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Presentation on theme: "CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS IN NIGERIA"— Presentation transcript:

THE EVENT TO GROW YOUR CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS IN NIGERIA Welcome to the CPD certified programme September 2019

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3 Emad E. Aziz, PfMP, PgMP, PMP, PRINCE2P, CSSGB
Presentation Title SPEAKER: Emad E. Aziz, PfMP, PgMP, PMP, PRINCE2P, CSSGB President and CEO BRISK Business Inc. TOPIC: Mega Projects – Adopting Program Management Principles to Warrant Successful Delivery TIME: 9th September 2019 17:00 – 17:45

4 Presentation Title Presentation Title Agenda TOPIC
TEXT How do you define a Mega Project Common reasons for Mega Project Failure Comparing Project and Program Management Challenges with Mega Projects and how program management can help overcome them Action plan - how to apply to your Mega Project

5 How do you define a Mega Project?
Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT How do you define a Mega Project?

6 They can all be decomposed into smaller projects
Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC They can all be decomposed into smaller projects TEXT

7 What are the most common reasons for FAILURE?
Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT What are the most common reasons for FAILURE?

8 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC Leadership Vacuums
Common Reasons for Mega Project Failure Leadership Vacuums Objectives Out of Sight Over-Complicated Misaligned Work Lack of Resources availability Treated as Operations TOPIC TEXT

9 Project vs. Program Management
Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT Project vs. Program Management

10 Presentation Title Presentation Title The Context TOPIC TEXT Portfolio
Projects Programs Other Work Programs Projects Programs Projects Projects Projects Other Work Projects Projects

11 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT Source:
The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

12 Project Management Lifecycle
Presentation Title Presentation Title Project Management Lifecycle TOPIC TEXT Source: A Guide to The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)® – Sixth Edition

13 Program Management Performance Domains
Presentation Title Presentation Title Program Management Performance Domains TOPIC TEXT Source: The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

14 Program Management Lifecycle
Presentation Title Presentation Title Program Management Lifecycle TOPIC TEXT Source: The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

15 Program Lifecycle and Benefits Management
Presentation Title Presentation Title Program Lifecycle and Benefits Management TOPIC TEXT Source: The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

16 Presentation Title Presentation Title
TOPIC TEXT Challenges with Mega Projects And How Program Management Can Help Overcome Them

17 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #1 Inherent complexity given multidisciplinary works, activities, and scales TOPIC TEXT During Program Definition Break-down into smaller projects that address specific benefits Ensure all necessary capabilities are in place Ensure ability to access subject matter expertise and technical experts as needed Segregate between Project Management and Technical Subject Matter Expertise to avoid the Halo Effect Ownership of different components by different leaders Use agile approaches (iterations) to address knowledge work

18 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #2 Validity of assumptions may vary during the project lifecycle, and result in flawed or skewed planning. TOPIC TEXT Within Program Governance Apply program governance Use Phase-Gates Engage Stakeholders Listen to the people closest to the work Use rolling wave planning at Stage gates Adopt incremental delivery

19 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #3 Management is both a science and an art Project and Program managers must possess both skillsets TOPIC Successful Benefits Delivery Art of Management Scientific Tools and Techniques TEXT Gantt Charts, PERT Estimates, Network Diagrams, Communication Plan, Etc.… EQ Communication Skills Leadership Interpersonal Skills Coaching styles

20 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT

21 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #4 Stakeholder buy-in naturally fluctuates across the project lifecycle, even on the most successful of projects TOPIC High Natural Psychological Decline Level of Buy-in Result of efforts by PM team Low Start Project Life-cycle End

22 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #5 Decline in Stakeholder buy-in can have disastrous impact on projects and programs TOPIC TEXT Throughout Program Identify and map stakeholders, plan their management Proactively identify faltering buy-in Demonstrate Benefit Realization Minimize adversity Use rolling wave planning at Stage gates Expectations Compliance Benefit Assurance

23 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT
Tell them what you’re doing Show them the magnitude TEXT Tell them what you will give them Tell them how will they benefit And when will they get it

24 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #6 “Technical” or “Halo” Project Management typically leads to loss of sight of the project/program at large TOPIC TEXT Source: The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

25 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #7 Loss of context: many believe that success is delivering scope on-time, on-budget, and that anticipated benefits are not their responsibility Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT Source: The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

26 Challenge #8 Team members may feel apathetic towards the project
Presentation Title Presentation Title Challenge #8 Team members may feel apathetic towards the project TOPIC Engaged, committed, and productive team members Assurance of peer capability Assurance of peer commitment Motivation and Leadership Emphasis on “What’s in it for me?” Emphasis on impact of their work on community, client and performing organizations TEXT

27 Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC
Challenge #9 Loss of control over projects and unmanageable scope creep TOPIC TEXT Source: The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

28 Challenge #10 Resistance to change and/or lack of readiness for it
Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC Sustain Change Ongoing Communication and Coaching Measure Benefits Realization Manage Transition Transition to Business as Usual Measure Adoption Rate and Benefits Adjust Plan and Address Discrepancies Implement Change Prepare BM for Change Mobilize Stakeholders Execute the Strategy Train Users 360o Plan Change Define Approach Plan Stakeholder Engagement Plan Transition Integration Achieve Consensus Formulate Change Clarify Need For Change Assess Readiness for Change Delineate Scope of Change TEXT

29 Action plan - how to apply to your Mega Project
Presentation Title Presentation Title TOPIC TEXT Action plan - how to apply to your Mega Project

30 Initiating a Program vs. a Project
Presentation Title Presentation Title Initiating a Program vs. a Project TOPIC Initiate as a Project When: Initiate as a Program When: No need for ‘sub-projects’ No need to repeat PM lifecycle in every Workstreams/Work-packages Work required is clearly defined and does not require rolling-wave definition planning Creating multiple projects and assigning a number of project managers becomes a burden Low Complexity – work is straight-forward High strategic significance / exposure Need for multiple projects Need for multiple phases Managing the multiple projects collectively will give you greater benefit and/or control Workstreams/Work-packages are complex, highly-ambiguous, of large scope, and/or require the application of project management lifecycle to each one Benefits delivery is incremental throughout the initiative’s lifecycle Benefits delivery will not occur unless the outcome of more than one project is integrated

31 Remember: it’s all about benefits delivery
Presentation Title Presentation Title Remember: it’s all about benefits delivery TOPIC TEXT Source: The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition

32 Presentation Title Presentation Title Thank you! TOPIC
TEXT Emad E. Aziz, PfMP, PgMP, PMP, PRINCE2P, CSSGB President & CEO | BRISK Business Inc. 19 W. 34th Street Suite New York, NY United States Office: +1 (866) ex.707 Cell: +1 (646) LinkedIn: Facebook:



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