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Michael Brady Canadian Forest Service

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1 Michael Brady Canadian Forest Service
Land Cover Implementation Plan & Project Office Inauguration Meeting, Jena, 2-4 March 2004

2 GOFC-GOLD Acronym Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC) +
Global Observation of Landcover Dynamics (GOLD) = GOFC-GOLD

3 Background to GOFC-GOLD
Developed originally under the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) initially as a pilot to test the concept of an Integrated Global Observing System (IGOS): To improve use of Earth Observation data to address major problems of global concern To improve coordination of national programs To improve co-operation between providers and users of Earth Observation data for regional and global applications Has become one of the Panels of the Global Terrestrial Observing System GTOS (FAO GTOS Secretariat) Helping to address the Carbon Theme of the IGOS Partners


5 Who are the IGOS Partners?
Sponsors of the Global Observing Systems (IOC of UNESCO, FAO, UNEP, UNESCO, WMO, ICSU) Global Observing Systems (GCOS, GOOS, GTOS) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) International Geosphere - Biosphere Programme (IGBP) World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) International Group of Funding Agencies (IGFA)

6 Uncertainties Concerning Forest Monitoring
Different definitions and protocols between and within countries Very varying national capabilities to monitor forests and land cover Remote sensing data are often unavailable Costs Satellite acquisition strategies Internationally published results yield uncertain results No current commitment for many key products and services

7 What is GOFC-GOLD? A strategy to bring the Earth’s forests under continuous observation A vision to share data, information and knowledge, leading to informed action A coordinated program of activities to ensure that earth observation and other data is used effectively for global monitoring of terrestrial resources A network of participants implementing coordinated demonstration and operational projects An international organization of space agencies and end users working together

8 The GOFC-GOLD Mission A coordinated international effort to supply space-based and in situ forest and land cover observations The aim of GOFC-GOLD is to obtain an accurate, reliable and quantitative understanding of global change processes

9 GOFC-GOLD as a catalyst: bringing the parts together
catalyst (noun): 2. an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action

10 GOFC-GOLD Organization
GOFC-GOLD consists of 5 elements: Scientific and Technical Board (STB) Implementation Teams Regional Networks Project Office Executive Committee

11 The Organization of GOFC
Implementation Teams, Activities and Projects * Fire Monitoring and Mapping…….. * Cover Characteristics and Changes.. * Biophysical Parameters…………… Scientific and Technology Board Regional Activities and Networks I have tried to express here the way ion which the Regional activities cross cut with the Implementation Teams and the two most important current Collaborations. The double headed arrow with the STB are to stress the interactions between it and the Implementation Teams rather than the fact that it mainly directs. Collaborations e.g. WGISS and WGCV

12 Scientific and Technical Board & Executive Committee
GOFC-GOLD is coordinated by a Scientific and Technical Board and Executive Committee made up of leading experts in forest and land cover monitoring The board is chaired by Dr. John Townshend and vice-chaired by Dr. Alan Belward

13 Land Cover Implementation Team Goals and Objectives
Improve access to remote sensing data Improve pre-processing of remotely sensed data Improve global land cover products Evaluate and validate global land cover products Demonstrate Land cover change monitoring Prototype coupled remote sensing - in situ systems Program topics include: Forest cover and carbon Ecosystem Assessment Forest resource assessment and management

14 Land Cover IT Workshops
Regional Networks for Implementation of the GOFC Project in the Tropics Washington, D.C., March 15-17, 1999 Southeast Asia Regional GOFC Planning Meeting Bogor, Indonesia, January 31 - February 2, 2000 Atelier de création du réseau GOFC - OSFAC en Afrique Centrale  Libreville, Gabon, February 22-24, 2000 Miombo GOFC Maputo, Mozambique, July 20-22, 2000 Southeast Asia Regional Network, SEARIN formation meeting Manilla, Philippines, 2001 Regional Science workshop and conference Chiang Mai Thailand, 2001 GOFC Regional Workshop on Remote Sensing of Forest Cover in Northwestern Russia and Fennoscandia, June 25-27, hosted by INENCO Center of RAS, St. Petersburg Land Cover Implementation Team Workshop, 12 March 2003, Toulouse, France CEOS Calval Land Cover Validation Workshop, Boston, 2-5 February 2004

15 Fire Implementation Team Goals and Objectives
Increase Awareness of Fire Observations Establish a Geostationary Global Fire Network Secure Operational Polar Orbiters with fire monitoring capability Develop a set of standard fire danger models suited for global and regional application Develop fire emissions product suites Determine product and reporting accuracies Establish user oriented products and facilitate data access Promote new fire observation technologies and fire related research

16 Fire IT Workshops GOFC Fire Coordination Workshop – JRC Ispra (1999)
S Africa Miombo/GOFC Fire Workshop – Matopos (1999) SAFNET Burned Area Validation Protocols. Zambia (2000) SAFNET Fire Planning Meeting, Gaberone, Botswana, July 2002 Southeast Asia GOFC Fire Workshop – Tokyo (2001) WGISS TF GOFC Workshops – Bangkok/ Tokyo (2000/2001) GOFC presentation / discussion – EARSEL / Paris (2001) GOFC Fire Validation Workshop – Lisbon, Portugal (July ‘01) GOFC SEARIN Fire Validation Workshop, Thailand (Jan 02) GOFC/GOLD SEARIN Fire Validation Workshop, Tokyo (Jan 03) GOFC/GOLD Fire Presentation / discussions – SIVAM/ Manaos, Brazil (Mar 02) GOFC/GOLD – IGAC/BIBEX Workshop on Fire Emissions Models – Maryland, USA (July 02) GOFC/GOLD – I BFRA Joint Meeting Forest Cover and Fire – Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, (July 02) GOFC/GOLD Fire presentation and discussion – SELPER/Cochabamba, Bolivia, (Nov 02) GOFC/GOLD LBA Fire Validation Workshop, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (April 03) GOFC/EARSeL Joint Workshop on Fire Danger Estimation, Ghent, Belgium (June 2003) Far East Fire Network Workshop w. World Bank, USFS – Khabarovsk, Russia (Sept 03) SAFNet Workshop, Kruger Park, South Africa (Sept 03) GOFC/GOLD Fire Presentation, Sydney, Australia, (Oct 03) GOFC/GOLD ACRSP Joint Workshop – Freemantle, Australia (Oct 04) Annual GOFC-Fire Meeting

17 Forest Biophysical Processes Goals and Objectives
Objective: provide ready access to global and regional biophysical products (e.g., LAI, FPAR, NPP) which are calibrated, validated, and documented Clients: TCO, IGOS-P carbon theme; earth systems scientists; ultimately, national and international policy makers Status: currently the least advanced GOFC-GOLD component, although there are many ongoing initiatives in this area

18 Regional Networks (improved dialogue between data providers and users)
Provide guidance on regional needs and capabilities Build on existing science networks Linked closely to national mapping and monitoring activities Foster lateral transfer of technology and experience Intended to provide transition to operational continuity Current network initiatives SEARRIN - South East Asia OSFAC - Central Africa Miombo - Southern Africa SAFNET – Southern Africa NEARIN – Fennoscandia and Russia Siberia East Asia - (NEESPI under development) Latin America (under discussion)

19 GOFC-GOLD Regionalized Network
Components: Regional cal / val sites for detailed studies Existing regional forest cover Overlaid on single source land cover map National forest cover moving to regional harmonized Single system for information sharing ISS Sites Data Acquisition: Landsat, Spot VGT, MODIS Data Acq. X Models X Data, Models X Data, Cal/val; training Current receiving X ISS Nodes In place Prod. Ctr

20 Assessing the Success of GOFC-GOLD in Creating Long-Term Sustainable Observations

21 Progress Towards Goals
(Green indicates substantive progress; tan equals partial progress; and yellow means no progress yet)

22 Progress Towards Goals
(Green indicates substantive progress; tan equals partial progress; and yellow means no progress yet)

23 Progress Towards Goals
(Green indicates substantive progress; tan equals partial progress; and yellow means no progress yet)

24 Progress Towards Goals
(Green indicates substantive progress; tan equals partial progress; and yellow means no progress yet)

25 Project Office Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, CANADA
Supported by the Canadian Forest Service and Canadian Space Agency Acts as panel secretariat. Staff includes Executive Director, administrative assistant, research associate, other professional and technical support as needed. Supports the Executive Committee and STB Provides external communications/user outreach Supports international participation in GOFC/GOLD meetings Maintains the GOFC/GOLD website and publications Manages project office budget Facilitates access to regional and global data sets Coordinates / promotes Canadian contributions to GOFC-GOLD

26 Canada’s Contributions
Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) Fine resolution land cover mapping Change Biomass Canada Land Cover Initiative (CLCI) Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) Fire danger and behavior observations Fire Monitoring, Mapping and Modeling System (Fire M3) Global Fire Danger Rating System Project (GFDRS)

27 Communications GOFC-GOLD produced a number of brochures, CDs and other communications pieces meetings are available on the GOFC-GOLD website ( The GOFC-GOLD Fire Implementation Team also maintains a website at Regional network websites: SEARRIN: SEAGOFC: OFSAC: Miombo Network: SAFNet:

28 Publications Effort now underway to reorganize and re-issue GOFC-GOLD reports and documents for public distribution Publication list to date includes 14 documents (from 1997) Now locating original text and designing standard cover and numbering system

29 Natural Resources Canada Northern Forestry Centre
Michael Brady Executive Director Natural Resources Canada Northern Forestry Centre Canadian Forest Service 5320 – 122 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6H 3S5 Canada tel.: (+1) fax: (+1) GOFC-GOLD Natural Resources Canada Canadian Forest Service Ressources naturelles Canada Service canadian des forêts

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