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Secondary Liturgy.

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1 Secondary Liturgy

2 Who is my neighbour?

3 A man approached Jesus and asked...
“Teacher, what must I do to have eternal life?”

4 And Jesus answered, ‘What do the Scriptures say?’
The man replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbour as yourself.’

5 Jesus said, ‘You have given the right answer.’
And the man said, ‘But who is my neighbour?’

6 We all know the story of the Good Samaritan who went out of his way to help the man in need.
Image: Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing

7 Who are the people who need our help and concern today?

8 Are we tempted to live in ‘our own world’ instead of talking to others?

9 Do we use the technology available to us to build real relationships or to avoid them?

10 Are we prepared to give up our time to lend others a helping hand?

11 Do we use our talents to bring pleasure and happiness to others?

12 Can we think of creative ways to reach out to the most marginalised?

13 How often do we say, ‘It’s not my problem’, and keep on walking?

14 Do we create opportunities to bring people together?

15 Pope Francis recently said,
How wonderful it would be, while we discover faraway planets, to rediscover the needs of the brothers and sisters orbiting around us.

16 Thank you for the communities in which we live and grow;
Let us pray… E te Atua, God of Love, Thank you for the communities in which we live and grow; Our whānau, our group of friends, our school, our parish, our neighbourhood.

17 Strengthen our awareness of the needs of those who orbit around us.

18 Help us to put people before products,
relationships before recreational activities.

19 Challenge us to go out of our comfort zones to interact with people from different backgrounds, cultures and generations.

20 Help us to be generous with our time and our talents.

21 Jesus showed us that life is about encountering the other.
May we remember that the other always has a face and a story.

22 Remind us of the need to be open and compassionate,
as we build a future together that includes everyone. Amen.


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