based on the relevance of their experience for each unit. It is important that they should have a knowledge of the topics and/or experience of working in the area.

8 Development Planning 1 Analysis of current knowledge
Subject Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Leadership theory Yes Out of date None HR provision Accounting Supply Chain Management Current knowledge should be analysed We can see here that Teacher 1 has knowledge of leadership theory and supply chain management but their knowledgeof HR provision and accounting is out of date. Teacher 2 however, has no HR and accounting experience. Select staff based on the best fit – out of date knowledge is easier to fix than no knowledge, Select staff based on the best fit – out of date knowledge is easier to fix than no knowledge

9 Development Planning 2 Create a plan for each person
Teacher 1 What Why How When (subject) (Unit required for) (Method being used) Deadline Current employment legisation MPO Internet research based on government website April 2016 Current UK Personal Pension products Personal Financial Services Pension Provision Investment Review of sections on UK.Gov.UK; and Moneywise Once knowledge gaps have been identified for each member of staff, an action plan should be created for them indicating WHAT they should develop, WHY (the unit they will be teaching) HOW (what method will be used and WHEN – what is the deadline for completion. Remember that the action plan can be used as CPD records

10 Sources of teacher development
There may be no textbook resources that will help The teacher’s own development has to extend beyond the student learning guide Regular reading of relevant material on the internet is the best source There may be no textbook resources that will help . For a lot of subjects additional knowledge will come from other sources such as newspapers and journals. The teacher’s own development has to extend beyond the student learning guide Regular reading of relevant material on the internet is the best source although reputable websites should always be used Resources will depend on the subject knowledge being developed/updated but will include Bank of England UK regulators websites Websites in the UK government portal ( Wikipedia/Investopedia are NOT valid resources

11 The Course Leader To be an effective Course leader and ensure the successful introduction of a framework in a Centre, the individual selected must understand the subjects they are leading The Course Leader must monitor the progress of each teacher’s subject knowledge development ahead of writing teaching materials as this has a direct impact on the quality of the programme Your Centre may wish to appoint a course leader for each qualification framework delivered. An effective course leader will ensure the successful introduction of a framework in a Centre. In order to do this, the individual selected must understand the subjects they are leading and the Course Leader must monitor the progress of each teacher’s subject knowledge development ahead of writing teaching materials as this has a direct impact on the quality of the programme.

12 Making Implementation easier (1)
Having recruited the right team make sure that you have regular team meetings that all involved in the framework must attend have additional subject specific meetings start by creating a grid to show subject matter overlap Having recruited the right team make sure that you have regular team meetings that all involved in the framework must attend have additional subject specific meetings start by creating a grid to show subject matter overlap

13 Making Implementation easier (2)
Appoint subject area leaders where there is overlap – this means one person is responsible for communicating updates in the future (e.g. One person researches changes in employment legisation and shares this with all teaching units involving employment legisation) Make sure everyone knows the boundaries Appoint subject area leaders where there is overlap – this means one person is responsible for communicating updates in the future (e.g. One person researches changes in employment legisation and shares this with all teaching units involving employment legisation) Make sure everyone knows the boundaries and what they have to do

14 Unit Specification The Unit Specifications will drive the content of your plans Download the latest Unit Specifications for both years of the HND as some Year 1 decisions will impact on Year 2 When you are planning the delivery of your courses, you should download the unit specification every time the unit is delivered. This is because the unit specification may have changed since the last time the unit was delivered in your Centre. You must always be using the most up to date unit specificiation.

15 Unit Specification The topics for each Unit specification should be reviewed to see who best to deliver each of them – who has the experience and/or relevant qualifications to do this? What materials do you have available to help candidates to learn what is included in the Unit specification? How are candidates assessed? Once the unit specification has been downloaded, the topics for each unit specification should be reviewed to see who in your Centre is best to deliver the content – who has the relevant experience and/or relevant qualifications to deliver. This could be relevant academic qualifications but can also be vocational and industrial experience. The materials should also be reviewed to help candidates learn what is included in the unit specification. Resources are provided in the form of Student Learning Guides but these are guides only and the content must be reviewed on a year to year basis to ensure that they are still up date. Lecturers for each unit are responsible for updating materials. The way that candidates are assessed should be reviewed: the method of assessment will determine the teaching schedule for the unit. Are there any closed book assessments which require time to be included in the timetable for the students to sit the assessment?

16 Timetabling and Lesson Planning
Prepare teaching schedules to suit centre team Be guided by the Lesson Plan in the Student Learning Guide - you can change the order of topics/the time allocation if you think this would be more appropriate for your students eg topics which might present difficulties Ensure core units contributing to Graded Units are covered at the right time Prepare teaching schedules to suit centre team Be guided by the Lesson Plan in the Student Learning Guide - you can change the order of topics/the time allocation if you think this would be more appropriate for your students eg topics which might present difficulties Ensure core units contributing to Graded Units are covered at the right time

17 Build in additional study sessions to address any issues
Graded Unit examinations are a review of Units you have already taught, you should not teach these Unit but should have sessions practicing answering open book questions under time constrained conditions. Build in additional study sessions to address any issues Graded Unit examinations are a review of Units you have already taught, you should not teach these Unit but should have sessions practicing answering open book questions under time constrained conditions. Build in additional study sessions to address any issues

18 Preparing Prepare teaching schedules
Identify when assessments should take place for each subject and prepare a master assessment schedule to ensure no overburdening Identify topics and units which feed into the Graded Unit and ensure that candidates know the importance of these and they are delivered in the correct order. Suggested teaching schedules are included in the Course Tutor Guide for each qualification. However each centre should prepare their own teaching schedule, taking into account the units being delivered and the timetable. Once the teaching schedule has been prepared, an assessment schedule should also be prepared. This will identify when assessments should take place for each subject. A master assessment schedule will ensure that there is no overburdening of students at any one time eg Week 6 of the programme. Lecturers should plan together when assessments will be scheduled for students. You should identify topics and units which are feed into the relevant graded unit. Candidates should be told the importance of these. It is also important that these units are delivered in the correct order. Units which contribute to the graded unit MUST be delivered before the graded unit takes place – graded unit teaching should be revision only to test the students’ knowledge and understanding and to prepare them for the graded unit.

19 Assessment Planning With students studying up to 8 units in a semester, there can be a burden of assessment for both tutors and students Good practice to create a qualification assessment plan matrix indicating where assessment falls for each unit Course Team completes qualification assessment plan matrix With students studying up to 8 units in a semester, there can be a burden of assessment for both tutors and students. Good practice to create a qualification assessment plan matrix indicating where assessment falls for each unit. Course Team completes qualification assessment plan matrix.

20 An extract from a plan for Business with Accounting
Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 Outcome 4 Outcome 5 Business Accounting (F84M 34) Practical exercise Supervised with access to pro forma layout only Open-book report generated under supervised conditions. Questions and report linked to case study. Business Law: An Introduction (F84P 34) Open-book Written/oral Case study with given questions Economic Issues: An Introduction (F7J8 34) Integrative assessment change Set questions Controlled conditions with defined amount of notes Open-book Short investigative exercise This is an extract for a plan for the Business with Accounting framework. It includes 3 units Business Accounting, Business Law and Economics Issues. Each outcome has been listed with the type of assessment and the method – open book etc. 1

21 Summative Assessments
Unit Name\ Week 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Business Accounting (cont in Semester 2) S 1 S 2 Business Law S 3 Economic Issues An Introduction This is a sample assessment plan for second semester. It is possible to create a template like this in Excel or Word. The semester week number is across the top and the unit name appears down the side. To complete the assessment planning schedule, each lecturer inserts in the week number column when the summative assessment for the unit and outcome will appear. Eg……. At the moment there are no conflicts in the assessment plan. 2

22 Summative and Formative Assessments
Unit Name\ Week 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Business Accounting (cont in Semester 2) F 1 S 1 F 2 S 2 Business Law S 3 Economic Issues An Introduction The next stage is to insert the formative (practice) assessment for each outcome into the grid. The grid is starting to look a bit busier. 2

23 Summative Formative and Reassessments
Unit Name\ Week 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Business Accounting (cont in Semester 2) F 1 S 1 R 1 F 2 S 2 R 2 Business Law S 3 R 3 Economic Issues An Introduction The next stage is to insert the remediation assessment into the grid. It should be becoming apparent now from our planning where there is potential overburdening of the students – they have too much work to do…… 2

24 Summative Formative and Reassessments
Unit Name\ Week 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Business Accounting (cont in Semester 2) F 1 S 1 R 1 F 2 S 2 R 2 Business Law S 3 R 3 Economic Issues An Introduction Weeks 26 and Weeks 29 are very busy! This is where the course team needs to look at the assessment plan and move assessments in order that the student is not overburdened. This may mean that the order of delivery for some outcomes is changed. Depending on the content of individual units, outcomes do not necessarily need to be delivered in order. 2

25 Activity – create your own plan!
Unit Name\ Week 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 You should pause the powerpoint presentation now and take time to complete the activity. The task for the activity is to plan your own assessment schedule for Semester 2. You should list the units in the framework down the left hand column and insert all formative and summative assessment opportunities and remediation attempts for each outcome. This should highlight any conflicts – start to negotiate with course members and look at the unit specifications to see if outcomes can be moved. 2

26 Assessments Review the current China Assessment Support Packs
Identify existing alternative assessments that can be used for reassessments Write additional assessments where alternatives do not exist Revise assessment solutions where out of date Submit these for prior verification Review the current China Assessment Support Packs – you should ask the co-ordinator to download the assessments from the secure site before they are to be used. They change at short notice and must be checked just before they are to be used as the most up to date available Assessments should meet all of the current legislation in any area. They must be brought up to date if they do not meet the criteria – download ASP every time Unit is delivered Identify existing alternative assessments that can be used for reassessments – the majority of units will require a reassessment instrument Write additional assessments where alternatives do not exist- it is a Centre’s responsibility to write additional assessments where alternatives do not exist Revise assessment solutions where out of date – all assessment solutions should be reviewed each time of delivery regardless of whether the assessment instrument has changed All Assessment Instruments should be subject to review by the assessors and answers to tasks checked and discussed. Assessment instruments should be subject to Internal Verification. Submit these for prior verification – any changes or new assessments should be submitted for prior verification

27 Reassessments Your Centre should have a reassessment instrument for all units SQA provide 1 exemplar assessement instrument for each unit Reassessement instrument should be designed by Centre and prior verified Your Centre should have a reassessment instrument for all units. SQA provide 1 exemplar assessment instrument for each unit. Re-assessement instrument should be designed by Centre and prior verified.

28 Standardisation Different assessors for the same Unit should meet to discuss their marking and feedback. They must agree on what is acceptable and what will not meet the criteria of the Unit. How do the team reassess the candidates? What should be remediation/re-do and what is a reassessment? Different assessors for the same Unit should meet to discuss their marking and feedback. They must agree on what is acceptable and what will not meet the criteria of the Unit. How do the team reassess the candidates? – reassessment instruments should be available What should be remediation/re-do and what is a reassessment?- decisions on professional judgement on candidate scripts should be recorded.

29 EV Reports Planning should include reviewing EV reports for all units verified Good practice – appropriate for other units Action points – should have been actioned Recommendations – ensure that recommendations are carried out Good Planning should include reviewing EV reports for all units verified. Good practice – any good practice recognised by the EV should be reviewed and considered to see if it is appropriate for other units. Action points – should have been actioned. Recommendations – ensure that recommendations are carried out.

30 EV Reports Course Team/Subject Team should meet to discuss
Record decisions and discussions on pre-delivery Internal Verification and Standardisation records Course Team/Subject Team should meet to discuss the external verification reports. Record decisions and discussions on pre-delivery Internal Verification and Standardisation records

31 Teaching Materials Materials – student materials and tutor materials should be available. Is there enough content at the correct level? Practice assessments to help students to prepare should be written. It is a teacher’s responsibility to develop teaching materials and activities which match the unit specification. There should be sufficient student and tutor materials available to cover the knowledge and skills in the unit specification. Teachers should ensure that the content of the teaching materials is at the correct level and that they are not too easy or too difficult – for example if the unit is a level 7 unit, the content should be appropriate and not be providing the student with level 8 knowledge Practice assessments should be written to help students prepare for the assessment itself.

32 Up to Date Is the information in the materials the most up to date available? Do the staff have knowledge of the most up to date legislation in the UK which will affect the Units contents? Are there any additional resources available which might help in delivery? Is the information in the materials the most up to date available? All materials require to be checked and updated as appropriate prior to delivery. Do the staff have knowledge of the most up to date legislation in the UK which will affect the Units contents? Staff should ensure that they have completed CPD for the current year and are up to date with all aspects of their subject. Are there any additional resources available which might help in delivery? Staff should be aware of additional resources which are available and will help delivery – teaching materials should not be restricted to the Student Learning Guide.

33 Resources Materials Text books On line resources
UK Government information Staff Resources These are some of the additional resources that can be used by all teachers to develop and enhance their teaching materials.

34 Resources As part of the SIM China project, SQA has provided details of optional resources that could support teaching and learning. These resources have been provided by professional teachers in Scotland who use them for their own teaching. The resources can be accessed on the SQA China website under the link signposting of Additional Resources.

35 End of presentation The steps in this presentation should assist centres in planning for the delivery of their courses each time it is delivered.

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